
Who am I? What am I?

My name is Datrix Lujing, I am currently 17, and in high school. But...

I am not a normal teenager. In this world, there exists more than humans.

Among those there are vampires, werewolves, etc. but there are also Hybrids. Apparently I am one of the few hybrids. What hybrid am I? Well...

I am a Demon Werewolf. I do not have a full werewolf form, only that I my arms and my legs up to my knees will become like werewolves' and that I will get ears and a tail, along with a nose. Since I am part werewolf, I can apparently go out in the sun. But I still do have my vampire blood. Yes, I need to drink blood. I do have a bat form, but I usually just use my wings and not the form. I am a sophomore at Kamai, high school. There is a girl in my class that I have fallen in love with. I hope to marry her one day. She is quite the beauty, and a straight A student. She is just perfect for me.