
Wei Lost Emperor

Amid a war-torn kingdom plagued by treachery and darkness, Zhang Wei needs to unravel a hidden legacy that could change the fate of an empire from the secrets of a forbidden love affair to the depths of betrayal through a journey of the web of intrigue and danger. With every step closer to his destiny, Zhang Wei discovers the shocking truth behind his mother's execution and the conspiracies surrounding him. As he rises through the ranks, forging alliances and gathering strength, he becomes a formidable force that threatens the very foundations, especially those who seek to keep the truth buried. Will Zhang Wei's quest for justice lead to redemption and the restoration of an empire long lost, or will the shadows that lurk in the darkness consume him before he can claim his rightful throne? (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · 東方
387 Chs

The Brave Defender

Amid the impending darkness, as the Raven's cruel intentions bore down upon the village, a ray of hope emerged. His name was Li Jie, the 15-year-old boy, who, spurred by a surge of courage and the need to protect his family, stood defiantly in the path of the lust-hungry bandits.

"Let her go," as Li Jie's young frame blocked the way, his voice rang out.

The bandits, initially taken aback by this unexpected act of bravery, soon erupted in cruel laughter. They pointed derisively back toward Chief Changming, who was now being tended to by some of the villagers, including his wife, Mrs. Xiaoyun. Their mockery was relentless as they taunted Li Jie, asking if he wished to share the same fate as the battered man.

But Li Jie remained unshaken. Instead of succumbing to fear, he tightened his fists and assumed a determined stance. With a voice that quivered only slightly, he addressed the bandit who held Xiao Mei.

"Let her go," he commanded, his words laced with a surprising authority that belied his youth. It was a plea, a demand, and a challenge all in one.

"What's this, a little hero in the making? You think you can stop us, boy?" The bandit who had a vice-like grip on Xiao Mei's arm chuckled darkly, his rotten breath hot on her face.

"I won't let you hurt her. Let her go now," Li Jie's jaw clenched, but his resolve didn't waver.

"You hear that? He won't let us hurt her. What do you say, men? Shall we show this young hero what happens when you defy the Raven?" This proclamation only fueled the bandits' amusement. They exchanged mocking glances and continued to jeer at the young defender.

Their laughter grew louder, echoing through the night, as they closed in on Li Jie. The girl, her eyes wide with terror, clung to herself, feeling that Li Jie had taken recklessness as a form of bravery. Li Lanxin, her heart heavy with fear for her son and the girl whom she considered as family, watched helplessly from the crowd.

The bandit, still holding onto Xiao Mei, leaned in closer to Li Jie.

"You've got spirit, kid, I'll give you that. But you're in way over your head. You see," he sneered. "We are the Raven. We do as we please, and no one can stop us."

Li Jie's hands trembled slightly, but he refused to back down. He locked eyes with Xiao Mei, his silent promise of protection giving her a glimmer of hope.

"I won't let you take her," he whispered.

The bandit's grin widened as he savoured the fear in the boy's eyes.

"Very well, hero," he said with mock courtesy. "You asked for it."

With a sudden, violent motion, he shoved Xiao Mei away from him, sending her stumbling backwards. The other bandits closed in on Li Jie, circling him like hungry wolves, their laughter turning into menacing growls. It was a standoff, a test of wills and courage, as the brave defender faced the Raven's merciless wrath.

In the dimly lit village square, the confrontation between the fearless Li Jie and the Raven bandits unfolded like a dance of shadows. Li Jie, though young and slight of build, moved with a grace and skill that belied his age and size.

He struck first, a lightning-fast jab that caught the nearest bandit off guard. His small fists packed surprising force, and the bandit staggered backwards, clutching his jaw in pain. The other bandits, initially amused, now eyed the boy warily.

Li Jie's movements were a blur of calculated strikes and evasive manoeuvres. He ducked beneath a swinging punch, delivering a swift kick to another bandit's kneecap. The man howled in agony, collapsing to the ground.

The bandits exchanged incredulous glances as Li Jie continued to hold his own. They stumbled over each other, their coordination faltering in the face of this unexpected resistance. Their initial mockery had given way to a growing sense of unease.

"Who is this kid?" one of them muttered between laboured breaths.

"He fights like a demon," another replied, clutching his bruised ribs.

The bandits were confounded. They had never encountered a young defender like Li Jie, and doubts gnawed at their confidence.

"Who taught him these moves?" one of them hissed.

But before Li Jie could become the hero of the night, disaster struck. From the shadows, a bandit armed with a salvaged wooden pillar from one of the burned houses launched a surprise attack. The pillar crashed against the back of Li Jie's head with a sickening thud, and the young defender crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

As Li Jie lay motionless, the bandits, emboldened by their momentary victory, closed in like vultures. They were about to deliver a brutal beating to the defenceless boy when a cry cut through the night.

"Leave him alone! You've done enough!" It was Li Lanxin, her face twisted in desperation and rage, as she shielded her unconscious son with her own body.

The bandits halted, their faces contorted with a mixture of cruelty and hesitation.

"We hate beating up women," one of them sneered. "But we do love to play with them."

With that ominous proclamation, they seized hold of Li Lanxin, one on each arm, and began dragging her away. She resisted with all her might, tears of anguish streaking her face, but she was outnumbered and overpowered.

"Shut up women," the one who grabbed hold of Li Lanxin scoffed. "You're going to pay back for all the damage your little boy had done to us using your body."

Xiao Mei, her eyes wide with terror, reached out for her mother, but she too was roughly yanked away. The bandits forced the two helpless women toward an empty, scorched house that still stood as a grim reminder of the Raven's cruelty. Inside, darkness swallowed them whole, and the village's cries for justice were drowned out by the night.

Inside the desolate house, the bandits began their search for ropes to bind both Xiao Mei and Li Lanxin. They rummaged through the debris of the burned building, their eager anticipation of what was to come palpable in the air.

"Two of you, stand guard outside. We wouldn't want any interruptions while we enjoy our little playtime," the leader, his eyes gleaming with malicious desire, issued an order.

"Why should they get all the fun first? We've been waiting for this," One of the bandits, however, couldn't help but protest, his voice laden with lecherous impatience.

"Don't worry, my friends. There are plenty of villagers outside to choose from. We promise you'll have your turn, and you won't have to share," the leader, his authority unquestioned, leaned in closer, a sinister grin playing on his lips.

Eagerly, a few of the bandits rushed to the door, bolting it shut as they prepared to stand guard. The leader turned his attention back to Li Lanxin and Xiao Mei, who had been trembling with fear.

The bandits, their hands shaky with anticipation, approached the two women to begin tying them up. Their touches were sinister, lustful, and greedy. As they bound Li Lanxin, their hands brushed against her, groping her breasts and hips as they worked, their laughter echoing with cruel pleasure.

Xiao Mei, her face streaked with tears, suffered the same horrifying indignity. The bandits took perverse delight in violating her modesty as they tied her down.

But as one of them leaned in, emboldened by his cruel desires, attempting to steal a kiss from Li Lanxin, she summoned every ounce of her strength and spat at him. Enraged, the man's palm cracked across her cheek, leaving a burning mark.

"Filthy wench," he hissed, his temper flaring. He turned to his companion and demanded. "Get me some cloth to gag her. I don't want to hear another word from her mouth."

With a wicked grin, one of the bandits moved to fulfil his friend's command, eager to silence Li Lanxin's defiance once and for all.

As the bandits began to undress Li Lanxin and Xiao Mei, their lecherous excitement reached a fever pitch. Their crude laughter filled the room as they discussed their sordid preferences, debating between the inexperienced virgin and the mature allure of the milf.

Once they had made their depraved choice, they wasted no time in forcefully removing the women's clothing. Fumbling and unskilled, they tore and ripped at the fabric, leaving Li Lanxin and Xiao Mei in their du dou, their modesty barely preserved by the tattered remnants of their garments.

The bandits, their bloated bellies grotesquely hanging over their trousers, advanced further, eager to gratify their dark desires. But before they could proceed, a knock on the door echoed through the room, bringing a sudden halt to their sinister intentions.

The door creaked open to reveal Ren Jiahui, standing tall with an air of authority. The two guards stationed outside quickly explained that this man had insisted on seeing their leader.

Ren Jiahui's gaze swept over the scene unfolding inside the house, and he uttered a single, damning word.



Forgive me for my impudence yesterday. And now, let's go with another 'pun of the day'

Pun of the Day:

Why did Li Jie become a legendary defender?

Because he gave the Raven bandits a "featherweight" lesson they'll never forget!

Aki_Kurecreators' thoughts