
Voltaire Sebastian

Letisczia Penelope Santillan born from a silver platter, she wanted to explore the world, discover hidden gems, and go for an adventure. Embarking to a new life away from her overly controlling father, she met Voltaire Sebastian Del Gamo. A very mysterious man, as what she observe. A man who is always there in times needed. Is this destiny or a mere coincidence?

Tree_Noah · 若者
4 Chs


How dare him call me a kid! I'm not a kid! You're just too old! I wanted to scream that in his face but seeing how he looked right now, I'd rather not.

I release a deep breath before taking a step back. I looked at him one last time before turning around and storming out the door with hidden plans of murdering him.

Asshole! I glance at the house and saw him watching from that big window of his. I angrily rolled my eyes at him. I was planning on sticking my tounge out but I contemplated. He will think of me as kid even more! Damn!

'Where did you go, Senyorita?' Lucile, one of our house maid ask.

'It's not your goddamn business!' I shouted at her. I immediately gasp at my tone and choice of words. I breathe deeply before saying sorry at my sudden behavior.

I walked straight to my room and thought about all the things that happened earlier.

Laying, I remember how close he was to me a while ago. God, he's so handsome. I wonder how old he is. Is he knew here? I should give him a tour.

I was making plans in my mind in where should I take him and ir what things he must try in this province but a voice whispered in my ears.

'Kid, you can leave now.'

Arghhhh. Forget about the plans! He so mean for calling me a kid!!

Morning came, I woke up pretty early today because of a particular reason. I'm gonna visit him again and show him that I'm not a kid!

I planned out what I'm gonna do last night and is very determined to prove a point.

I happily descended to the stairs while singing raw raw raw your boat. Greeted everyone with a good morning and enjoyed a breakfast for one in the garden.

'I'll just roam around the lands. I'll be home before dark.' I said to Lucile and left without hearing her response.

You better get ready, Asshole. I'm gonna show you I am not a kid anymore.

I was happily skimping along the forest nearing the lake, I looked at it and saw 3 people laughing together while taking a dip. I stopped to my tracks.

'Maybe I shouldn't go. He have visitors.' I said to myself a little to loud for anyone near me to hear.

I looked at them again and contemplate even more.

Maybe next time.

I turned my back so that I could go home only to bumped into a solid surface.

'Hey!' I shouted at the encounter.

'Why are you here?' he said in an annoyed yet authoritative tone.

'Visiting you, obviously? But you have 3 already so step aside, I'm going home. I'll come back next time.' I said confidently. Who's a kid now, huh?

He tilted his head sideway with a smirk on his face.

Annoyed at how he responded to what I said. I rolled my eyes at him. I was about to step aside since he won't si that I can leave but he hold my hand and drag me to where his friends are.

Shocked at what he did I tried to get out from his hold but I just couldn't. My strength is just not enough to get rid of his hold.

'Who do we have here?' a guy with beard asked.

' This is the daughter of Eduardo Santillan.' the guy from a week ago answered.

'I'm Letiszcia Penélope Santillan.' I said freely while extending my hands to the man with a beard.

'Hi Pen, I am Marco Dela Vega, and those two there are Manuel Isidor Goméz, the other one who wore sun glasses is Exzequil Dimitri Augustus and that man beside you is Voltaire Sebastian Del Gamo.' he said and made a cute gesture of saying thank you in the Victorian Era.

'Oh. Hi, nice to meet you.' I said a little bit nervous.

Names are everything for me and these peoe surely have the names I should not associate myself into. The Goméz, the Augustus, the Dela Vega, and lastly the guy from last year, the Del Gamo.

We run in the same circle, but I only met one of the families, given that that event was the birthday of the president, only the Gomez's attended, Manuel wasn't there.

The guy from a week ago or should I say Voltaire Sebastian Del Gamo, got me a chair. Since he already has one, he placed my chair beside him.

'Eat.' he said while giving me a plate full of food.

'I'm not hungry.' I said while looking at him.

He looked at me annoyed again. What is it this time?

'I ate breakfast before going here so its okay.' I honestly reasoned out.

He looked me in the eyes before nodding his head and looking away. His friend are enjoying the lake.

'You're not gonna join them?' I asked. Just to try and create a rapour.

He shook his head.

'You can join them you know. I'll be fine here. Or I'll just leave.' I said a bit nervous.

He looked through my eyes, almost as if he's looking right through my very soul, into the deepest part of my existence.

I waited for him to say something but there was nothing. He was just looking at me. I felt a bit anxious at the situation were in.

'Okay. I'll take that as a yes. Goodbye.' I said and was about to stand up when he hold my hand and pulled me to sit down.

Shocked at what he did. I froze at my seat.

'Sit.' I don't know but this man knows how to act and what word to say. He just blew my confidence away. Here I am now, shrieking little by little beside him.

'Relax, Volt. You looked like You want to eat her.' Marco said amusingly while getting a towel on his chair.

'I might. If she's not a kid.' Volt said, glinting something behind it.

What was that?