
Chapter 2

It was warm, tight and squishy and before i knew what was happening it suddenly just became weird. Sensations flooded my body all over, warm honey swamping every little pore and all i could do was yap for air. My ears felt like pin needles stuck in them as every sensation felt just that overwhelming. I felt myself being pushed around and slowly the goo that clung to me was lifted and i could start moving. Yet my body didn't move as i wanted it to, it was if when i tried to move my arm my leg moved, as if when i tried to look left, my entire body turned right. And there was also another problem...

Why was everything still dark?!

Am I blind? Why can't I see?

Another sharp noise pierced my ears.

My head felt like it was splitting and i could only yelp in pain.

And then everything was silent.

I woke up again.

Did i really pass out?

Where am I?

What time was it?

I took another sharp breath and this time I could actually hear something, a weird, highpitched yelp. Was that... Me? I tried another time, replicating that noise and sure enough, it came from me. The first that was at least. suddenly i was surrounded by another and then another and another voice before I couldn't differentiate them any further. It didn't help either that I was suddenly kicked and nudged and pushed around! Whats up with that?!

Another loud squeak escaped me as I got picked up by the scruff of my neck and carried around and I couldn't help but just hang there.

As I was put back down I could only feel something soft and warm in front of me and my instincts told me that i should latch on. And so I did.

Warmth, sweet fluid ran down my mouth and filled me so i just kept going.

I noticed that my siblings were placed besides me and at once point we just we all were fed and had our next nap together.

The next few days we all spent our days together like this, eating sleeping and not moving much but at the very least it was warm and felt save.

The days kept blurring in and out of one another until one morning something changed. I woke up with a big yawn and stretch my tiny body only to see something big and white in front of me.


I can see!!

Excitement shot through my body and my tiny limps felt like wings that carried me through the clouds as i kept moving around, trying to take in my surroundings with brand new eyes! Litterly!

Everything was still blurry but the more time passed the clearler the image became. Yet before I could fully explore everything it all became too much for me and I couldn't stay awake.

Again, the blinding light and the yawn that shook my entire body and a biiiiiiiggggg stretch! I couldn't help but feel happy, I could see the sun, trees, some greyish fur and a big happy wolf!


A... Big... Wolf...

I couldn't help but yelp and try to paddle backwards only to pump into something. Now is not the time to play my siblings! I willed my legs to move and slowly but surely i stumbled around, seeing my Siblings, all big bunch of four or so white fluffs, laying, sleeping in front of...

I looked up again only to come face to face with the next big white wolf, happily panting as it looked down at me. A bunch of sounds of all sorts of emotions came out of me as I tried to back away yet I quickly found myself in another corner and looking up I only saw the big maw, panting and drolling and-


Some globber landed on my nose followed by a big warm tongue, licking all over my face.

[I am not tasty you!... You!... Big wolfypleasedon'teatmeipromiseiamnottasty!!]

I tightly closed my eyes, awaiting those big teeth to grasp and chew me out but... that didn't happen. Slowly opening my eyes again, stealing a glance I didn't saw the wolf looking at me anymore instead it laid down, all around me with it's head on the ground and eyes closed.

[Huh? I am... save?]

As if to answer my question, the big wolf lazily opend a single eye and nudged me gently with its big black nose before laying back down. Turning to my front I saw a similar image, another big white wolf laying around and encircling my siblings.

[Wait... What... If those are... then these two...]

I looked down and saw two tiny white fluffy paws, crossing my eyes I also saw a black nose upfront.

[I am... A wolf? And those two are my parents?]
