
Clearing The Air 2

More clearing the air responses as well as a challenge. Some people keep asking for a mass release but I hate doing it so I've been ignoring it. But since they keep asking, I'll give everyone a task. Book is currently in the top 20. If we get to the top 10 by Saturday, I'll do a mass release of 10 chapters Sunday. For every rank we fall short of it, I'll release 1 chapter less for the release. So yeah. There goes your challenge. Now for the other part.

C/Q 1: His eyes. Are they a Sharingan? Why did you choose that overused ability? Mangekyo?

A 1: Just like any other trope, it is only overused if used in the wrong way. But as for what they are, they are a byaku-sharingan. Both of best worlds. I choose it because I wanted him to have a power that would support the martial arts skills I was already establishing and the magical abilities planned to give him after he got it. Which worked out pretty well. Haven't decided on the last part.

C/Q 2: Why did he commit genocide? Weren't those Wakandans?

A 2: Re-read the chapters before it. Carefully. And as for if they were Wakandans, they were not. They were tribes that were similar to the Jabari and settled in the mountains but they were not Wakadans. Wakanda shares those mountains with 3 other nations

C/Q 3: So you're making Xavier evil? Is he joining the X-Men?

A 3: Combined those 2 cause I'm lazy. Sue me. Anyway, Xavier's D&D alignment has been Lawful Evil for the past 30 years or so in the comics. Only the TV shows portray have more Lawful/Chaotic Good. Even in the movies, he is neutral at best. As for the X-Men, he is not joining them.

C/Q 4: What's going to happen to Wakanda with the two camps supporting the different brothers?

A 4: It has gotten too big. Even if the brothers do not wish to fight one another, the groups behind them make solving things peacefully nearly impossible unless one leaves Wakanda. But even if they could settle it quietly, T'Challa and J'Zaki are both prideful. Neither is willing to back down when they feel they are being challenged. And if you say T'Challa is not, he was ready to die before he surrendered to Killmonger, even when the latter had a definite advantage. The comics make that arrogance and pride even more apparent.

And those are the big 4. Hmu with anything else you have been wondering about for a while and that I have been ignoring/missed. But also might ignore/miss these if I don't think enough people have asked me about them.