
Warworld: Warlord Uprising

A thousand years ago, the sky cracked and Earth suddenly became a planet fleeting with different races and species.  Mana became prominent as a source of survival for humanity who lagged at the bottom of the food chain.  For five hundred years, mankind hid in the caves and bushes, slowly mastering Mana… until finally, they were able to defend themselves against these treacherous races.  However, even upon the solicit nation, now to become Moorloch - that mankind has formed up for themselves, they still live at the torture of a persistent race that has refused to stop preying on them… the Luxols.  _____________________ 909, Moor'Lex Calendar.  At that date, unknown to the world, a human had decided on his long journey to wipe the Luxols off the surface of Invaded Earth.  He was little and naive…even of the world he lived in, forever under the protective covering of his parents. But still, their death came like a blink, wiping them off existence in the most gruesome way ever, all at his watch.  After that young confrontation with the Luxols, being the only survivor since he was hidden, on behalf of Moorloch, and all of mankind, he must become the Luxol's living doom.  __________ Author here! This is my first book, and hopefully, it gets somewhere. Trying to push around chapter ten or so. You might just love it. 

WhiteSAGE · ファンタジー
30 Chs

The Brass Temple Elders' Plot

"Up for a fight?"

In a passage that smelt only of burn and ash, two men gazed upon the figure of an equal lad, their aura pressurizing the circular corners of the room.

The man they stared at, Logan didn't look the least fazed by their look. He had his demeanor of superiority, even though it barely remained alive over theirs.

"Release the boy - then everything will go on smoothly."

A silence quickly dawned on the room that radiated an overwhelming sense of terror.

The frown stained on the face of the Luxols deepened, making it clear they were getting into a fight.

But their unreasonable expression suddenly calmed, startling Logan who had equally been invested in the aura.

"Chad 63B4," As one of the Luxol loosened up his daunting glare, he muttered,

"Wait here while I and my brother consult with the Elders."

"Perhaps they might give you listening ears." The other one sneered, refusing to let go of his threatening stare as he'd been the most offensive one since.

Logan saw the two entities head towards a golden door that was situated meters in front of them.

Amidst that, there were different divisions of staircases rising into different sections of the building, even pale white elevators.

Rays of light easily penetrated the room from the long patterned window, stained into a color of gold and brass.

However, the circular hall was only an entrance into the true gracefulness of the Brass Temple, but unfortunately, the rest would remain obscured from his vision.

Caused by the fatal coincidence of his race.

Meanwhile, the two Luxols stepped through the polished door that gently swung open with a push.

Walking into the dark epicenter of the circular chamber, both Luxols stood on a podium raised a few inches above the ground level.

Left in a purple darkness as the door behind them closed, their head remained facing the ground, waiting for further instructions from the elders.

They were a combo of four individuals, two males and females, seated upon a throne that stretched up to the oblique dome of the ceiling.

The discussion began almost immediately, yet a silence still paved the darkness of the room. The elders only shared a soft stare at their general who stood before them.

Simply by the exclusive skill of Telepathy blessed into the gene of every Luxol, they could have a conversation without distorting the peaceful radiance of nature.

<<The man requests for his student to be released?>>

Although the answers to this question were obvious, one of the elders decided the ask, his tone deceased with a burst of unkindness.

He was Ed'Scot, once a dangerous soldier who only earned his position of elder by judicious votes from the populace of Luxol, and merit from his past achievements.

He had the next darkest eyes in the room, after a lady who sat adjacent to him in their circular arrangement.

His robe, though its specific design hidden under the darkness seemed to flow down from the height, a similarity with his fellows.

<<Knowing fully well that no human has ever been allowed even near the borders of Plygania walls.>>

Le'Brix, a stunning lady with crimson red eyes added to the words of her counterpart, her voice fueled by pure rage and detest.

But her face remained as calm as the wind.

<<You three allowed a human to meddle in the affairs of Plygania. We would have been better off sending one generals...than assigning human, and calling for this disrespect.>>

The words of the particular elder attracted the stares of the elders who gazed at her with fury.

His words were offensive and only pointed at the rash decision they'd made, but while they wanted to flare up on his, they couldn't evade the fact that he was right.

Pro'Tobias had latched out the origin of their discomfort, and even they saw the two generals nodding in agreement.

Luxols were meant only to create a balance that had been void on Earth until their arrival, - or at least, that was their core landmark.

And their purpose kept being intercepted by a funny set of race.

The human-like small stubborn mosquitoes were weak and annoying, yet, it was always a problem to wipe them off the surface of the new Earth.

Just like mosquitoes, small and squibbly, they could easily dodge an attack and hide, although weak and flaky.

<<Generals! >>

One of the elders spoke, her gaze dead-like and serious as she pierced at the generals underneath.

Her name was Yvonne'Pil, soft-spoken, and yet the deadliest of her mates.

Her impalpable beauty could almost be compared to the statue of the lady who guarded the entrance of the temple, but while she lagged behind, it was only a small length.

Her look was a perfect representation of the power that boiled within her, like a monster negating the perfection of her face.

Looks were a physical hierarchy of the Luxols - a bland representation of the power they could manifest.

And since Yvonne'Pil was the most beautiful of her elders, every being only nodded at her being the strongest.

Her breathy voice echoed in the minds of the generals, as well as the other elders.

<<Release the stupid teenager and return him to Chad 63B4...>>

<<But ->>

Swiftly, she interrupted the words of the man who tried to intercept her,

<<They won't know what hit them when they're struck. We had never negotiated that he'll be easily let to leave the territory...and now he comes with another human.>>

<He's a stupid tool without respect for his human nature - so it wouldn't matter if we strip him from existence...as with follower.>>

Her chuckle haunted the minds of her listeners.

Her idea was certainly villainous and without remorse, but yet, it was a shared feeling every Luxols had with any other races...especially the likes of humanity.

<<You may now leave! The human has served his purpose and will be executed. But do not hint him of our declaration.>>

Before the generals walked away, Ed'Scot added,

<<We might have a chat with Chad 63B4...and his apprentice after he is returned.>>

The generals bowed and turned around, opening the door before they made their departure.

The four elders, now left in their private thoughts continued the conversation they were having before they heard the conflict outside their chamber.

Ed'Scot quickly headed the conversation,

<<It was a gathering of twelve students and four masters...am I right?>>

The elders rolled their eyes at Ed'Scot's habit of rhetorical questions. He didn't even wait for them to nod before he continued,

<<The Whisperers should have hatched by now, so when can ->>

<<Ed'Scot calm down! The human hasn't offered the tonic yet - plus he might have done job wrong.>> Pro'Tobias interspersed, a frown partially laced into his face.

Ed'Scot's optimistic attitude was always a contrast to his more analytic and pessimistic demeanor.

He added, <<While the lad is in premise, we should simply await his presence.>>

A silence domed the mind of the elders later, each lost in a torch of their thoughts and plans.