
Way of Heaven - 102. Chapter 102

Mu Yuan's will swept across the entire world. Under his perception, the origin in the origin lake of the heavenly space was almost completely clean, leaving only a few dozen drops of origin.

As for the fist-sized world core obtained from the Zhenwu world, all its origins were also extracted, leaving only an empty shell.

And the world tree on the void and the many spiritual roots scattered throughout the eternal world are all sluggish, and their brilliance is extremely dim.

Mu Yuan's body condensed again and felt this scene. At this time, the ruthless and indifferent divinity dissipated, and the only trace of humanity returned, sighing.

"This time the Eternal Realm is promoted to the Little Thousand World, it is really dangerous.

Without the help of the World Tree clone, the Great Emperor Zhenwu, and the many spiritual roots of heaven and earth, the Eternal Realm would definitely be inadequate in its origin, the world crystal wall would be unstable, and the world crystal wall would be destroyed by the void storm, thus failing to successfully upgrade to a small thousand world. "

Indeed, this time the world has been upgraded, the World Tree has made the greatest contribution. It is the help of the World Tree to stabilize the world's crystal wall and provide the source of the world. The World Tree is worthy of the existence that countless worlds desire in the days.

Of course, Emperor Zhenwu's shot also helped Mu Yuan share some of the pressure.

At this time, Mu Yuan's eyes were full of expectation, looking at the endless nothingness outside the world.

"When the eternal world became a small world before, there was a large amount of nihilism in the nihility that fed back the world, turned into countless sources, and supported the evolution of the world.

This time I was promoted to the little thousand world, there should be nihility to feed back the world. "

Not surprisingly to Mu Yuan's expectations, the endless emptiness that had been dispersed by the emptiness storm once again churned and rushed towards the eternal world.

But this time, the nihilism was dispelled by the supreme and supreme regular will in the dark, and the violent power became very gentle, pouring into the eternal world like calm sea water.

The air of emptiness enters the eternal realm, and the three layers of it poured into Mu Yuan's will to help him transform into the little thousand world's heaven and complete the final step of world upgrading;

The gas of the three layers of nothingness turns into the origin of the infinite world, floods into the origin lake of the heavenly space, expands it toward the ocean, and turns it into the origin of the sea;

Most of the world that enters the source lake continues to condense and compress, transforming from liquid to solid, forming about more than 100 cubic meters of multi-faceted colorful crystals. This is the core of the eternal world!

At the same time, the two layers of emptiness are blessed to the pillars of ten thousand rules in every space of the eternal world, making the pillars of rules more dazzling, crystal clear, more perfect, and more powerful than before.

About a layer and a half of emptiness flowed into the sluggish World Tree clone and the many spiritual roots of heaven and earth, transforming into the source to supplement their consumption.

The world tree and its many spiritual roots quickly recovered from the sluggish state to the peak period under that huge world origin, and even their body size skyrocketed a bit, further away from the wild world-level spiritual roots in Mu Yuan's heart.

As for the emptiness that is less than half a layer, it merges into the Eternal Continent, the two supreme stars and the sky full of stars, expanding its volume.

In addition, numerous small spaces, caves, secrets, etc. are formed in the folds of space. Numerous treasures of heaven and earth are born within them, thereby increasing the world heritage, enhancing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and further stabilizing the space of heaven and earth.


As a creature breathes and breathes, the entire eternal world's starry sky is trembling regularly, frantically swallowing the benefits of this world upgrade, turning it into its own heritage.

In a blink of an eye, another decades later, ordinary creatures in the Eternal Continent experienced a cycle of reincarnation, and Mu Yuan, the Heavenly Dao, also completed the transformation, formally established the Small Thousand World Heavenly Dao, and awakened from his deep sleep.

"The backfeeding brought about by the success of this world upgrade is indeed powerful, and the eternal world at this time really has the level of the small thousand world."

Mu Yuan clearly felt that the power of the rules and the world he could control was dozens of nearly a hundred times stronger.

If the Zhenwu world that is about to return to the ruins was encountered in its current state before, even if the latter releases the power that inhibits the expansion of the ruins, Mu Yuan has the confidence to easily suppress the Zhenwu Heavenly Dao.

"Congratulations on the success of the deity's world upgrade and becoming a small thousand world heavenly path!"

"Congratulations to Your Excellency Tiandao for the successful upgrade of the world and becoming the Tiandao of the Little Thousand World!"

The World Tree Mu Jie and the Emperor Zhenwu appeared, bowed slightly to Mu Yuan and congratulated him.

This time the world is upgraded, the world tree clone's strength has also been further improved, the body is as high as hundreds of thousands of feet, it can be said that it is the 36-layer sky and 72-layer earth that truly implements the eternal continent.

There are many spaces, caves, and secrets hanging around the body. The leaves of the huge world are like a vast land, and a small world is being opened up and born at the core.

At this time, the world tree really had a trace of the highest true meaning belonging to the chaotic spiritual root!


At this time, Mu Yuan's figure suddenly moved, breaking through the space and returning to the heavenly space in an instant, his figure standing in the void.

Then he saw a majestic river tens of miles wide being drawn from the depths of the void.

This long river flows slowly, looming, as if it will hide in the depths of the void again in the next moment.

Surrounded by the chaotic air currents, the Changhe was covered, and it was hazy, making it impossible for any creature to clearly observe everything in the Changhe.

But for Tiandao in this world, this long river is also a part of Mu Yuan, and the chaotic air currents can't stop his eyes and will in the slightest.

The water of this long river seems intangible and quality, but there is a sense of endless weight that cannot be explained at all, as if history and time are intertwined with each other.

This long river raises waves from time to time, and countless ghosts of various ethnic groups appear in the waves.

Every drop of water that flows down from the upper reaches of the long river seems to reflect the scene of a creature's experience from life to death.

Babies who have just been born in the world, young and immature teenagers, vigorous youth, calm and heavy middle-aged, old age full of the vicissitudes of the world…

The long river flows slowly and firmly forward, and the scenes that appear at the end of the long river are exactly the countless scenes that are happening in the eternal world now.

After the end, Changhe separated countless long river phantoms. The living beings in each long river phantom were exactly the same, but the things they did were more or less different, which seemed to be a scene in the future.

Mu Yuan's will is shrouded in the long river of time, and he clearly feels that he can control the speed of the long river of time, thereby affecting the passage of time in the eternal world.

It can not only control the speed of time, but also decelerate and stagnate time. He is the heavenly way of this world, and everything here is dominated and controlled by him!

But he can't reverse the long river of time, this is not what Xiaoqiantiantiandao can do.

Whenever Mu Yuan wanted to intervene in the scenes that happened in the past, to fish out the dead creatures from the long river of time, there will be a supreme rule in the dark to prevent his behavior.

Mu Yuan can feel that he is in control of the future destiny of all things and all souls in the world, and all kinds of things that will happen to countless creatures in the future can be derived by Mu Yuan.

The long river of time is the long river of destiny!

There are countless possibilities for destiny, and countless possibilities for the future. A small change may change the destiny of a creature and the future that has not yet appeared.

Therefore, with a single thought, Mu Yuan can deduce a destiny and a possibility for the future of all living beings.

Of course, if Mu Yuan wanted to, he could also fully deduce all the possibilities of sentient beings in the future.

With a wave of Mu Yuan's sleeves, the long river of time gradually disappeared into the void, and no one could see it.

"All life is up to them to fight for. I only need to control the general situation of the world."