
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

PoweredbyDarkness · ゲーム
145 Chs

Chapter 44: Visit

Kelrian looked up from the letter he held in his hand to the house in front of him. He checked the address once again and compared it to the address on the letter. They matched. He looked at the name on the doorbell nameplate once again. 'Silverstar' was written there. So that must be the friend his mother had mentioned in her letter.

Kelrian regarded the house for a few moments. It was not as large as a multiple-family house in Silvermoon City but it was large enough that an entire family of at least eight people or two smaller families could live there. The walls were made out of yellow stones, the roof was covered by blue tiles. There was a small front garden with numerous flower beds. There were tulips, roses, lilies and many other beautiful flowers. Whoever lived there seemed to really like flowers.

He ringed the doorbell and waited patiently in front of the garden gate. The door was opened after nearly a minute and a tall man with silver coloured hair came out of the house. He was half a head taller than Kelrian, who was taller than the average male high elf. He wore a white shirt with long sleeves and blue buttons and black trousers. He looked friendly and was very handsome. He smiled at Kelrian as he jogged to the garden gate.

"How can I help you?" he asked and gave the ranger a curious look.

"I'm here because my mother wrote me that she's been living here for a few weeks, " responded Kelrian.

The man nodded his head. "You must be Kelrian then."

"I am. And who are you?"

"My name is Varo Silverstar. I'm one of your mother's oldest friends. I know her since she was a little girl to be exactly," the man responded.

Kelrian nodded his head. "It's nice to meet you, Varo."

Varo smiled. "It's nice to meet you too. Why don't you come in?"

"I wouldn't say no to that," responded Kelrian. Varo opened the garden gate and guided him to the entrance, closing the door behind him as soon as they had entered his house. The furniture in the entrance hall was solid. It was not too expensive but not too cheap either. Money was not lacking in this household. Varo pointed at the shoe cupboard, telling his guest to put his shoes there. Kelrian did as he was told and followed the man through the bordering corridor to the living room.

His mother sat at a table and held a cup of tea in her hand. She turned her head as she heard footsteps, her eyes widened and her lips formed a happy smile as she saw her son. She put the cup on top of the table and stood up to approach her son. Kelrian pulled her in a tight hug, rubbing her back softly. "I've missed you so much," he whispered in her ear.

"I've missed you too. I was shocked when I heard about your disappearance. I thought you were dead but luckily you survived and returned to us."

"Don't worry, ma. I made it home somehow. It was a hard time when I was held captive by the trolls but I got out alive. I assume it has been a hard time for you too. How have you been doing?"

"Things weren't easy for me but Varo helped me to survive the past months until I heard you were still alive," she told.

Kelrian regarded her for a few moments, then he turned his head to look at the man who was leaning against the wall next to the door. "I just did what a good friend should do. I comforted her as best as I could and told her that there is still hope that you would return. And as we know you did."

"I've to thank you then."

Varo smiled and rubbed the back of his head. "It was nothing really. I just did what any other person would have done."

Kelrian looked back at his mother. "Where are Cincia and Sindor?"

"They are spending time with Varo's children in the backyard."

Kelrian shifted his gaze to Varo. "You have children?" he asked interested.

"Yeah, I do. Two girls. Twins. They are at Cincia's age," the house owner responded.

"So, Sixty-one."

"Sixty-two to be exact but yeah. They live outside of Silvermoon City with their mother but since the evacuation, they moved to my house and live here until the war is over. The house is large enough for them and your family. I see them so rarely so I'm happy they are living here for a while."

"Family is very important. I hope you are going to see them more often in the future. If there is one thing, we learned during these times of war it's that we don't know how much time we have left. We should use the time we have wisely. Numerous people died during the war. Numerous people lost members of their families and loved ones. Every day can be our last day so we have to make the best out of every single day we have," said Kelrian.

He spoke from experience. He could have died the day the trolls had captured him. He also could have died during his captivity. He could have died and wouldn't have been able to say goodbye to his loved ones. To his mother, his siblings, his friends and his lover.

He would have never seen any of them again if Sen'za would have decided to kill him instead of using him as a test subject. He could call himself pretty lucky. Others hadn't been so lucky. Others had been killed during the war.

Children had lost one or two parents. Wives and husbands had lost their partners. Parents had lost their children. People had lost their friends and their loved ones. So many people had died during the war so far and more would die. The trolls were defeated but the orcs were still a threat even without their dragons. They were no enemies anybody should underestimate. But they will be defeated one day, Kelrian was hoping that at least.

It was a real wonder no one in Kelrian's family had died during the siege. Not even his older brother and sister. Seitor may have lost two fingers but other than that he was fine. Sydori had suffered burns but had survived. He hadn't seen them yet and he was not planning to do that. Even though they hated him, he was happy that they were still alive.

He didn't like them at all but he didn't wish their deaths. Especially because their deaths would really hurt his mother and he didn't want that to happen. He loved her and wanted to protect her from all dangers. He had rescued her out of his father's household to make sure he would no longer abuse her. He would protect her no matter what would it cost.

He loved her but he was also conflicted. He had to find out if his father had lied to him or if he had said the truth. He had to find out if Xenarion was his father or not. He just had to speak to his mother in private and say the right words. He didn't want to argue with her. He just wanted to find out the truth. He was hoping what his father had said was not true. He couldn't believe that his mother had slept with someone else while she had been together with Xenarion.

He wanted to know if Xenarion was his real father or not. He was not sure if anything would change if it turned out that Xenarion was not his father. He was sure that in this case, his mother would have had a reason to not tell him that Xenarion was not his father.

He may regard her with different eyes if that possibility would turn out to be true. Maybe she would explain it to him so he could understand why she had done it. If that would be the case, Kelrian could understand that his father had treated him differently. Nevertheless, Xenarion would have had no right to treat Kelrian like a piece of shit. He should have treated him like his siblings. A good father would have done that. But Xenarion was the entire opposite of a good father.

Kelrian thought it was possible that his father had lied to him to stir him up against his mother. He was sure he will find out the truth soon but only when he could talk to his mother in private.

"You are right," Varo said after a few minutes had passed. "I have to spend more time with them before it's too late. Sadly, I'm always busy and I can only see them on the weekends because they live in my ex's house during the week. I would love to see them more often. At least I can see them on the weekend. It's better than nothing. I spend as much time as I can with them. I'm so glad they were evacuated before the orcs attacked their village."

"Is their mother alright?" the ranger asked curiously.

Varo nodded. "But she was wounded. It's nothing worse but she needs a few more weeks until her wounds would be fully healed."

"I hope she'll recover well," said Liana.

A small smile appeared on Varo's gentle facial features. "I hope so too. We may have split up but she is still the mother of my children so I only want the best for her," replied the silver-haired man.

Kelrian was silent for a few minutes but then he spoke to Varo. "I'm glad you allow my mother and my siblings to live in your place. That's very kind of you."

Varo rubbed the back of his head, smiling at him with half-shut eyes. "It's nothing, really. I just did what everyone else would have done. I have enough rooms left which are unused. Living alone is pretty boring so I appreciate anyone who wants to keep me company. Not to mention that the High King had ordered that the house owners have to take in as many evacuated persons as possible. They even gain money in return but I don't care about the money. As you can see, I have enough to finance a house this size on my own. I just want to help a very good friend."

"I'm glad I have you," replied Liana and smiled at him. He looked at her and returned the smile. Kelrian was not sureif something going on between them. He had noticed the way they looked at each other. He was not sure if there was more than friendship. Maybe they liked each other a lot, otherwise, they wouldn't look at each other like that. Maybe he was just misinterpreting things. Maybe he was totally wrong and they were just good friends. Maybe he was right. Maybe not. He didn't mind if there would be something between them.

He was glad his mother had broken up with his father. She was a free and independent woman so she could be together with anyone she wanted. With a man or a woman. He didn't mind who it was as long as that person was treating her correctly. He just wanted her to be happy.

He didn't want them to interrupt them as they stared in each other's eyes but he had to talk to his mother and find out the truth. He cleared his throat and brought them out of their thoughts.

Kelrian addressed Varo politely as soon as he got his attention. "I would love to talk to my mother in private if that's okay for you."

"Of course you can do that. I will leave the room in the meantime and make sure your siblings and my children won't disturb you."

Kelrian gave him a thankful nod, waited until he had left the room and turned to his mother who regarded him curiously.

"What do you want to talk about, my dear?"

Kelrian hesitated. He didn't know how to say it. He didn't want to tell his mother he was doubting that Xenarion was his real father. He didn't believe him but he still wanted to ask his mother about the truth. He just had to find the right words to start. His mother showed patience and regarded him curiously, waiting that he would say something.

Kelrian took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. "I went to the prison to visit someone. When I was about to leave, I met father. We had a short talk and he told me...'things'.

Liana raised an eyebrow. "Things?"

"At first I didn't believe him but now I'm doubting everything. I no longer know what is right and what is wrong. I just want to know the truth from you..."

A look of worry was visible on Liana's face. "What did he tell you?"

Kelrian took a deep breath, exhaling sharply. It was much more difficult to speak the following sentence than he had expected. He looked at the floor when he said what was on his mind. "He told me that I'm not his son."

His gaze remained on the floor for a few moments, then he lifted his gaze and looked at his mother who hadn't said anything yet. Her facial expression was undefinable. Maybe she was surprised or shocked. Or she just didn't know what to say. Her eyes were widened and she bit her bottom lip softly. Her facial expression changed. A thoughtful look appeared on her face and her brows were raised.

Kelrian didn't say anything. He just regarded her with crossed arms in front of his chest. He was wondering why she took so long to figure out an answer. Maybe what his father had said was right. That would explain why she didn't say anything. Maybe she was looking for the best answer she could give him. Or maybe she was just so surprised that she had no clue what she should say. Both explanations could be possible. He wasn't even sure if he hoped his father had said the truth or if he had lied.

Was he hoping that this bastard was not his real father which would mean that both of his parents had lied to him? Or was he hoping that Xenarion was his father? That would mean his mother had never lied to him. He had no idea what result he should hope for. He hated Xenarion but he loved his mother. Finding out that she had lied to him all these years would have an effect on him. He had no idea how things would change.

Could he still trust his mother then? She never lied to him before, didn't she? But what if that wouldn't be the only lie she had told him? What if there was much more he was not aware of? He was so confused and didn't know what he should think. He did not know what was true and what was a lie.

He regarded his fingers for a few moments, then he looked back at his mother whose face reflected determination. He tilted his head a little, giving her an inquisitive look.

Liana's lips parted and words slipped out of her mouth. "I wish that this bastard wouldn't be the father of all my children but unfortunately he is. He is your father for sure because I never cheated on him. I loved him once. I loved him so much but he changed after our marriage. He never showed it to your siblings and you but he has been this narcissist, abusive asshole since the birth of Seitor. I don't know why I stayed with him for so long. Maybe I was just blinded by love or maybe he had manipulated me somehow. Maybe he had used his powers as a priest against me and manipulated me this way. I don't know why I didn't realize earlier that he was a pure thanks to you, I got rid of him."

Kelrian's lips formed a thin line as he regarded her with a thoughtful expression on his face. What she had said made sense. It sounded logical but for some reason, there was something which confused him. For some reason, he was suspicious. He looked suspiciously at her but didn't say anything.

She was his mother and he knew her pretty well. She would never lie to him but somehow, he had the feeling that there was something rotten in her statement. He couldn't fully believe what she had said. But why should she lie? She had said that she wished Xenarion wouldn't be his father and the father of all her children.

What she had said had to be true. His father had made this assertion only to incite him against his own mother. He wanted him to doubt everything. He wanted to ruin his relationship with his mother. But Kelrian didn't believe him. His mother was right and his father was wrong. Lying was in his father's nature. He wouldn't believe any word he would say. He was a traitor, a liar and a bad person after all.

There was no reason for Kelrian to believe him. He was not a fool. Xenarion was his father and his mother never cheated on him. She was an honest person. He wouldn't allow that his father would ruin everything. He had already ruined enough. He caused the split-up of their family. He had already done enough damage so Kelrian wouldn't allow that he would make things worse.

Worry and doubt were no longer reflected by the ranger's face. "I believe you, mother. My father just wants to ruin our relationship by spreading this lie."

Liana nodded her head. "You are right about that. He just wants to make me suffer by turning you and your siblings against me. He wants to punish me for leaving him when I went with you that day. I still don't know why I didn't realize earlier what kind of a person he really was. I'm sorry that you had to endure the harassments of him and your older siblings. I'm also sorry that I didn't help you or make them stop."

Kelrian gave her a warm smile. "I've already forgiven you for that, you don't have to apologize to me again. You were just blinded by love, so you couldn't see all the mistakes he made. I'm not mad at you because I can understand you. I've also been blinded by love. It had happened twenty years ago when I met a very... 'complicated' woman. But after a few months, I realized that she was just using me so I broke up with her. You don't have to feel sorry. I'm not mad at you."

Liana returned the smile, patting his back softly. "I am very lucky to have such an understanding son. If only Seitor and Sydori would be like you... I still can't believe they are on your father's side after everything he did. I don't want to know what lies he had told them. I can only assume that he has manipulated them and told them I am a bad person. He has told them many lies, I'm pretty sure about that," she replied quietly. Sadness was reflected by her voice but also by her eyes which rested on her hands.

Kelrian pulled her in a comforting hug, stroking her back softly. "I'm pretty sure they will realize one day that they are on the wrong side. I'm sure they will return to us sooner or later. They come after you so they are pretty smart. They just can get manipulated pretty easy, that's the only problem. But I'm sure they will realize sooner or later that father is wrong. Until then we must be patient and hope for the best."

Liana put her head on his shoulder and enjoyed the comfortable hug. They stayed like this for a few minutes, then they pulled away. They stared at each other for nearly five minutes without saying anything. Liana was the one who broke the comfortable silence. "How are things going with your girlfriend? You still haven't told me her name. I'm curious who it is, just so you know."

Kelrian frowned. "I'm not quite sure, to be honest. It's complicated..."

Liana sat down on a chair, offering her son to do the same. Kelrian didn't hesitate and sat opposite to her. "We have time, Kel. Tell me everything and I'll see how I can help you."

Kelrian nodded and started to explain what had happened while he and Elena had been held captive. He told her that he had kissed her and slept with her.

He was not proud of that but it had not been his fault. The potion had influenced him. There had been nothing he could have done to prevent that. Nevertheless, he still felt guilty. He didn't know why he was blaming himself but he was doing it and he wouldn't stop until Sylvanas forgave him.

Liana listened carefully, encouraging him to continue to speak whenever he stopped. She signalized him that she understood him and would do anything to help him. She would support him no matter what would happen.

He didn't say Sylvanas' name, he referred to her as his girlfriend whenever he spoke about her. His mother asked about her again so he told her that he wanted to keep her identity secret until the right moment would come. Liana had told him in return that she didn't have to know who it was and that she hoped he would reconcile with his girlfriend as soon as possible.

As soon as Kelrian was done with explaining, they talked about casual topics and later about politics and what was going on in the world. They also talked about the ongoing war between the Alliance and the Horde.

"As far as I know, the Ranger-General and her soldiers are travelling to Lordaeron to help the humans drive out the orcs," said Liana.

"I've been ordered to join Ranger-Captain Sweetblossom's company and move to the capital city of Lordaeron. The humans assume that the orcs will attack it soon so I will join the defence while Sylvanas and her army will flank them from behind once they started the siege. That's what they told me. I will see my girlfriend once the orcs are either defeated or forced to retreat. Until then, I have to wait and hope for the best."

Liana put her hand on his shoulder, patting it softly. Her voice was soothing as she spoke. "I'm pretty sure you will make up with her. She will forgive you once she knows the truth. You just have to believe in it.". Kelrian didn't say anything in return. He just nodded at her and gave her a warm smile.

"When will you depart?" she asked.


Worry was reflected by her eyes as she responded to him. "Promise me you will take care of yourself and return to me in one piece. I don't want to lose you. I was shocked when Sylvanas' rangers told me that you didn't return after the battle. These two months had been very difficult for me. I only got through it and didn't break because Liadrin and Varo helped me. Promise me you will survive and return home."

Kelrian put his hands on her cheeks, caressing them softly as he stared into her eyes. "I will, mother. This time, I won't be captured by the enemy. This time, I will return after the end of the battle. Promised," he replied quietly. He put a quick kiss on her forehead, then he pulled away.

She nodded at him, staring into his eyes. "You can come to me anytime and tell me everything that bothers you."

"I will keep that in mind, mother. But there is nothing you have to worry about," he responded. It was not the entire truth. He chose not to tell her about the nightmares because Sen'za had told him about a mixture of herbs, a certain powder and other ingredients that might help him. He had obtained these ingredients and combined them after she had told him how to do it.

He consumed the mixture regularly and it really helped him. He was no longer having nightmares so he could sleep without waking up in the middle of the night. He was not sure if this solution was permanent nor did he know if it was the best solution. But it was the only solution he had at the moment. Maybe he should speak to Sylvanas about it. Maybe she would have a better solution. He didn't want to get addicted to that mixture. There must be something else that might help him. He hoped that at least.

He had asked about side effects but the troll had told him that she had no clue if there were any side effects. She had told him it was not impossible and had advised him to not consume it too often. He had also asked her if she had a better solution but she had told him this was the only solution she had. She didn't know how to solve his problem differently.

Kelrian only hoped that this mixture will help him permanently. He had decided to take it in rations until he had used it up, then he will see if it had worked.

"I'm glad then," Liana responded and smiled at him.

Kelrian returned the smile. "I shall look after my siblings. They haven't seen me for over three months. I'm sure they missed me. I want to see them and say goodbye to them before I depart tomorrow."

"Let's go to them together, shall we?" asked his mother.

Kelrian nodded to her and regarded her for a few moments, then he followed her out of the room.