
Welcoming The Heir

Welcoming The Heir is the second novel of a series.  Following the newly appointed Luna Erica McClay, a werewolf-witch hybrid, alongside the Alpha Caleb McClay.  They are rushed into having to take over as the Alpha and Luna after the tragic death of the late Alpha McClay, Caleb's father. Along with the struggles presented by a surprise life threatening illness and as the witches come after the Luna and her unborn child.  The joys of welcoming the future heir of the pack. And the surprises that lay ahead for them.  Be sure to read the first novel of the series, Becoming The Luna.

Amy_Mitchell_4441 · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter One

We all head back to the suvs to head back to the palace after the graveside service for the late Alpha McClay. Evan rides in the first one with his mother. Caleb and I are in the second one. We arrive back at the palace door and go inside. The ballroom has been set up for a meal. While we were gone the staff prepared a meal for us. Along with the elders and council. We all take our seats and they bring in our food. It smelt so good but we still didn't feel like eating. But we managed to eat some of it and it did make us feel better to get some food in us. We did need to eat to keep our strength up and it was extremely gracious of the staff to fix us this meal after we had given them the rest of the day off. We will have to do something special for them. I'll talk to Caleb about it later. I would like it to be a surprise. I don't want any of them to over hear us discussing it. We finish eating and everyone is talking and telling Mrs. McClay how sorry they are. She seems to be doing a lot better now.

We head back to our quarters and change. It has been a hard day on everyone. We didn't dare turn on the tv because we know it would be full of news of the funeral. We get our showers. It feels good to get the sweat off us. It was so humid at the gravesite. We lay in the bed and Caleb turns to me.

"Honey, I love you so much. I don't know what I would do if something ever happens to you."

Caleb, we have a long life to live together. I love you too. There is something I want to talk to you about. I was thinking because the staff prepared that wonderful meal for us today and didn't take the rest of the day off. That we should do something special for them.

"What do you have in mind."

I was thinking about having a dinner catered for them all. They wouldn't have to do anything but just show up. And then giving them next weekend off. Maybe do the whole catered meal on Friday evening. We can have enough food delivered to the castle to feed the ones that live here for the whole weekend. We can also open the pool for them all to use over the weekend also. I know the staff doesn't get but a day off here and there. I would like to start giving them a whole week vacation.

"We can do the first things you mentioned. But we will need to work on the vacation week idea. I would like to give them some vacation time. We will work out the details tomorrow in the office. Because I have really missed my mate."

Caleb starts kissing me and pulls my gown over my head. He puts his hand on my baby bump and caresses it. Then leans down and kisses it. He slides his shorts off. Out pops his massive, erect cock. I have missed it so much. I lean over and wrap my lips around it. Taking in the whole thing sliding back and forth on it. Then I stop and take my time licking it.

"Baby you are going to make me cum to quick."

He stops me and pushes me back against the mattress and slides a couple fingers in me.

"You are so wet. You want me too. I see."

I nod yes. He removes his fingers and positions himself between my legs. I can feel his erection pushing on me wanting in. Then it rushes into me. Oh, it feels so good. Stretching me open, thrust after thrust. I can feel its head widening and my body giving into an orgasm. I grab him tight and my muscles contract so hard. I hear him moan and grunt. He cums in me and it lasts longer than it had before. It feels so good when he cums. The heat from his liquid sends a spasm throughout my whole body. He pulls out of me.

"Honey that was so good. I really needed that. Thank you."

You are very welcome, Caleb. I love you, so much. We lay in bed and talk a little longer. Then drift off to sleep. I wake up in the morning. Caleb with everything that has happened I totally forgot about my gynecologist appointment this morning. So, we get dressed and go down for breakfast. His mother isn't down yet and his brother is already there. They go ahead and bring our food in. His mother comes in and sits down. We are sorry for starting without you but we have an appointment this morning. We finish and head off to the doctor.

We arrive at reception and Ann greets us. Caleb and I follow her to a room. I change into a gown and get on the exam table. Dr. Russell comes in and starts talking to us about everything and what to start expecting. He does my exam and takes another picture of the baby for us. He speaks.

"The baby is growing nicely and where the two siblings passed doesn't seem to be interfering at all. Good luck to you both. I'll see you in about a month."

I get dressed and we head up to the office. Once behind the doors. Caleb says.

"Erica, I think it is about time for us to announce to the pack that we are expecting an heir."

I agree. I am showing and will be needing to get maternity clothes soon. I really hate for rumors to start. We don't want to start out keeping things from the pack.

"I will set things up to make a public announcement to the pack this afternoon."

That sounds good. I start making arrangements for the staff dinner Friday night. I call the best steakhouse in town. The Ranch has been ranked as the steakhouse for years. I order ribeye's and prime rib. Sides of mashed potatoes or a baked potato and asparagus or brussel sprouts. Also, a choice of salads and rolls. I pick for dessert a choice of strawberry short cake or hot fudge cake. I ask for beverages to be water, tea, and assorted wines. Caleb tells me it's time to make the announcement.

We go out onto the front balcony with a news crew. Caleb starts talking."

"The Luna and I have an announcement to make for the whole pack to hear. We are expecting an heir. At this time, we do not know the sex. But as for palace tradition once we find out it will be kept to us. It will be announced once the baby is born."

Caleb turns to me and places his hand on my stomach in front of the camera and smiles. We then kiss. Then we return to the office. Caleb and I sit at our desks finishing our work for the day. We both passing smiling glances at each other. With us making the announcement today that we are expecting an heir the packs eyes will be on us even more. Some of the palace staff already knew but were told to keep quiet and it appears that they did as told. I'm very proud of our staff. I have made all the arrangements for their catered meal Friday evening. The Ranch Steakhouse will close its doors that evening to be able to handle the event. They are using their own wait staff. So, our staff can enjoy their meals. I'm announcing to them in the morning about their meal and weekend.

"Are you ready to go down for dinner, honey?"

Yes, I'm starved. Will go to the dining hall and meet Caleb's mom before we enter the elevator. How are you doing Mrs. McClay?

"I'm doing as well as can be expected. Thank you for taking over so fast. The late alpha would be so proud. And I hear there has been quite the buzz about the baby."

We are sure it has been. The word of a new heir has helped lighten the mood in the pack since the late alpha's funeral. Everyone seems to have a smile on their face again. We arrive at the dining hall and take our seats. Evan is already there. The staff brings in our meal. I can't help but laugh at the food. It is baby carrots, baby potatoes and baby back ribs. A very cute reaction to today's announcement. We finish our meal and retire to our chambers.

Caleb goes to get in the shower and I draw me a bath. I get in for a nice soak in the tub. Caleb gets done and steps out.

"Honey, you look so peaceful in there."

I feel like I could fall asleep. I've been so tired since becoming pregnant. And I figured this would be a great way to relax. I want to look well rested tomorrow when I announce to the staff what we are doing for them. Caleb goes on into the bedroom and I hear the tv come on. I just lay my head back on the tub and enjoy the scent of lavender. I fall asleep. My body starts to slide down into the tub and I inhale water into my nose. I wake up instantly coughing. My nose is burning from the water. Caleb comes running into the bathroom.

"Are you ok? What happened?"

I felt so embarrassed to tell him. I feel asleep in the tub and got choked on the water.

"Erica, you have got to be careful. Are you ok now? Did you cough it all up?"

Yes. I'm ok. I'm sorry. I knew I was tired but not that tired. He helps me get out of the tub and dried off. I put on my night gown and we go into the bedroom. He puts me to bed and then gets in himself. We lay there watching tv and he has his hand rubbing my stomach. It's so sweet. I love this man so much and I've got the honor of having his baby. My heart is so full of love. I lean over and give him a kiss. I'm so happy, Caleb.

"I am too, baby. You are making us a family."

I hope I make a good mom. I would hate to disappoint you and the pack.

"Honey, you could never disappoint us. Look what you have planned for the staff. I don't ever remember my parents doing anything for them like that. You are going to make a great Luna and mother."

I hope.