
Chapter One: Duel in Academy City

As soon as the woman touched him, Rei felt exhausted. No, not quite exhausted, it felt more like a complete draining of his energy. Rei felt as though he could barely stand, meanwhile the woman, who had looked bleak and tired when Rei walked up, now appeared more alert and chipper than ever. However, Rei could hardly stand as the woman directed him through the door behind him.

"Take a seat up near the top row, anywhere within the first five rows down from the top." Rei managed to make out despite the sensation of his ears being stuffed with cotton balls. As he climbed the steps to the top five rows of seating in the large, gymnasium style room, Rei passed other fellow students who seemed to feel the exact same way as he did. A few people in the bottom rows were even asleep, their heads laying back over the chairs, necks at an awkward, painful looking angle. As Rei looked up, he noticed some of the students in the top row didn't look bothered at all. One polished looking blonde boy was even folding a paper airplane.

Rei finally took his seat, next to a grumpy looking man with dark olive skin, a scruffy beard and hair covering what could be seen of his arms. Just as he did, the door to the large gymnasium shut with a loud echo, and a tall man in a sleek black suit stood at the front of the room. His presence seemed to fill up the entire gymnasium. With intimidating confidence, the man cleared his throat and all eyes were on him as he began to speak.

"Everyone. Some of you have met me, some have not yet. I am the head of this academy and will be the administrator to your mana concentration test. On your way in, you were tested by a transfuser type who discerned your latent mana levels, and you have been seated accordingly."

Discerned our mana levels...Rei thought. In her mind he pictured the woman outside the gymnasium, who'd stopped him with a hand on the shoulder before allowing Rei in the room. How being touched made Rei instantly feel tired and the woman seemed to perk up immediately. Transfuser types can distribute their mana into someone else...but they can also take mana away from others. I didn't realize they could sense mana types too though, Rei pondered this as the headmaster continued to speak.

"This is merely a simplified way to sort people before the concentration test, it has nothing to do with your strength or even your potential, I want to make this clear." A few muffled snorts rippled throughout the audience, all originating from the top three rows. But even Rei knew what the joke was. Despite what the headmaster was saying, latent mana energy levels could absolutely be used to predict potential future strength and skill, and anyone who knew this knew the headmaster was lying to students to keep them from feeling useless. "You have been organized by strength of your mana levels. The top three rows are the strongest members of your class, treat them with respect."

All heads, that were conscious, turned to look at the back three rows, even Rei. He was seated in the fourth row. Damn it. He thought.

"Now." The headmaster called attention back to him. "You will be tested to discover your mana classes, and then split into groups of three to go on missions on behalf of the academy."

The headmaster began calling down students one by one to receive their testing and mana placement. Rei already knew his mana placement though. He was a Manipulator and he knew that because he had been practicing his magic since before he had even been admitted to the academy. Once he was called down and received his unnecessary test, he was sat on the left hand side of the auditorium with all the other Manipulators. The headmaster began reading out names, trios, of students who would be in a team up for the rest of their lives as soldiers. Whoever you were placed with might determine your future as a soldier. Rei didn't have many friends, or enemies for that matter, so he had no preference to who he was placed with, just as long as he wasn't placed with one person. Cairo Nikel.

"Cairo Nikel, Baron Smeth, and Rei Itsuki." The headmaster called out, almost immediately after Rei was thinking about how he didn't want to be placed with Cairo. "You three will be under the command of Lieutenant Libra, and your lives as student soldiers begins now." With that, the headmaster waved them out of the room, expecting them to find their commander on their own in the giant academy.

Rei and Cairo had been enemies since they first met as children in the academy. Both kids were new and more advanced with their magical and combat skills than anybody in their class, and they butt heads quite often.

One day, Cairo finally challenged Rei to a duel, using their magic abilities to settle their feud once and for all.

Cairo and Rei stood in the courtyard of the academy as students slowed down in passing to watch what the commotion was all about. Soon they had drawn a crowd before the face off even began.

Cairo drew her shortsword. So she's drawing her weapon. Rei thought, and clenched his fists, preparing to use his magic to defend himself. That means she's not a manipulator like me. It's safe to assume she's an enhancer. Someone who can use their mana to strengthen the quality of their weapons.

Cairo ran at Rei with her sword drawn, and Rei danced backwards, avoiding Cairo's swing by mere inches. A few strands of Rei's hair floated to the ground gently as Cairo spun around and swung her sword at him again.

This is no friendly duel. I might die here. Rei thought.

Rei stood still as Cairo ran at him, and began to focus his concentration into his mana. Soon, he began to glow a pale blue, a sign that his mana was reaching intense focus. Rei held out his hand and from the glow a pale blue mist began to float off of his hand. The mist twisted and shaped itself until it was the shape of a bow, and when Rei pulled back the string, a glowing arrow formed itself out of thin air.

"So you're a manipulator. You can contort your mana into any shape you want." Cairo observed, gripping her short sword tighter. Rei fired his mana arrow at her. Her arms moved in a blur and she sliced the arrow in half. It evaporated into thin air. Cairo suddenly launched herself into motion, running at Rei. Rei prepared to launch another arrow but before he could, Cairo looked him directly in the eyes, and suddenly Cairo, the courtyard, even the academy building behind him was gone. Rei was in a large empty black space, floating in the middle of nothingness. He instantly understood. Cairo was an influencer, someone who could use their mana to mess with other people's mana levels, and cast illusions so realistic it was almost impossible to tell you were in one. Suddenly, Rei felt a sharp pain in his side and was snapped back into reality. Cairo held her blade against Rei's stomach, and slowly blood trickled out and stained his shirt.

"I assume you yield." Was all Cairo said.

And now, Rei was expected to perform on missions and in training with this girl, who'd almost killed him. Are you serious?