
Bu shi

Azatos carefully looked at the poem written on the paper, pondering the meaning of each word, and frowned slightly between his eyebrows.

The first verse is easy to understand,

The death of Senior Nalt by a meteorite was not the result of a secret organization that believed in the 'Star Dominator', but they were not unrelated, but Bu Shili didn't say how much it was involved.

The second verse is more obscure,

Doom is always laughing like a clown. Azatos didn't understand what this verse means, but the latter sentence, 'and you may also step on this stage', made his heart beat suddenly.

"In other words, I have not been involved in the cause of the death of Senior Nalt, but the distance is very close. It is very likely that because of a word, an inadvertent move will attract the culprit who killed Senior Nalt. Watch."

"It seems that I was still too waved before. Hold steady. I must hold steady, continue to sign in, and develop wretchedly."

"Don't be dragged into it."

Azatos once again warned himself that this world is too weird, righteous gods, evil gods, churches, hidden organizations, there are too many secrets, if you rush into it, you may not even know why you died.

Just like Senior Nalt, it is estimated that when he died, he only thought that he was too unlucky to be hit by a meteorite. He would not think that bad luck was arranged by someone.

Then Azatos looked at the third poem,

This is also easy to understand. It is what was planned by the mysterious man who killed Senior Naert. It has not yet started.

And the fourth sentence, 'Also be vigilant, because the script is already written! ', Azatos has a lot of conjectures in his heart. There are scripts, actors, and stages. All the elements have been assembled.

I don't know when or where, a grand drama may be staged.

Soon Azatos patted his chest, with a full face of rejoicing, and said:

"Fortunately, fortunately, looking at the content of the poem, I have not been involved, and these have nothing to do with me."

At this time, in front of the Red Crystal Divination Club, a team escorted by a hundred guards appeared. Then one was wearing a red vest, top hat, and white gloves on both hands. There was a majestic noble man from the carriage. Go out from above and enter the club.

Elena was also surprised when she saw this person, and said quickly: "Duke Dylan, why are you here, please wait a moment, I will call our supervisor over."

Duke Dylan waved his hand, then took out a diamond membership card,

"Madam, don't bother. It's the old rule. Find me a fortuneteller."

The diamond membership card can not be processed with money. It is a gift from the club owner to the top dignitaries. It is a symbol of status. There are no more than 20 people in the entire capital city of Blacklin. With it, you have all the privileges in the club, including taking away all the cash flow from the club that day.

Duke Dylan acted very casually, but Elena didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

She still remembers that once the boss of the club heard that the Duke of Dylan had come to the club, he took the steam train from the country town back to Bellanclin in order to present this diamond membership card.

The big boss also specially warned that the Duke of Dylan is the top nobleman, and it is very likely that he will enter the Senate in the past five years and become the true ruler of the empire.

Since he said that he didn't need to find the supervisor, Elena didn't dare to go against it, and quickly took over the list of fortune-tellers currently in the club.

"Mr. Duke, this By Ins is a citrine fortune-teller who has helped many guests avoid danger thirteen times. This Lauren Jones is also a citrine fortune-telling who once predicted the northern Isa The typhoon in Kexing Province is very close to the Red Crystal Diviner, and…"

Duke Dylan didn't wait for Elena to finish, and then interrupted: "Is there no red crystal class fortuneteller?"

"Well, Duke Dylan, unfortunately, there are no red crystal fortune-tellers coming to the club today. Of course, if you need me, I can notify them. I think the red crystal fortunetellers will be happy to help you."

Elena hurriedly explained her job for fear of dissatisfaction with the other party.

Duke Dylan bowed his hand and signaled that he did not want to. He did not come to the Red Crystal Club for the purpose of divining fate. If there is such a need at his level, he would not be used to find a soothsayer in the private sector, just ask the church for help.

Duke Dylan came to the club today because he had encountered too many annoying things recently, so he wanted the fortuneteller to chat and relax. As for the accuracy of the divination, he didn't care at all.

Duke Dylan glanced across the roster, and suddenly a strange name caught his attention.

'clown! '

"Hey, this fortune-teller is interesting. He even named his external name as a clown. Madam, I will choose him. Please lead the way."

"Ah…" Elena did not expect that Duke Dylan would choose a white crystal-level fortune-teller. You must know that ninety-nine percent of the fortune-tellers of this level are gods, and the remaining ten percent are liars. She hastily Confirmed, "Duke Dylan, you really want to choose this Mr. Clown."

Duke Dylan nodded and said, "Well, I will choose him."

Elena was helpless, so she had to take Duke Dylan to the White Crystal Room on the second floor of the "Joker". She planned to continue to accompany him, but Duke Dylan had already used the words "You can go back to work" and drove her away. .

But when Duke Dylan pushed open the door and stepped into the white crystal fortune-telling room, suddenly a 'partitioned' partition came into being, as if the destiny of this room was not connected to the outside world, but an independent time and space.

It's just that this feeling quickly disappeared, and Duke thought it was an illusion, so he didn't delve into it.

He looked up to the front and saw a man with a clown mask. Look at his skin color, height, body shape, and his age should be in his twenties.

'Very interesting fortune-teller, um, also very funny. '

Duke Dylan commented this in his heart, and then planned to speak, but at this moment, he suddenly saw a fortuneteller with a clown mask, shaking his cane with one hand and pressing his eyebrows with one hand, and striding strangely. Something seems to be a ceremony.

"Mr. Clown, what are you doing?" Duke Dylan asked strangely.

The fortune-teller with a clown mask returned with a slightly deep hoarse voice: "I'm sorry, sir, please forgive my recklessness. I'm just divination, whether doing fortune-telling for you will bring my own risk."


Duke Dylan suddenly had the urge to call up the guards and chop off the 'clown'.

He took a few deep breaths before he calmed down, and asked helplessly: "Then, Mr. Fortuneteller, what is the result of your divination."