
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

PoweredbyDarkness · ゲーム
145 Chs

Chapter 54: Joy

Kelrian's breaths were heavy, his skin was sweating and his heart was beating rapidly in his chest. He was exhausted. Exhausted for a certain reason. He had done something both of them had enjoyed and he had done it pretty well. The expression on Sylvanas' face and the loud sounds which had escaped her lips were proof enough. He had satisfied his girlfriend pretty well.

He still stood in front of the table on which his pregnant girlfriend was lying. Her legs were still spread, her hands still rested on her breasts. She was also breathing heavily and her skin was covered by sweat. He was leaning over her and propped his left arm on top of the stared into her eyes as he slowly pulled himself together and relaxed. He was overwhelmed from the orgasm he just had so he needed a few more minutes to calm down.

He stared into her eyes but didn't say anything. He didn't need to say anything because Sylvanas was silent as well. They enjoyed the pleasant silence together. Kelrian pulled away after a while and gave her a happy smile. Sylvanas lifted her upper body up as soon as he was no longer inside her. She noticed that a small amount of a sticky white liquid flowed out of her womanhood. She couldn't keep all the cum he had shot inside her. She wiped it away with a handkerchief before she got up and stepped to Kelrian, wrapping her arms around his upper body.

"I really enjoyed it. It feels good to just lay there and let you have your way with me."

Kelrian grinned. "It's rare that I'm not the one who is lying on the back. I really enjoyed it."

"Don't get used to it, my dear. The next time I will show you how dominant I can be even with a baby in my belly."

Kelrian's grin became wider. "I'm looking forward to experiencing it."

"And I'm looking forward to having sex with you when I'm not pregnant anymore."

Kelrian nodded. "Same."

"You have to know that I'm a lot hornier since I became pregnant."

"I noticed that."

"But don't forget to tell me when you are not comfortable with making love to me while our child is growing in my belly. There is another hole you can make love to."

Kelrian put his left hand on her cheek and caressed it. "I'm not the biggest fan of making love to anyone's other opening so I rather go with the traditional way."

Sylvanas' teasing smile was unmissable. "I just wanted to tell you that this would also be an option."

"Taking your anal virginity was already enough for me, my dear. I think I have already enough of this hole. I'm fine with our usual love-making. I don't want to change it."

"Good to hear. That way I don't need to be afraid that I wouldn't be able to sit properly for a few days," Sylvanas said in return.

Kelrian blushed. "Now you are exaggerating."

"I am, but just a little. You were very gentle that day but my ass had still hurt for the rest of that day."

"I didn't ask for this gift. You were the one who offered me to pay your other hole a visit."

Sylvanas chuckled amused. "Man, you are so easy to tease," she said and patted his left shoulder playfully.

Kelrian didn't say anything in return but he put his hand on Sylvanas' head and ran his fingers through her gorgeous hair. She smiled at him as he did that for a while. "You really like my hair, don't you?"

Kelrian put a strand of hair in his hand and brought it to his lips. "What can I say? It's the most beautiful hair I've ever seen in my life. It's so soft but still looks so strong. Even the sun is envious of its beautiful colour. It's hard to describe how it feels when I touch it. I can only say I really enjoy running my fingers through it."

Sylvanas smiled. "I like your hair as well. Not many quel'dorei comb their hair to the side. It's unique and looks good."

"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me for speaking out the truth."

"But I'm still doing it."

"I won't stop you then," replied Sylvanas and grinned. Kelrian wrapped his arm around her, pulling her as close as possible to him. Her belly was pressed slightly against his muscular stomach. He didn't stop to stare into her eyes, noticing that she was doing the same. They held eye contact for a while, pulling away when Kelrian's stomach growled.

Sylvanas chuckled as she spotted the slight blush on Kelrian's face. He cleared his throat. "I guess I haven't eaten for a while."

Sylvanas pulled away and guided him over to her bedside table on which a bowl of fruits was standing. She signalized him to sit down and he did that without hesitation. She sat on his lap and picked up the bowl, starting to feed him with some grapes. Later she handed apples and bananas over to him. She also ate fruits because she was also very hungry. Basically, she was eating for two so she needed to eat much more than usual.

Together they emptied the bowl within half an hour but Kelrian was still hungry. "Do you have anything else to eat here?"

Sylvanas checked the surroundings. "I don't think so but I can ask Janette to bring us something. If you are patient enough, I can even ask her to cook us a decent meal."

Kelrian didn't think about her offer for too long. "I don't really mind waiting."

"Should I tell her to cook something for us?"

Kelrian nodded. Sylvanas smiled and kissed his cheek, getting up from his lap. She walked to her wardrobe and took out a white cloak, wrapping it around her body. She gave Kelrian one last look, catching the kiss, he blew to her, with her hand. She put her hand on her heart and winked at him. He did the same as she blew a kiss at him. He regarded her until she left the room and closed the door behind her.

He got up from the bed eventually and put his underpants back on. But only them, he didn't put any other piece of cloth on, so Sylvanas could ogle him later if she wanted. He noticed that his head started hurting again so he walked over to his bag and pulled out one of the flasks. He removed the lid and brought the flasks to his mouth. He had intended to take only a small sip but in the end, he emptied half of the flask because the mixture tasted too good and made him want more. The more he drank the longer the effect will endure so it didn't really matter that he had drunk more than he had wanted.

Kelrian put the lid back on the flask, making sure it was really closed before he put it back in his bag. He stared at his bag, remembering the conversation he had with Sen'za after she had been freed. He had talked to her one last time before she had left Silvermoon City.


"Ya shouldn't take it taa often if it has dese effects on ya. I neva thought dat dis mixture can make ya addicted. My family neva got addicted when dey consumed it regularly for a certain amount of time. Dey took it for weeks until dey were able ta sleep again without havin' nightmares. No side effects eva occurred when dey took it. It seems dat de mixture affects ya differently. It makes ya addicted and ya don't feel so good if ya don't take it for a few days. Dat is not good."

Kelrian nodded. "I know but I have no other choice. The nightmares don't want to go away. I can't sleep properly without consuming your mixture. I know it's not very healthy but I have no other choice."

"Ya have anotha choice," responded the troll alchemist.

Kelrian raised an eyebrow and gave her a curious look. "Tell me."

"Stop takin' it and speak with de alchemists in Silvamoon. Maybe dey have somethin' for ya dat helps ya and makes de nightmares go away for eva."

"I already asked them. All the medicines they gave me hadn't worked in the long run."

"I'm afraid dat dere is nothin' else I can do for ya. Ya can add cherry blossoms and dragonhawk feathers. Dey might make it betta. Ya have ta try it. I can't guarantee anythin'."

"I will ask one of the alchemists I know and then I will consider if I should try this new combination."

"Do dat."

*End of Flashback*

Kelrian averted his gaze eventually, not knowing how much time had passed. He looked at the clock on the wall, finding out that he had spent fifteen minutes staring at his bag. He turned around and walked to the bed, sitting down eventually. He started to think about the mixture again. He had added ten cherry blossoms and three feathers in the pot so he was hoping that they would make a difference.

The alchemist had told him it was not wise to drink the mixture without testing it before but he had done it nevertheless. He couldn't bear the nightmares nor did he wanted to consume this mixture for the rest of his life. He had to find something which would make the nightmares disappear forever. He just wanted to sleep without having nightmares. He wanted to share a bed with Sylvanas without needing to wake up in the middle of the night.

Once the baby would be born, he would have to stand up in the middle of the night and comfort the baby from time to time. He was sure he would stay overnight in Sylvanas' room once the baby would be born. No matter if they would make their relationship official or not. Thanks to his father, rumours about him and Sylvanas had already been spread and were still spread. It was not unlikely that they would tell the public that they were a couple.

Kelrian hoped the baby wouldn't cry every night so he would get enough sleep at least at some nights. If not the baby, the nightmares would keep him awake. It wouldn't take long until he would collapse in the middle of the day if he wouldn't get enough sleep every day. He couldn't allow that to happen, especially during times of war where he needed to be focused. He wouldn't be entirely focused if he wouldn't get enough sleep. Lack of concentration could quickly lead to his death. He didn't want to die and leave Sylvanas alone with their baby so he had to make sure he would get enough sleep.

He was sure the war against the Horde will be over soon but nobody knew how many wars would await them. He could not exclude that no further wars would take place in the future. He had to be prepared for anything and he couldn't allow himself to get distracted in an important situation. He had to find a way to get rid of his nightmares and he wouldn't shrink back from experimenting a bit.

He trusted Sen'za. He knew she wouldn't recommend him a mixture that would harm him. Her love potion may have not worked the way she had wanted but her other potions probably had. Zul'jin wouldn't have allowed her to work for him if she would have sucked at what she was doing. There must have been a reason why he had allowed her to work for him and made her to his right hand. She must be a talented alchemist, otherwise, she wouldn't have been in the position she had been before she had fled.

Kelrian trusted her skills and her knowledge and he hoped that the newest additions to the recipe would make a difference. He felt no difference so far but the headache had disappeared. He could only hope the new mixture would change something in the long run.

Kelrian was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't notice that Sylvanas had entered the room and walked over to him. He got a fright and nearly fell from the bed. Sylvanas tilted her head and regarded him, a frown was visible on her forehead. "Are you okay?"

"Yes...Yes, I am. I was just... lost in thoughts..."

"What were you thinking of?" Sylvanas asked curiously, her brows were still raised.

"I...," Kelrian paused for a moment and considered if he should tell Sylvanas about the medicine he was consuming to stop his nightmares. He wanted to tell her but he knew she had already enough trouble with the still enduring war and the baby that was growing in her belly. He didn't want to bother her with his problems. She was already busy and worried enough. He didn't want to make her more worried than she already was.

He decided to lie to her. He thought telling her a white lie was the best for her and their child. It wouldn't be good for the child if Sylvanas would be worried and stressed all the time. He thought it would be better if he wouldn't tell her about the mixture. He hoped the new mixture would work so he would never have to tell her about his problems. He hoped the nightmares would disappear soon and never return.

"I thought about my brother," he responded. He hadn't come to terms with his brother's death yet so it was not a real lie. It was true that he thought about his brother very often. He just hadn't thought about him at the moment but Sylvanas couldn't know that. She believed him.

Sylvanas' facial expression changed. There was worry but also sympathy. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moved closer to him. She put her head on his left shoulder and snuggled closer to him. Her voice was low but full of sympathy. "I'm so sorry about what happened to him. I would have come to you and comforted you but Zetai told me that you wanted to be alone with your family so I waited for a week before I told Janette to find you and bring you to me."

"You made the right choice. I have needed some time with my family. They needed me, soI couldn't leave them alone for the first few days. I wanted to be near them and help them as best as possible," Kelrian responded.

"How are they feeling?" Sylvanas asked worriedly.

"Better, I guess. Their hearts are still broken and they haven't accepted Seitor's death yet but they are doing better. They will need more time to accept his death."

Sylvanas caressed his cheeks. "What about you?"

Kelrian sighed but didn't respond at first. He was silent for a few minutes because he was ordering his thoughts. He gave her an answer as soon as he was ready. "I feel better as well. I haven't come to terms with his death yet. I will need more time but... Yeah... I'm okay." He turned his head and stared into her eyes, noticing that the same worried expression was still reflected by her face. He put his hand on her cheek and caressed it, signalizing her that he was okay.

"If there is anything I can do to make you feel better, just say it."

"I just need some distraction. I don't want to forget him but I don't want to think about him all the time. I can't stop thinking about him when I'm alone or in the same room as a member of my family. We only talk about him so don't be mad that I don't want to talk to you about him. I want to enjoy my time with you and think about something else."

Sylvanas nodded slightly, giving him a small smile. "I will be there for you whenever you need me and do my best to comfort you. I won't leave my house as long as no important person wants to see me. Feel free to visit me whenever you want. You don't have to care that anyone sees you. People have already started rumouring about us thanks to your stupid father. They will put two and two together and find out quickly that you are the father of my child. We don't have to hide anymore."

The last sentence surprised Kelrian so much that he was unable to say anything in return. He had never expected that Sylvanas would tell him that she didn't want to hide their relationship anymore. He had expected that they would talk about everything and he would be the one who would convince her that it would be better to make their relationship public.

He had never expected that because Sylvanas was the one who had wanted to keep their relationship secret from the beginning. She was the one who had been afraid that Kelrian would get into unnecessary trouble and get hurt by a jealous admirer or ex-lover.

She still was worried about him but she thought it was the best for their relationship and their child if she would make everything public. She didn't want to hide anymore and sneak out to see Kelrian. She didn't want to have to check her surroundings every time she met Kelrian and make sure nobody was following her. She wanted to meet him in the middle of the day and do something outside with him instead of meeting him somewhere where nobody saw them.

She wanted to kiss him in public, hold hands with him and show everyone that he was hers. She wanted to go outside with him and their baby in a pram and go for a stroll as normal couples were doing with their babies. She was tired of hiding, so she had decided to make their relationship public as soon as an opportunity would come along. She just hoped Kelrian shared her opinion and also wanted to make it public.

She stared into his eyes, caressing his cheeks softly. Kelrian didn't say anything but he gave her a nod and a kiss on her forehead. "About you distracting me," Kelrian started but he stopped speaking as he saw the grin on Sylvanas' lips. He found himself lying on his back faster than expected. Sylvanas sat on him and kissed his neck. "Don't worry, I know exactly what I'm doing. There are many ways to distract you but I think you like this one the most."


Kelrian wrapped his arm around Sylvanas, pulling her closer to him. He laid on his left side and Sylvanas laid in front of him, her back was pressed against his front. Her eyes were closed. Her breaths were slow, steady and quiet. A white blanket covered their nude and sweaty bodies. Sylvanas' hair was a mess so was Kelrian's. Their love-making had been passionate and gentle. They had taken their time enjoyed themselves as long as possible.

Sylvanas was right. She was very good at distracting him and make him forget his problems for a few hours. She made him relax and feel better. Thanks to her he had been able to spend the rest of the day without thinking about his brother. It had been good for him to clear his head and not worry for several hours. Her presence comforted him and prevented that he would fall into a deep depression. She gave him enough strength to hold out and not break under the pressure. The bad thoughts wouldn't consume him while she was around.

She was everything he needed. He needed her so badly and she had promised him to be there for him whenever he would need her. He could always go to her and talk about everything. He could always seek comfort in her arms and in her love. She would always love him no matter what would happen and he would always love her. She was the best thing that ever happened to Kelrian.

He didn't know what he would do without her. He didn't want to imagine a life without her. He loved her with all his heart and he didn't want that anything would change. Things between them were perfect. Their unborn child would change things between them but he was sure everything will be alright. They will raise their child together and be a happy family. A wonderful future awaited them.

The orcs would be defeated soon, so the Alliance could finally have the peace it deserved. He and Sylvanas will make things official and probably move together so he could see his child every day. He was looking forward to spending his life with her and their child. Maybe they would have more than one child. Everything was possible. They just had to wait for the end of the war before they would start planning their future.

Kelrian smirked as Sylvanas snuggled closer to him, rubbing her back against his front. It was unmistakable that she was pretty tired so they were only cuddling instead of doing other things. They had made enough love for the day. Lying together in bed and cuddling was the perfect end to this wonderful day. They did nothing except enjoying the close body contact. The only sounds which were hearable were their quiet breaths and a few low moans which escaped Sylvanas' lips whenever Kelrian kissed her neck.

Kelrian put his hand on her belly and caressed it. Sylvanas covered his hand with hers and intertwined their fingers. She smiled as they caressed her belly together, her eyes were still closed and her breaths slow and quiet. Kelrian held her tightly and placed kisses on her shoulders and neck from time to time. He whispered sweet words in her ear, he told her how much he loved her and how happy he was that he would become a father in about four months. Sylvanas said nothing in return, she just moaned quietly from time to time and pressed her body against his.

She fell asleep eventually and Kelrian regarded her while she slept. She looked so peaceful while she slept. A sleeping beauty. He kissed the spot behind her ear and caressed her belly one more time before he put his head on the pillow and closed his eyes. Sleep didn't wait too long for him.

He drifted off quickly and woke up the next morning. He lifted his head, noticing that Sylvanas was still lying next to him. Her breaths were quiet, her eyes closed and she didn't move. Only her chest rose and sank whenever she breathed in and exhaled.

Kelrian's gaze rested on her breasts for a long time, which had become much larger during her pregnancy. He really liked to regard them so it was not easy to avert his gaze but he managed to do that eventually. He leaned over and pressed a soft kiss on her cheek before he stood up and walked over to the mirror next to Sylvanas' wardrobe.

He regarded his nude form for a few moments, then he opened the wardrobe and pulled one of Sylvanas' coats out. He wrapped it around his body, noticing that it reached to his knees. He walked over to the nearest door, opened it and stepped on the balcony. He put his hand on the railing and regarded the sunrise.

He didn't avert his gaze until he felt two arms around his upper body. The person behind him was no other than his lover. Sylvanas didn't say anything. She had her eyes closed and pressed her face against his back, enjoying his presence.

They stayed like this for a while, doing nothing except for enjoying the presence of the other.

"We could cuddle in bed for a while before we go to the kitchen to have some breakfast. Does that sound good to you?"

"Yes, it does, my love," responded Kelrian and pressed his lips against her temple. The Ranger-General took his hand and guided him over to the bed. She pushed the blanket aside and laid down, wrapping her arms around Kelrian as soon as he laid next to her. She took his left hand and intertwined their fingers, then she closed her eyes as she started to relax, allowing her thoughts to drift.