
Were in the world

slow at first but later will speed up after School. This is another world isekai type short novel. after school is finished we'll more about the transition will be revealed after chapter 7 some things may get more adult.

Bad_Grandpa · SF
13 Chs

4 school

How did.. Mrs daughter is snuggled up to me every morning How she does it I have no idea. I wake up and find the Fox kitten in full form warming my tummy.

Missy is 5 years old and has a major crush on me. I checked my windows and door every night and she's still here in the morning.

The first time I was awakened to chaos as everyone was looking for her.

after informing everyone she's found then I talked to Mrs. about finding her in my bed.

According to Missy she doesn't know how she got there.

Missy: He's so warm I just snuggled up and went back to sleep.

now every morning she's here and even with new security cameras even one in her room she just appears in my bed sleeping.

Finally school I'm not ready for.

I wait with 4 others going to my school including Missy whose in first grade. Caleb we get along so far he's a character and comedian.

We're actually in the same class also.

Caleb is actually 2nd in our grade academically.

I have to go to the principals office first then head to class to get introduced.

One of the jocks tried to trip me on the way to my desk I just stopped and waited for a few seconds before the teacher called him out.

Oh someone is upset.

fortunately word got around to the kin.

the Jock tried to intercept me but got blocked by several kin.

Jock is human and the gang of kin are notorious for protecting friends and family. Apparently I'm considered family to all Kin.

I somehow got seated between 2 wolf kin twin sisters Nieces of Kerry and granddaughters of Alexander.

Granddaughters of the Shaman gives them nearly celebrity status and Kin body guard students always show up if they are in trouble.

I'm beginning to believe every Kin female thinks I smelled nice and look cute.

Katelyn and Katrina introduced me to gymnastics and I fell in love with it.

Katrina an and Katelyn both have shoulder length black hair and fair skin with topaz blue eyes

My after school schedule now is taken up with gymnastics and tumbling.

Which means after homework and dinner Kerry comes over 3 days a week to bend me into pretzels again.

even the twins show up with her.

Missy hates them.

Alice gave me a computer language book which I learned in 2 days now I'm also taking after 4 months of normal school college level programming.

My language comprehension extended to computer languages also.

I can be either found in my room or in the gym.

With my addition to the gymnastics team and working with the twins our school made and won the regional finals we nearly made the national team but lack of experience was against us.

Soon the school year ended as Spring came into full bloom.

Middle School in a month.

Alexander finally came to see me and we along with Mr and Mrs Cabe locked ourselves in the study.

Alexander: Ok pull your shirt down.

You Thomas are a mystery.

My dreams Won't tell me anything and my Wolf says protect from all harm or tragedy will come.

I did get that your a Shaman for all Were Kin.

Every were kins animals want you protected.

you don't smell Kin individually because you smell of all kin so every Kin is confused and smells human on you but all Kin especially females are attracted to your scent.

Every Were kin you come in contact with shows on your tattoo.

and I would like a test.

Strip down and kneel inside this circle I'm drawing.

Ok finished now kneel.

picture a fox in your mind let the fox cover you. Ok now become the fox.

Suddenly my body feels fluid and hot.

I opened eyes to see Mr and Mrs also changed to full form struggling to get out of their clothes.

now shift to wolf the Same way and Alexander also shifted. Mr and Mrs changed back and started dressing.

Mrs Caleb is hot.

Mr Caleb is built like a rock.

Even Shaman Alexander is rock solid.

I shift back And get dressed.

Alexander: Amazing I couldn't stop my shift when you went wolf.

Mr. Caleb: Neither could we.

Alexander: You are truly I believe a Shaman which until recently was only considered a fairytale.

nothing leaves this room.

ask security if anyone else changed.

Suddenly boom and whimpering scratches at the door.

Mrs.: Missy!

Mrs unlocked the door as Missy launched herself through into Mrs arms.

I couldn't stop and I tried momma but I couldn't.

I'm sorry I tell Missy it was my fault we were trying some stuff and I must have sucked you into it against your will.

Now Don't tell anyone it's supposed to be a secret.

You have to try really hard not to come.to bed with me.

Alexander: this could be really bad.

my granddaughters also keep shadow walking in their sleep towards you at night I can put up shields around Thomas room or Missys room if you wish.

Mr. Cabe: Their both getting to old to be sleeping together so if you wouldn't mind Shaman.

I already put shields around my granddaughters room.

I've actually found them sleeping against the wall closest to this direction.

Their not even aware why they've been sleep walking.

Kerry has been helping them with gymnastics here so they definitely know the way and direction here.

Thomas I've got to find ways for you to block this otherwise it will cause nothing but troubles for you.

every Were Kin near you will be drawn to you and the more contact with were females willing to be with you will mean Major guarding of your abilities or your teen years will be filled with waking up with confused women and angry dads.

not to mention human police with statutory rape warrants.

Your going into intermediate school in a few weeks and I'm afraid I'm going to have to pile more on top of you.

Since I know what's happening now if my girls dissappear I'll know where to look and they better be untouched when I retrieve them Mr. Thomas.

Definitely sir, I'll protect them from anyone including myself Shaman.

I've still got 6 years of school to go through I'm too young and really not ready for anything more intimate.

I need training Shaman and soon.

You have a few months till gymnastics tryouts so we'll get started Saturday and Sunday till gymnastics season begins and see where we are then.

If you cannot control it by then we definitely don't need to find the females gymnastics squad in your bed one morning.

either learn or your going to have to drop it.

I understand Shaman and agree.

Since day one Missy has been popping into my room every night.

my beds barely big enough as it is.

Missy: Mom is like sleeping with Thomas his smell keeps bad dreams away.

And your little heater purring against me keeps me warm but we have to quit now little sister.

It's all my Fault Missy not yours ever.

* I find a piece of something in the water and try to hang on*