
new to me

I was eating my lunch like every other day, Addie was next to her boyfriend, Alex. I sat there quietly reading my book. No one ever really noticed me I liked that. I got to see who they really were because they didn't realise I was there. After the first week I saw that Alex had potential to be real writer. He wrote poetry and I'd read it. I constantly got bullied by a girl named Alexis along with her quiet friend. But that day Alex had invited the new kid to the table. He was about 6ft, with  brown hair, a couple tattoos and a bright orange hoodie. Alex introduced him to the table almost forgetting me. I looked up and smiled, he sat on the left of Alex one seat away from me.

        He watched me and I pretended not to notice. He was talking to Alex, but it wasn't until later that I realized he wanted to switch seats with him.

        Austin tapped my shoulder when I looked up he didn't say anything, so I poked him and said "I win" because you could see he wanted to talk but was too nervous. He asked me "What's that supposed to mean?" "I don't know just felt like you could use more than one friend right now.... and you started it" He smiled "I guess you caught me.... I was wandering if I could get your number and I didnt mean to start a game" "I know but I also knew you were nervous, so I figured I'd help you lighten up" I took out a piece of paper and wrote  "(330)895-1537" then handed it to him, he looked at it, smiled, and said "thanks... you want to hang out after school?" "yeah, but I would have to stay the night" He laghed for a while then got quiet "your not joking are you?" I smiled "not even a little" he sent a message then looked back up and said "ok. do you have clothes?" "no, do you have extra t-shirts?" "yeah, lets meet at the flag pole after school then" he said. "ok"

      I went to class and let my mom know what was happening

Me: do you mind if I stay at a friends house tonight

Mom: Do I know them

Me: No their new

Mom: As long as they arnt the opposite gender

Me: K thanks

I was so excited someone finally saw me
