
Warhammer X League of Legends

The story of a Warhammer and League of Legends fan who took the system to the mighty world of Warhammer, and brought a group of friends to fight on the battlefield. (I really can't find a fanfic of 40k i like that I can read so just don't mine the book grammar because im not proficient in English and this book is just my hobby)

PAIN_0501 · SF
25 Chs


Note 1: A fully automatic intelligent assembly line production device, you only need to put in the raw materials to directly produce the finished product, but the things produced by this tool are fixed and cannot be changed.)

  In a classically furnished conference room, Robert was sitting on the main seat of the conference table, and in the row below was Robert follower and the company commander of the 10th Company--Sevens , Robert coughed and took the lead in telling everyone about the situation he encountered when recruiting soldiers, and then asked everyone to discuss it.

  In the conference room, Ryze and other followers opened the interface and began to check. After a while, Garen took the lead in expressing his opinion: "Captain, since we can only recruit one team of Space Marines, we should take bravery as the standard first. For reference, recruiting space marines in the savage world should be a good choice, although discipline may be a problem, but we should give priority to combat effectiveness, as long as our watchmen chapter grows, we will consider the issue!"

  Alistar and Taric nodded in agreement, and Ryze pointed at the interface for a while before expressing his opinion: "Head, I have no opinion on recruiting space marines in the savages world,  There are 2 branches of spave marines ! For example, space marines are divided into two categories: melee specialization and shooting  specialization, and the melee category is also using  a variety of weapon specializations. If you want to recruit Savage space marines, then I recommend recruiting melee combat.  Space Marines, after all, we already have a company of scouts, although they are not as good as the official Space Marines in frontal combat, but let them shoot at long range, and then, the official Space Marines approach the enemy for melee combat, this should be A great choice!"

  Robert thought for a while, opened the system recruitment interface and checked it carefully for a while, and said, "Then we should recruit a team of space marines from the Savage world. In terms of specialization, I think we should choose the melee combat shield specialization. These specializations are fighting shield. Space Marines generally hold a battle shield with amazing defense in the left hand and a chainsword or bolt gun in the righthand as an offensive weapon.

  After listening to Robert suggestion, everyone else thought about it, and they didn't find anything wrong. They all agreed to recruit a team of melee-specialized combat shield space marines fighters, but at this time, Captain Sevens raised his hand to express his opinion. , Robert was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand for Captain Sevens to speak.

  Captain Sevens stood up, "Captain, there is no problem with the Savage Space Marines you recruited, but you don't seem to have noticed that the camouflage of our Warden Chapter has not yet been determined! Now all the scouts and our The power armor is the original silver-white color, I think when recruiting Space Marines, should I confirm the battle group Color"

  Garen was surprised, "Hey! Isn't the color of our Watchmen Chapter silvery white!" Sevens continued: "Besides, no one has confirmed the Primarch of our Chapter!"

  "Ouch! This is my negligence!" Robert patted his forehead, and then asked the others, "Who is the best choice for our genetic primarch! After all, once selected, there is no way to change it!" Raising his hand, he jumped up excitedly, "I think Leman Russ of the space wolf legion was good as the Primarch. After all, space wold  combat effectiveness is very strong

  Ryze had a different opinion at this time, "I think it would be better to choose Roboute Guillimann from Ultramarines as the Primarch, Ultramarines are a more comprehensive battle group, Leman Russ from the Space Wolf  is too unstable, and it will mutate into a werewolf if we are not careful!"

  "Hello we choose Leman Russ!"garen said

  "Robot Guilliman is better, ryze said

  After talking, the two began to quarrel. Alistar and Tariqlc said they were playing soy sauce, while Heimerdinger was indifferent to this issue.

  "Okay, okay! Since neither of you can persuade the other, let's draw lots!" Robert slammed the table to decide the matter, "Humph!" The two of them looked at each other and said at the same time snorted.

  After a while, a box appeared on the conference table. Robert picked up the box and shook it vigorously. Said: "Ahem! There are ten notes in this box, and every five notes are written with the names of Leman Russ and Roboute Guilliman. I will go forward and draw lots to see whose name will be drawn. Who's to choose as are  Primarch!"

After speaking, Robert ignored the opinions of these two people. He stepped forward and put his hand into the box, and then took a random swipe.

  Both Garen and Ryze rushed up to check whose name was on the note. Robert placed it on the table without looking at it. Garen grabbed the note first.

  "Hahahahaha! It's Leman Russ, and now the Primarch of the Watchers Chapter is Leman Russ!" Garen danced his Garen ghost dance ecstatically, his arms swaying up and down . "Whoa~ Whoa~ Whoa~ Whoa~"


  Ryze took a step forward and grabbed the note and glanced at it, then cried out unwillingly. Robert ignored the face of the two people. He directly opened the system interface, found the genetic primarch of the gene seed, and chose Leman Russ as the genetic primarch.

  When Robert chose Leman Russ as the Primarch, everyone present felt their teeth itch, and then a burst of pain came from the top of the mouth, and a pair of wolf teeth pierced from the upper jaw.

  "Hmm!" Robert felt a little strange when he touched the teeth in his mouth. It was the first time he felt this way when it grew  so big, and Garen, who jumped out, opened his mouth wide and looked at himself in the mirror.

  "Okay, now that the genetic primarch has been confirmed, we will choose the main body as blue and the shoulder armor as black." Robert directly decided on the paint of the Watchers Chapter power armor, ,  under Robert decision, no one else had any objection.

  "Now, we have chosen Leman Russ as the Primarch, Garen, you are still called the company commander, you don't need to change your name to Wolf Lord, but Alistar, Tarek and Ryze, although your positions do not need to be renamed, but wait. Come back and spend some medals on the system to learn about the specialties of the space wolf!" (The priests, and technical sergeants of the space wolf  have different names and skills from other chapters.)

  "Okay! Captain."

  When Robert saw that the problems were solved, he directly opened the system recruitment interface, selected a team of space marines in the savage world, and then specialized in melee combat and battle shield.

  "Dip! The host's place is not spacious enough, please move the host to a place with enough space for recruitment!" Seeing the system prompt, Robert greeted everyone to move to the steel hall decorated with a lot of Gothic coats of arms and patterns. , in the hall that Robert teleported over before.

  Robert stood at the front of the hall, above a slightly raised podium, and then opened the system interface. Just as he was about to recruit Space Marines, Sevens stood next to him and spoke: "Head, we have recruited a team of Space Marines. After that, the remaining contribution points should recruit some mortal troops as affiliated armies. After all, there will always be a shortage of manpower to fight with space marines and scouts. At this time, if there are some mortal affiliated armies fighting with us, they will To ease the situation, other Chapters also recruit some mortal armies as auxiliaries, and some outstanding auxiliaries can also undergo surgical 

transformation and become a Space Marine."

  After hearing this, Robert thought it made sense, so he opened the small interface next to the recruitment interface and entered the mortal soldier recruitment interface. Inside, Robert was surprised to find that a mortal army of a company can be recruited with only 100 contribution points, and even if it is equipped with some heavy weapons and melee weapons, it will only add 20 contribution points." I'll go, how cheap!"

  Robert immediately selected the space marines to join the recruitment option on the recruiting interface, and then immediately came to the mortal army recruiting interface, and equipped the three companies with lascannon and lasgun as individual weapons, bazooka and flamethrower. The weapon is used as an offensive weapon, and then everyone is equipped with an axe or a machete as a melee weapon. Soldiers recruit the world and choose the Savage world. As for what specialization, these mortal armies do not have this option.

  After Robert selected all the recruitment options, he pressed the OK button heavily with his finger, "Ding Ding Ding!!!" The number above the contribution point fell straight down, and Robert felt a twitch when he saw it.

  "Wow!!!" A blue portal appeared in the center of the hall, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" A burst of heavy footsteps came out. A team of beast furs, shields and power swords in hand, burst into the waist. Shotguns and tall space marines in power armor stepped out. After the space marines lined up in the center of the hall, they took off their helmets and gave Robert a military salute. The high-tech power armor was decorated with beast fur, teeth and bones, and it gave them a wild atmosphere. The whole team of space marines looked like a group of berserkers in the wild world, and there was no high-tech army at all. .

  Next, the portal continued to step out three companies of mortal soldiers. These mortal soldiers were all wearing Flak Armour with outstanding defense. The armor was also decorated with beast skins and bones. The style is exactly the same as that of the Savage Space Marines, and even the weapons in their hands are not only hot weapons, but also a large number of axes and machetes, and their faces are also covered with various tattoos.

  Lin Heng watched them rectify and line up with a serious face, and he frantically complained, "What kind of trouble is this! This doesn't fit the image of the high-tech army in my heart! I have become the great chief of the barbarian tribe. !!!"

  A barbarian-style space marine stood in front with his head held high, and more than 300 "barbarian soldiers" lined up behind them. The oath was shouted out.

  "Darkness is coming, I will watch it from now on until I die. I will not marry a wife, or hold no land, and have no children. I will not wear a crown, and I will not compete for honor. I will do my duty faithfully until i die . I am among the emperors chosen. The sword of men, the guardian of the empire . I am the flame against the cold, the light of dawn, the horn that wakes the sleeper, the strong shield that guards the empire. I give my life and glory to the watchman, today and every day Of course for the Emperor."

  "stand at attention!!!"


Ropert stood on the podium

and cleared his throat, "Today is the day you join the glorious Watcher Chapter, and it's also the day you split the past. From now on, you will become the soldiers of the Watchers, the emperor's soldiers. Swords and human shields. You will shout the Emperor's name and swear allegiance to the Empire! Destroy the enemies of the Empire!!!"

  "Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!!!!"