

It was a regular day in Reijiro high as three students go to get lunch. The first in the group of Sophomores was a tall boy with platinum blonde hair and deep ocean blue eyes and his astonishing height of 6'3 towering above the rest around him, his name was Edward the exchange student in Reijiro high. Next to him was a stunning Japanese beauty with long midnight black hair, and narrow, bright sparkling purple eyes, a slender body with long legs and a rather flat chest, her name was Akane, her height was around 5'4. On the other side of Edward was a a Japanese boy who was 5'8 and had slender eyes so small you could barely see his pupils which were a deep abyssal black, he had fair skin and short slicked back black hair, his name was Tsuge.

"Hey Tsuge have you finished the homework yet?" Edward asked in an Appealing tone.

"Edward don't worry I'll help you, luckily I finished it last night." Tsuge responded.

"What about me?" Akane asked turning to Tsuge.

"Fine." Tsuge answered helpless to Akane's pleading.

As they continued suddenly a light appears under them, as it did a brittle voice could be heard between panting saying "C-coming, ha~ through!" It was a freshmen who had caused quite a stir in his first few days in the school as a freshman who had just transferred, Hao Xing. He would have been popular with his messy snow white hair and fair, pale skin, not to mention his glowing red eyes that resembled blood and his height of 6'2 being the second tallest student besides Edward. But unfortunately no one seemed to be able to interact with him.

This shocked the trio as Hao Xing neared them the magic circle beneath them glowed bright and just as Hao Xing entered the four of them disappeared from the face of the earth.

The four blacked out and as they came to their senses they saw a dazzling beauty before them wearing a white robe and had a crown decorated with a large ruby in the middle. She had long untamed blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"Welcome heroes to the world of Thari! I am Serena the holy maiden and princess of the holy kingdom of Atas." Serena greeted with a bright heart warming smile to the four.

"H-Hello my name is Tsuge. This here is Edward and she is Akane." Tsuge introduced after calming down and assessing the situation but he did not realise Hao Xing was there.

"Wait why is there four?" An old man asked with his croaky voice and wearing a dark purple robe with a yellow lining.

This made them all look over to see Hao Xing who was merely looking at them but noticing they all now had their eyes on him he started introducing himself "I am, Hao Xing nice to meet you."

"Your highness, th-" The old man could only get out before Serena stopped him.

"Heroes please follow me." She said as she opened a door behind her.

"Tsuge what do you think is happening?" Edward asked.

"It looks like we have been summoned to another world, just stay calm and lets see what is going to happen to us." He replied.

Hao Xing merely observed his surrounding to what they said as they approached a large steel door that had a golden pattern engraved.

"You will now see the king who will explain the situation, please be respectful." Serena warned as the large door opened revealing a large throne room where many nobles were lined up on each side of a red carpet which led to two thrones, on one sat a tall thin middle-aged man with scruffy black hair, dark black eyes with bags hanging underneath bringing out his bright blue eyes and seemed to had a cadaverous bone structure, the only bright thing he wore was his golden crown embedded with a ruby but he wore long black robes that covered every inch of his body only leaving his fingers bare as he rested his chin upon his hand.

On the other throne, however, sat a healthy young woman who had radiant hazel eyes and light brown hair resting over her shoulders, and he went all the way down to her stomach. Her gold crown matched her lustrous blue dress that had a white accent showing her strong assets.

"So these are the heroes? Should there not be only three Serena?" The man asked glaring at the four who were summoned.

"Father I would like you to explain to them first of the situation." Serena replied as she bowed her head slightly at the end of her sentence.

"Hmm, if you insist. Before I do that thought I ask for you four to have a look at your status and tell us your titles." The king commanded.

"Status." The four said;


Tsuge's status:

Name: Tsuge

Age: 16

Race: Arch Human

Title: Hero, from another world, one with vast knowledge.

Job: Sage.

Level: 1

Mana: 200/200

Qi: 0/0

Aura: 0/0

HP: 100/100

Intelligence: 200

Agility: 10

Strength: 5

Vitality: 10

Sense: 15

Qi: unavailable

mana: beginner, 1st class mage

Aura: unavailable

Remaining Stat points: 0

Skills: fast read, fast calculate, mana sense, chartless magic [locked].

Title/job perks:

Hero- language comprehension, demon king nemesis, fast levelling.

Sage- Magic affinity.


Akane's status:

Name: Akane

Age: 16

Race: Arch Human

Title: Hero, from another world, Righteous.

Job: Holy Knight.

Level: 1

Mana: 0/0

Qi: 0/0

Aura: 200/200

HP: 100/100

Intelligence: 80

Agility: 50

Strength: 50

Vitality: 50

Sense: 10

Qi: unavailable

mana: unavailable

Aura: Apprentice knight

Remaining Stat points: 0

Skills: Sword Cut, Aura Cut, Aura manipulation [beginner]

Title/job perks:

Hero- language comprehension, demon king nemesis, fast levelling.

Knight-Genius Knight.


Edward status:

Name: Edward

Age: 16

Race: Arch Human

Title: Hero, from another world, Martial artist.

Job: Martial Artist.

Level: 1

Mana: 0/0

Qi: 200/200

Aura: 0/0

HP: 100/100

Intelligence: 40

Agility: 70

Strength: 50

Vitality: 40

Sense: 40

Qi: Martial artist, beginner.

mana: unavailable

Aura: unavailable

Remaining Stat points: 0

Skills: Dominating fist, Qi fist, Qi manipulation [beginner]

Title/job perks:

Hero- language comprehension, demon king nemesis, fast levelling, holy element.

Martial Artist- Qi affinity.

What will happen next?

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