
Welcome to Underworld

Having been bullied most his life by everyone close to him, Wes can’t believe it when he finds the entrance to UNDERWORLD, a place that could only be explained, as his best shot to the life he wants…now if only he could get this stupid status screen out of his face….wait what! This is WELCOME TO UNDERWORLD

Chronos_101 · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Chapter 011

The Door in the side of the wall, was smaller than Wes had expected. If someone like General Ian knew of this door, did that mean he used it to?

Wes chuckled to himself as he imagined someone as big as Ian, squeezing through this small entry way.

Interrupting his funny thought, the door opened and standing in the doorway, was a girl. She had her own suit of armor on, although a much lighter version from what Wes could see. on her back, a quiver of arrows could be seen as well as a bow.

She was a bit taller than Wes, looked to be in her mid 20's, and was very beautiful.

"Hi," she said as she extended her hand towards Wes.

"Uh hi," Wes said nervously reaching to shake her hand

Quickly pulling her hand away and giving Wes a weird look, Wes wondered what he did wrong.

"weapons, not your clammy hands," she said, looking at him as if he were crazy for attempting to touch her

"O-Oh.." Wes stammered out

Having put the Sword he used against the Queen Widow, back into his inventory, Wes had almost nothing on him.

"I don't have any weapons," replied Wes slowly

"Let me get this straight," she said.

"You expect me to believe you came from the middle of nowhere, with no weapons of any kind??"

"That's basically what happened," Wes shrugged.

She rolled her eyes at him with a sigh.

Wes was curious about who this girl was.


Name: Rita Grodd

Level: 21

Rita gave Wes a once over and from what he told her, it looked like he was telling the truth."

"What Rank are you?" She then asks.

"Rank?" Wes says not having any idea what that meant

"Do you seriously not know what ranks are?" She asked giving him a look.

The clueless look on Wes's face, however, answered her question for her.

"Ranks are decided through Strength and Skill," she began.

"Starting off is Bronze, Silver, and Gold."

Wes nodded as he listened.

"Those three each have 3 stage of their own."

"Proving Youre strength, one is able to rise up the ranks."

"How do u prove ones strength?" Wes asked, "just out of curiosity."

"Besides Quests, which you can get from the guild buildings in the city, there are opportunities all around Underworld that allow you to raise your rank as rewards," She Explained to Wes.

This was some good information for Wes to know.

[New Quest]

Find A Guild Building, And Register as an Adventurer.

Reward: 5 Exp

Wes looked at the new Quest that popped up. He was a bit bummed at the low reward, but at least it was something.

"Can you show me where the nearest guild building is?" Wes asked Rita.

Thinking for a moment, she hesitantly agreed and let him through the door.

Locking the door behind Wes, Rita told him to advance through the small hallway to the other door. Walking over to the other door, Wes turned to see Rita closing a metal gate as a secondary measure to ensure nobody gets through here easily.

Rita, having finished, walked past Wes and opened the door.

"After you," she motioned for him to head through.

Wes complied and exited the hallway, to find himself in a corn field.

"Corn?" Wes asked.

"These are the outer farms," Rita said as she locked the last door and walked over to Wes.

"Take this," she said as she held out her hand.

Wes opened his palm, and Rita dropped a small Blue Crystal into it.

"What's this?" He said, eyeing the small rock

"That is a Transport Crystal," she said.

Giving up, she had come to the realization that this kid knew nothing. So she used all of her kindness to try and answer his questions, no matter how basic they were.

"This crystal was created for this specific City, so it can only take you to a place in Felt City and Felt City alone."

Wes was amazed. This was the first he had heard about someone using teleportation. He had always thought about how that would be an awesome power to have, but coming to this place and finding out it was a common thing, made Wes wonder what else this Underworld had to offer.

"How does it work?" Wes asked after a moment

"Tell it where you want to go in Felt City and it will take you," she replied.

Wes raised the crystal to his mouth

"Uh, guild building?" He said hesitantly.

After a moment, Wes thought this was a joke and was about to protest, but before he spoke, Rita was gone, and he was standing in front of a large building.

People walked past, giving small glances at Wes but it seemed for the most part that they didn't care about him . Wes was just another face in the crowd.

"What the hell," he gasped as he looked around.

"It worked," he said astonished.