
What's with this unnatural disaster!?

Dongtae's life was changed after that dreadful day. His dreams which were thought of as silly, turned into a real nightmare for Earth. Mystical and unnatural disasters kept springing up all around the globe. How are our main character's going to survive this? Will they find the source of this hellish threat?

B0LTS · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 4: What in the world!?

Whilst the group were immersed in their conversation, on the other side of the world in China, something completely unheard of was happening.

Within the cafe there was a singular television. This television looked to be historic compared to the modern televisions and monitors people of this day and age normally have. But it served it's purpose. From football games to live news, this television broadcasted everything it needed to for the lovely customers of Cafe Nureo.

"This just in, on BBK News. Reports of a strange phenomenom happening in China. We have Fred on stand by within the city of Beijing, ready to give us his live report. Fred. What in the world is happening over there?" Said the news reporter on the television before the screen switched to what seemed to be Beijing.

Nothing was too out of the ordinary on the screen at the moment. It was just a different news reporter who goes by the name Fred, in a room with a microphone in his hand. However, Fred had a grave expression on his face. He looked confused, yet scared at the same time.

"Well you see Bill, over the course of the past 2 months, the water levels along the shores are slowly rising in the outer cities such as Tianjin. Reports show that it has risen by a grand total of 28 Inches. Not a noticeable difference to the naked eye, but considering that from now since the year 1993, the sea has only risen a maximum of 3.6 inches above what it used to be, this is a huge change. Scientists are putting it off as a matter of climate change and global warming. Until that appeared." Said Fred looking calm and casual, until the last line was said. His expression changed back to that of when the camera was first on him.

"I believe it would be best for me to show you instead of explain to you what exactly happened in Beijing just yesterday. Roll the footage." After Fred said this, a horrifying scene bestowed upon the television. There were the people of Beijing cowering with fear and terror. In the middle of nowhere, behind where the people where running from, a huge hurricane appeared. But it wasn't any normal hurricane, oh no, it was full to the sky, covered in the hottest flames. It easily engulfed countless building in it's sizzling stomach. Moving at a decent walking pace in a circle motion around where it originally struck down on this poor city. Swallowing countless lives, destroying many more buildings. No one could escape. Even the camera was sucked into the heap of spinning flames, ending the video abruptly. That day around 1/6 of Beijing's population was brutally murdered by this phenomenon.


"Dongtae… isn't that-" Lea was about to query something to Dongtae but was interrupted.

"That's what was in my dreams!" Dongtae interrupted with a wide open mouth, as if he was in shock. "No. No no no. This can't be really. That can't be real. It was just a dream!" Dongtae exclaimed whilst gripping his head. Tears appeared in his eyes as he looked down towards the table. For the first time in forever, Dongtae felt emotions. However, unfortunately for him, they were all negative ones. Fear, resentment, confusion, hatred. Millions of people have just been wrongly killed by something that appeared in one of his dreams. Something so inhumane, it was impossible for anyone to prevent it. But Dongtae still felt like he was the one to blame.

The other four at the table looked worried, and scared themselves. Worried for Dongtae, they just didn't know what to do. But they also felt fear from this unnatural disaster.

The most shocked out of everyone here was Ken. For he did not believe anything that Dongtae said about his dream. That was until he saw it before his very eyes through the news report.

No one had the right words in mind for Dongtae at the time. And even if they did, they wouldn't have had a the courage to say it anyway.

Is the world really becoming exactly like Dongtae's dream? They all wondered the same thing.