
Welcome to Underworld

Having been bullied most his life by everyone close to him, Wes can’t believe it when he finds the entrance to UNDERWORLD, a place that could only be explained, as his best shot to the life he wants…now if only he could get this stupid status screen out of his face….wait what! This is WELCOME TO UNDERWORLD

Chronos_101 · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Chapter 014

Moments later, the owner comes back with a pile of armor in his arms.

Placing it on the counter, he explains that he had to make a few minor adjustments, to make it fit Wes's smaller body.

"It's easier to to decrease the size of an armor, rather than increase it," he says with a chuckle.

Must be some sort of blacksmith humor, thought Wes.

Inspecting his new armor, Wes was decently pleased with what he got. Ralph was right when he said this place was the best.


ReEnforced Light Armor

+5 defense


+2 agility

"I also saw you had no weapon," said the owner.

"I thought about it and I remembered I had these collecting dust. It can be used as both armor, and a weapon," he explains.

Bringing his hands above the counter, Wes grinned as he looked at what he was holding.


Smithys Gauntlets

+10 strength

It was a large boost in power and Wes felt it.

"Are you sure I can have these?" He asks, as his hands hover around them. It was like his body did the opposite of what his mouth was saying. He wanted them.

"These use to be mine back when I was an Adventurer," he begins to explain.

"After awhile I found something I liked even more than adventuring, and that was making weapons and armor."

Wes could feel his passion for his craft. This was a man who found his true calling.

"Seeing how these are just about your size, I think it's safe to assume they can be put to better use, with you," he says as he hands the gauntlets to Wes.

Taking them, he puts them on and gives a few squeezes.

"They feel good," he says, more than satisfied.

Happy with that answer, the Owner begins to ring up his items.

Taking off the gauntlets, Wes digs out his money and gives the Owner 10 copper.

Wrapping his items up, the Owner asks if there's somewhere he would like these sent to, or if he'd like to take them.

"Is there a cheap hotel or something near here?" Wes asked him

"It's a bit away and I have a feeling you wouldn't find it on your own. Sadly I cannot leave the shop, but you can purchase a Teleport Crystal if you'd like and teleport there.

Hearing that, Wes responded, "What if I already have one?"

"Then tell it you want to go to Skyline Motel," he said, " it's a decent cheap hotel."

Wes thanked the owner and told him he'd call for his things once he got settled into a room.

Pulling out his Blue Crystal, Wes said "Skyline Hotel."

After a second, the scenery changed and now Wes was standing in front of a door.

Looking around, he could see he was in a building.

A woman with a cart was walking down the hall away from him

"Hey!" He shouted

The women turns to look at him

Wes froze as he looked at the woman's face.

Or should I say,

Lack of.

Wes gulped, as the women stopped her cart and made her way over to him.

Thinking the worst, Wes was about to pull his Sword from his inventory, but before he could, she was standing in front of him.

Looking up at her, he noticed that there were no facial features of any kind. Her skin looked smooth, and even thought she had no eyes, Wes could feel her gaze on him.

"I-is this the S-Skyline hotel," Wes asked, not even knowing if this women could answer him back

Nodding, the women pointed over to the door, and motioned for Wes to place his hand on the metal frame of the door.

Wes did as he was told and touched the frame

A screen came out of nowhere, and Wes jumped back, still on high alert.

[5 copper/ a night] [rent this room? Y/N?]

Wes was surprised how sophisticated the technology was in this place. Coming here, he had seen lots of things that probably would never make it topside.

A small tray was ejected from the left of the door, and Wes guessed that this is where he paid.

Tossing his money into the tray, it closed up and a light click could be heard from behind the door after a few seconds.

Wes, thanking the women for her help, she bowed to him and left back to her cart.

"What a weird women," thought Wes as he opens the door to his room.