
Warm Light

In this cold world even more frigid than hell, I somehow had enough good karma to find you- my sun. Having nothing is better than feeling so deeply just to have everything torn from you. So, I will never feel again. I don't deserve to, after all, it is my fault. That was the promise I made to myself that day. The day I finally couldn't deny the blaring truth. Yet, she barged into my life- literally. How could someone be so... her? After all that has happened, shouldn't I not be able to feel anything, let alone emotional attachment to someone? Thats right, all it is is a chemical reaction' She reasoned out. 'Yet those eyes, they would be the death of her one day.' Those sinful lips matched her unholy heart. She was a coward, once bitten twice shy, they say. Maybe uncountable snake bites can leave a poison so rooted into the very marrow of your being, there is no escape. However, a hand reached out and pulled her away, eliminating the poison and shining light once more. 'Loosing both hope and direction in this internal, moonless night, you became my lantern, guiding me along a path that feels forbidden-yet I will always follow like a lost duckling. The cold walls staring at you, people mocking and sneering at you, even never ceasing nightmares may make for a cold exterior, however, Alora knew it can make the warmest person. The proof was right in front of her. This woman refused to tell her name and never asked for even that much information from her. All the woman said was "you owe me".' Yes, Alora did owe her. She owed her life to her. But with nothing to exchange it with; Somehow, it comforted her, knowing that even a small connection existed between them. This doctor of hers would click her tongue and sigh at her- yet never once laughed at her expense, even going so far as to beat anyone who did. Her stone-cold face revealed as much as the walls, yet Alora could read her like an open book. Those eyes filled with a flame hotter than her demons were so alluring. Even if she would get burnt, so be it. After all, she did owe her doctor, right? Teaser: Not being able to take it any longer, Alora pushed her doctor to the wall. She held the other woman's hand and pushed it alongside her. As Alora's hand slowly went to touch the others cheek, she saw fear. The doctor's eyes began to cloud with unshed tears, her legs began to shake give out, yet never giving a peep. All Alora ever saw was a broken version of her doctor, but never this crumbled. Shaken she let her go and turned around to walk away, possibly for good. She'd find another way to repay her. A low thump was heard, she had to get away from here. Slowly spiraling, her mind became messy. Before her mind dove deeper, an unsteady hand reached out. Alora's senses were extremely high even in a scenario like this. Taking a deep breath she sighed. How could she leave like this? This cold woman was everything to her. The hand started to tremble, but before anything could be done, a voice so tiny and fragile said something Alora never expected to hear. This is a girl's love so be warned. If you're not into it then don't take it out on the book. Honestly, I don't know the direction it will take. It may become full on fantasy, maybe have a tragic ending- I don't know. This story is about healing and protecting each other along with slowly falling in love. It may have 18+ content or just snuggles and innocence. //Trigger warning⚠️: Rape, sluercide, murder, other things. I will put another on the chapter if it's more than a mention of it Please read until chapter 10 before dropping

Aibek669 · LGBT+
11 Chs

Owens povish

Chapter 10:

       The boss woke up a bit startled. "Huh?" She unintelligently asked.

        Owen looked at her stunned. She was sleeping?! Actually sleeping, and so deep at that he didn't hear her.

        The face she showed was like when she was 17. So innocent. It only lasted a second but it was there. The kid he grew to love as a sister.

         Her face became cold, albeit a bit embarrassed. Even that lasted only a little as laughter resounded in that almost all glass room. They both looked at the woman. She coughed as if that was what she was doing all along.

          The woman's attention was all on his sister, however. She smiled faintly and disconnected the strand by her mouth before wiping the drool.

        Owen was stunned. Even in the beginning years he knew her, this girl hated to be touched. Yet, this lady just did it! And all she got in return was a pout!

       "Dog!" The embarrassed woman shouted. He spoke too soon.

        "I have a name, it-" The woman began. His boss quickly got up and rushed out. "Alora!" She relentlessly shot out.

        Owen shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. The woman- Alora- looked at him helplessly.

        Deciding to help this wonderful lady who made his boss show such vivid emotions, he gave an explanation. She would or wouldn't get it. It wouldn't be on him. He shrugged, "She doesn't like names. Says it's what connects people." Then he walked- more like ran- out of that room to catch up with his pouting sister.