
What's Your Gender, Princess?

With a heart full of determination to sacrifice myself, I decided to assassinate the Crown Prince from the neighboring country. However, when I woke up the next day, I discovered that I had transformed into him, and he me. Besides the feud between our countries, we had to confront numerous other problems - for instance, how we intended to bathe, how we intended to use the toilet, and most importantly, every morning, when I woke up, I always feel slightly embarrassed. He wasn't awkward in the slightest, just that he frequently forgot that I am a woman. Review: This has a similar vibe to "Empress with no Virtue" with an added body switch element for added hilarity. The MC is smart but she can be really clueless about a lot of things and the male lead has a blast teasing her and sometimes even stumbles as he explains some very awkward things to a curious MC, most of the time, she's like a child honestly believing his absurd explanations of how things work, which is absolutely hilarious to him and the readers! STORY CREDIT:  Credit for the story goes to the original wonderful author, Ze Mu...and the awesome translators Alyschu, 742, Liz Translation...and me, MiraiSaesang! ~~And If you have the wonderful urge to ever buy me a coffee. Here are the gateways and some love ʕづ•ᴥ•ʔづ♡♡♡  ko-fi.com/miraisaesang  patreon.com/MiraiSaesang  Thank you so much!! (✿^з^)☆

MiraiSaesang · 歴史
79 Chs

Chapter 44

I had nothing to say, okay?!

I was confused, scratching my head, I said: "The wine or something else definitely has a problem, we are just not right"

Wu Min Jun: "I agree with you... it should be a problem with the lamp. That fragrance... Oh, it should be Pingyang."

I wondered: "Pingyang? Why did she do this?"

"I don't know, she thought she was helping us." Wu Min Jun said with no expression, "She and Lu Lu came back to get the medicine list and then I went out to look for you, leaving them there."

I: "... Pingyang is too invincible, what was she thinking? Putting aphrodisiac in her royal brother and sister-in-law's lamp..."

Wu Min Jun sighed "It is my father that didn't teach well."


"You have the nerve to say this, is it not your bad example?!" I sighed helplessly, and looked down in the lotus pond. The water was changed regularly so the water was very clear, otherwise, it would be really dirty and cold.

The people who followed us from the palace had already arrived, and I told them to prepare hot water, and then climbed up out of the lake with Wu Min Jun.

The people all had stunned expressions, their faces were almost engraved with "What exactly happened?! I really want to know...", I felt very embarrassed, and put on an expressionless thick face and walked back to the palace as if nothing happened, Wu Min Jun was following behind, right now he was not faceless or calm looking, and he seemed a little embarrassed!

When we arrived back, Wu Min Jun and I took a bath, put on clean clothes, one person holding two hand stoves, another wearing a quilt in walking around to check what was in the oil lamps.

I couldn't see anything when I looked at it, but we didn't dare to light anymore, so we just had to sleep like this...

I said that I went to sleep, but how could I actually sleep?

As soon as I closed my eyes, that picture will appear in my head. The place I have just been kissed by Wu Min Jun seems to be burning a bit. I flicked my head and hoped to forget about this very inexplicable thing. The more I wanted to forget it, the more vivid it was. The final result was that my face was hot and scary. I had to put the stove on the floor and slightly uncover the quilt.

Speaking of it, Wu Min Jun should slowly be recovering his memory, then he will also feel a little embarrassed, right?

I glanced sideways to see Wu Min Jun and found him sleeping peacefully, breathing long and steady, probably very comfortable.

Me: "..."

Sure enough, you should not use your own thoughts and attitudes to speculate on Wu Min Jun's!

I don't know why I was a little angry, I turned my back and tried to fall asleep. Fortunately, with how long we have been running around, I was really tired, and I gradually fell asleep.

On the second day, as I arrived at the morning court, all the ministers seemed like they wanted to say something but were hesitating. I was shocked and wondered whether the news of the Emperor and Empress going out in the middle of the night to play in the water has been passed out already?!

After morning court, the TaiFu stayed behind and advised me: "Emperor, you...there is great love between you and the Empress, this is a good thing, but as a ruler of a country, you have to be decent..."

I shyly said: No, we just suddenly felt a little hot last night, so we went to the lotus pond..."

Taishi wondered: "Pond, what lotus pond?"

I: "...Oh? You are not talking about this? What happened... ..."

TaiFu looked helpless: "Emperor, your neck..."

I was puzzled and lowered my lead, but I couldn't see what was on my neck, but looking at the TaiFu's expression, I immediately recalled that last night, Wu Min Jun went down from the lips and lingered on the neck for a long time...

" ..."

I became very stiff: "This..."

TaiFu said: "In fact, the Emperor is young and full of enthusiasm, the Empress is passionate...nothing wrong, but ... can't be so conspicuous..."

I felt more and more embarrassed by him and said: "TaiFu is saying that last night I was not careful and need to be in the future."

TaiFu smiled: "This subject is thinking for the sake of the Emperor and so mentioned this, I hope the emperor has not taken no offense."

I hurriedly followed up: "Of course not, I am still thankful for the TaiFu."

TaiFu smiled gratifiedly, thinking him to be a promising young man, saluted and went away.

I remained speechless in place for a while. I wanted to go back and then I sneezed. I guessed it was because of the events of last night, I was catching a little cold. I quickly asked people to prepare ginger tea and returned to the Emperor's palace. Wu Min Jun was leisurely holding a cup of tea, I saw, it was also ginger tea.

"..." I opened my mouth and didn't know what to say. Suddenly I thought of something on my neck. I picked up the bronze mirror, left and right. I found a trace behind the ear. When I got up this morning, I was so stupid that I didn't pay much attention to it. Now, when I look at it, it's really...

Wu Min Jun also saw my movements and walked over to me with a smile: "This morning, did TaiFu say something?"

I coldly said: "Not just that, all the ministers noticed."

Wu Min Jun laughed: "That is really unbearable, never again."

I felt a bit strange, he said "never again". Was it something that he will never do with me in the future, or does it mean that he will never leave traces when he does those things that are overstepping, or even when he leaves traces, they will not be so conspicuous?

I was embarrassed by my own random guess. I didn't dare to continue to guess again. Then I asked, "Have you called for Pingyang?"

Wu Min Jun said: "Someone has been sent to call her."

Then he put his cup of ginger tea, which is still hot, in my hand: "First drink a few mouthfuls, if you catch a cold, it won't be good."

I said: "Is this tea poisonous?"

Wu Min Jun: "Didn't you see me just drink it?"

This sentence made me very embarrassed, so to conceal my thoughts I quickly lowered my head and took a big gulp, the result was sprayed out, just in front of me, onto Wu Min Jun's face.

Wu Min Jun: "......"

I: "Wow! It's really hot! Are you okay?! I didn't mean it! Ah... It's really hot..."

Wu Min Jun calmly took a clean cloth from the side and wiped his face and said: "Fortunately, it will not be disfigured."

I: "...Oh."

At this time, Pingyang's arrival was announced from outside, and Pingyang was followed in by Lu Lu in a guard's outfit. Before they get married, Lu Lu was first to act as Pingyang's personal bodyguard.

Very fitting... it wass really good enough.

After Pingyang came in, she smiled and said: "Did you sleep well last night?"

I said: "Taking your blessing, sleep was not good."

Pingyang doubts said: "How is it possible? I had put the calming the nerves water in your oil lamp last night ..."

She sniffed, and then said," You drank last night"

I said: "Yes..."

Pingyang said without words: "That is the 'water of the gods' brought by Lu Lu. It can help people fall asleep if put in the lamp. I wanted to help you rest as you worked so hard for me and Lu Lu, and so dropped two drops in each lamp... but this thing If someone in the room drinks alcohol, it will become... Oh, you already know."

I know, I almost practiced it personally...

I said: "Pingyang, then you should have informed us..."

Pingyang said: "I remember that royal brother does not like drinking, so I didn't think much... and generally speaking, isn't it just three or four lamps on? The amount was not much, unless you lit all the oil lamps on, then there will be a strong feeling."

I: "..."

There was no such thing as a monk: "..." I silently glared at Wu Min Jun, who was coincidentally looking to the heavens.

I awkwardly said: "Yes..."

Pingyang nodded: "Well, so I didn't think to inform you yesterday..."

Pingyang suddenly saw the traces behind my neck and said: "Wow, it seems to be very effective, royal sister-in-law is very enthusiastic."

Wu Min Jun: "..."

I said,"... Uh, uh, Pingyang, you stay out of this... Anyway, this stuff, you know, just don't drink, right?"

Pingyang nodded: " Yes, I used two drops yesterday and I had a good night's sleep."

I said: "Then don't have to get rid of it, you can keep it. Next time, remember to say something, or else... it will cause trouble. "

"I understand," Pingyang nodded and said again. "But how can this be a problem? Royal brother and sister-in-law must have been very happy last night."

I: "..."

Happy ghosts...

But I could only be perfunctory to save face: "Pingyang, you are a girl, asking so much..."

Then I Immediately remembered that she could not be considered a girl anymore.

I had to change the topic: "You and Lu Lu's marriage ... Do you have any ideas?"

When I mentioned her marriage to Lu Lu, Pingyang became excited and completely forgot about me and Wu Min Jun. One person kept talking endlessly, I listened absentmindedly, and occasionally helped to give some advice.

The marriage period between Pingyang and Lu Lu was also settled. Since Lu Lu did not know his background, we simply gave him one suitable to match Pingyang.

Lu Lu: "..."


One month was nothing but a blink of an eye. Soon, Princess Pingyang's marriage will be here.

First, with regard to the marriage, the managing minister of rites went to Lu Lu's home to announce the imperial decree announcing the marriage of Princess Pingyang to Lu Lu. Then Lu Lu had to select an auspicious day to send the marriage offering of gifts to the parents of the bride to request permission to marry. But because Lu Lu was alone, the marriage arrangements were simpler, Lu Lu brought the bridegroom's gifts to the bride's family, the gifts sent by Lu Lu were mostly prepared by Pingyang and Wu Min Jun, but Lu Lu also added his master's jade to the bride price, the jade was Pingyang's favorite.

Lu Lu then came to greet me, then he was received with a feast; food, drink, and some entertainment, then Lu Lu then went to the Empress's palace to greet Wu Min Jun. On this day, Wu Min Jun also invited many princesses to the Empress's palace for a feast- -this was also supposed to include the female family members of the Fuma, but since Lu Lu does not have family members, this was omitted, it was also supposed to include the Emperor's imperial concubines, but as there are none, therefore it was also omitted.

**(Oh, so the empress does have her own palace...LOL this is probably "her" first time in here, maybe except for their wedding night)**

On the day before the wedding, officials went out to send the dowry of Pingyang to Lu Lu's home. Pingyang is the favorite sister of the emperor, so the dowry is very luxurious, it is called the ten-mile red Make-Up, and Lu Lu greeted and received them at Changqing residence.

Princess Pingyang put on her wedding dress; the auspicious time arrived, and Pingyang then left with the guidance of the professional marriage auntie. Pingyang, although usually was a little mindless, today she was a little ominous, and when she started crying, I was a little moved and was sad with her. I turned to look at Wu Min Jun, his face was calm and did not show the grief or sorrow of parting. Afterwards, I asked Wu Min Jun and his answer: "Walk happily."

Princess Pingyang's chair rose to leave the palace under the guidance of the marriage auntie to begin the journey to Lu Lu's mansion--Certainly, this was also prepared for him by Wu Min Jun. The princess rode a large magnificently decorated sedan chair, then the marriage auntie and Pingyang's envoy of maids and guards filed along around the sedan chair; flanked around with military escorts. The entire team was very magnificent, and although it cannot be compared with Wu Min Jun and I's wedding procession, it was still serious enough to arouse envy in people, in my opinion, causing several young princesses to also be ready to make trouble.

What a pity that Wu Min Jun and I cannot see Pingyang and Lu Lu's nuptial chamber ritual.

On the ninth day of the wedding, as per custom Pingyang and Lu Lu returned to the palace to carry out the "thanking for kindness" greeting to me and Wu Min Jun. By convention, there should be a big banquet, but the harem and Lu Lu's family members are zero, so we decided to forgo it and so, sat for a while talking with Pingyang, seeing that she was doing well, Wu Min Jun and I were relieved.

Pingyang was married, Wu Min Jun and I also felt at ease, I also specially asked Lu Lu for a bottle of the 'water of the gods' for calming nerves -- as long as one does not drink, it was very effective in calming nerves, I will put it in the lamp often so that when I go sleep I will not dream and cease to be bothered by strange dreams.

Shortly after, Xi country's capital had its first snowfall. The winter in Xi was more intense than in Dong, the snow was falling loftily as if there were people in the sky who collected goose feathers and waited until this day to pour them all down.

It was not cold when it snowed. When I walked out in the morning, a big piece fell in my eye. I rarely ever saw such thick snow, I felt very happy and went down to play with the snow.

Wu Min Jun had always lived in Xi and has probably always seen such a snowy landscape every year, therefore he was very impatient.

He was lazy, in the winter he likes to nest inside the warm palace near a stove, holding a handwarmer wearing light clothes and going to sleep casually, the season inside was very different from the one outside.

I told him that if he was not willing to accompany me, I will dig a bucket of snow and pour it on his head, so he reluctantly accompanied me with a dark face.

I thought about it, since there was snow, we should build snowmen. But Wu Min Jun said, it will snow again and the snowmen will be covered and will disappear by tomorrow, I happily told him that we would just build more tomorrow then.

Wu Min Jun said that staring at the snow for so long won't be good for the eyes, I immediately ordered for black gauze, covered my eyes and handed another to Wu Min Jun.

He silently took it and then said that playing in the snow will make it easy to catch a cold that would last for a long time. So, I immediately ordered the servants to prepare good ginger tea and a warm oven, ready for use.

Wu Min Jun could not come up with any other ideas to dissuade me, he finally put on the black gauze and joined me to pile the snow for the snowman.