

VOID LAND ONLINE Jon is a young man who had no one else other than his sister, but he lost her to a evil business man. As she laid in her deathbed, with 100% certain death, Jon decided to end this. He wanted death since the only person he loved is going to die, by twist of fate he ended up in some strange place after his death. Even more unbelievably there is a chance to cure his incurable sister, and save her? 'Wait? am I really dead? and hey what is your name again?' [Profound Choice system] 'Oh, got it, then what should i do next?' [Host can do what the host wants to do] 'Well, don't you give out any task? you know the missions and all?' [The system isn't a controlling maniac] some time later... [1. Do nothing. Reward: nothing 2. kill everyone indiscriminately. Reward: you will die and became a undead. 3. Kill if needed. Reward: +10 Medkit] 'Bastard system, didn't you say, you aren't controlling? but why are you forcing me to choose?' [The host doesn't understand the profoundness of the system's action]

dreamer08088 · SF
17 Chs


Running out of the tunnel, they felt their eyes being pierced by the evening sunlight.

Unknowingly, the sun had already started to travel downwards.

The place they came out of is the forest.

"Come let's hide in the forest," Mia said as she led them through the thick vegetation.

But they hadn't moved forward for a couple of steps when they found themselves caught in the air.

A net trapped them all.

"Ahha, see what we caught!" a group of four males dallied out of their hiding.

"There is even a candy this time" one of them licked his lips as he looked at Mia.

"The in-game body is very realistic, I want to test how it feels to be intimate!" he added looking at others as if to ask permission.

"Oui, be in line, the boss has the first go" another slapped the lewd man in the head.

"Fu*k, of course, boss get the first go! Did I say otherwise?!" the lewd man rudely smacked the man back.

The one they were talking about, the boss stood stoically as he watched all this.

But nothing could hide the hidden flame deep inside his eyes as he looked at Mia.

Because the armor fitted to her skin perfectly, it didn't hide her curves one bit.

The four were actually from the same gang and planned for a night of gaming.

Originally planning for a net*ri game, they got a sudden invitation for a game at the same time and accepted.

Even more fatefully they appeared all near to each other.

So when they met they ganged up and trapped players to kill.

"Drain the two monkeys first" the boss named, [Profane Master], ordered.

"Sure thing boss", the fourth man who was silent until now, ran over.

In his hands is a butcher's knife, his hand trembling in eagerness to draw blood.

His face had a wicked smile as he expected to draw blood, his name 'Sadism 2.0'

"Should I gut you or cut you?" he made an innocent question as he looked on.

The three present looked panicking as the situation felt like out of the frying pan, into the fire.

Mia looked on cold; meanwhile, Jon secretly tried to cut the net rope.

"Ah, gotcha, aren't you a sneaky one, let's cut you first. The other guy has more meat and will be funny to gut" [Sadism 2.0] remarked and moved to do so when they felt the earth tremble lightly.

[Profane Master] frowned at this and looked in the direction from where the trio came.

A sound of hundred of footsteps can be heard from there.

Jon stopped cutting the ropes hearing this.

He knows what it is, the Raptors have found them.

A similar paleness could be seen in the face of the other two, as they gulped down hard.

"Let's hide first" [Profane Master sensed something is wrong and decided to hide.

"But boss, what about them?" [Sadism] asked as he hate to part with the trio.

"We can get them back later, first hide" [Profane Master] instructed but it was too late as dozens of Raptors jumped out of the dense vegetation.

"Wh-What the hell is that?" The skinny guy said but in his exclamation, another Raptor jumped on his from the bush nearby.

"AAAGH" he screamed as he felt the pain of being bitten on the neck.

The Lewd guy backed off and fell on his butt, startled by this sight.

All this while as they trapped numerous people, they didn't meet with any animals

And as this is a battle royale, they didn't expect one as well.

Seeing one out of nowhere, making them out of mind for a second

[Sadism 2.0] was much calmer as he swept the dagger towards the Raptors heading to him, beheading it easily.

Watching this from the backline, [Profane Master] gave up on running and turned to the other members.

"Kill them, they are weaker than they look" [Profane master] confidently taking a step forward with a Greatsword in hand.

The guy who is being bitten quickly punched the one on him away and killed them using the mace he had.

But the next second a dozen more rushed out of the bush, and dozen more the next second.

More followed as they did not give them time to think, from all directions.

They are trapped on all sides.

Looking at this, the trio shook their head; feeling it is a foregone conclusion that they will all die.

And so they watched as the bastards below fought until they got exhausted.

"Sh*T, where the hell did this dinosaurs came out of?" the one who got bit in the neck said, falling down to his knees, weak.

Raptors jumped at him, eager to draw more blood.

The three seeing this know, their death is inevitable as well.

"Let's get out of here" [Profane Master] ordered, and Sadism started creating a path out of there.

They made step by step out of there, as the Raptors followed each step they took.

Soon the Raptors followed them, but not all of them.

Some of them remained there looking at the trio.

"We didn't make any sound? Why are they still holding on to us and not chasing those bastards?" Mia asked.

"Miss Mia, maybe you forgot the debuff we got," SamRex said making Mia's face scrunch up.

"What should we do? Should we go down and fight it out?" Mia asked.

SamRex shook his head, doubting they can successfully escape them.

"It's safer here, let's wait it out," SamRex said.

Looking at how the System hadn't issued a choice yet, Jon thought it is for the better but there is still one thing troubling him.

"What about the dome? What if it shrunk?" Jon asked.

"What about it, by my guess, the dome should shrink by now and we don't know if we are close to the next safe zone or not," SamRex said.

"Shouldn't it be all the reason we make haste?" Jon asked.

"do you even know the direction we should take after getting down?" SamRex asked.

Jon shook his head in denial, "Then what would we do, if the direction we take is the opposite of the Safe zone? Or let's say, the place we are in is under the safe zone, and by moving we moved out of it? What will we do then?"

Jon felt it is true; they had no clear sense of direction.

And the Map stopped working after they entered the tunnel, now it is like a blank slate.

'But what if I got eliminated?'

Looking at the screen, there are still 62 alive.

61 more to reach his goal

"Even if we get eliminated it's not like we can try again," SamRex said casually, It's just a game: left unsaid.

Hearing the remark, Jon wanted to ask what does he mean by that, and what kind of heaven are they going to?

'Or is it hell?'

But the Raptor's strange movement caught their eyes, instead of eating the flesh of the fallen player, the Raptor only killed them.

Until now, the body of the fallen player hadn't disappeared like they usually do.

They noticed this only now when the Raptor left out here and started to drag the body back…towards the tunnel entrance.

"What's happening? Is there something special about being killed by native creatures? Like some kind of background story or mission?" SamRex asked as he suspected the game is not purely a Battle-Royale.

Yet there is no one to answer his question, so he they continued to wait until another group of Raptors passed them by.

They were dragging the body of the lewd man from the group of four thugs.

"Haha, had it coming, that bastard?" SamRex laughed, and Mia remained quiet, behaving aloof as she always does.

In the sky, the Sun is setting soon...