
Chapter 12: Nakia (2)

How did such figure got herself captured, and even allowed herself to be sold as a slave?

Well, I pretty soon got the answer.


After the subordinate of Duke Swordfall gave the "good", with complete jealousy sticking in there face.

I soon, took Nakia over the basement of my mansion, as coming after the expedition this mansion was gifted to me, by my father. As, a gift of my success.

Locking Nakia in a dark room of the basement, I used my ‹Shadow Possession› to hide my presence and could hear what exactly was she planning.


"He finally left, huh?"

After a few minutes of wait, the elf finally moved her body as she quickly got up... her demeanour completely different from her previous pitifulself.

It was like, I was standing before an Empress, who has the right to rule the whole world.

"‹Clean›" she chanted, while her whole dirty body was cleaned in an instant, while I couldn't help but feel my cheek turn hot, heart beating faster, while I subconsciously mumbled in my mind 'Beautiful'

Even, I who has slept with many super-model of my world, I couldn't help but blush infront of her presence.

"Hey! Nakia, How many time do I have to say you to stop this! Last time you said that was the last time!" I heard a shout, as an tiny ball made of mana came near the elf, her tone was somehow worried while in the same time alittle infuriated.

"Come on, Nana. What can this weakly humans even do to me, I am an 8th-tier Caster. What can this human who's highest is at 6th-tier can actually do to me."

"If you really think of human so lowly, why try trying to get humiliated by them?!"

"Cum on~ You don't know the fun in it Nana, Ahh~ The pleasure of getting kicked by a lowly ant, and getting slapped in my face with there dirty hand, Umm~ I can't describe the feeling of getting stepped on by this lowly ants~" the elf said, while I could see her face turning red, her pointy ears quivering, while her whole body twitched with excitement.

"Cheh! There is no fun getting trampled by weak! You are the Princess of our Moon Elven tribe!! Keep some decency! " shouted the round ball of mana, while the elf who was in her own dream, suddenly said with an serious tone mixed with a sorrow filled face.

"We are not a tribe now Nana, That damn Elf King had already killed all of our tribesmen, It is just you and me now." said the elf princess, her eye filled with the sorrow of losing everything she had.

"Then why are you doing this! don't you think we should do something to avenge our tribe peoples! then just troll around with this humans!"

"It is exactly for the power I am here! I voluntarily, put those slave traders under my spell, and sold myself on the Auction.. and I then controlling my buyer, So, I could come here."

"I am sure you have also heard of him, the current master of mine. Don't you." said Nakia, licking her lips when she said "master".

"Hmm, Yeah Yeah.. This kid, He is just a ten year but surprisingly had power to kill an Ogre Sorcerer! I must say his talent is something even our elven race prodigy can't compare."

"Didn't I told yo—"

"But! In the need he is just a human! the limit he can reach is only 6th-tier, There is no way he will be useful to us! That half-human from before was atleast decent."

"Tck! But that son of a bitch, tried to stick his disgusting stick in me, So I had to kill him!.. and beside, If this human can show me his potential, I am willing to use our ancestor treasure on him." Nakia said, while Nana couldn't help but yell.

"What! No way! We can't use it on a human! Our ancestors told us to use it only when tribe need it the most."


"Then, when exactly does our tribe need any more help then now?" asked Nakia, while Nana couldn't utter a word against this question.

"*sigh!* Then Please do tell me, How will you evaluate this human is worthy to use our ancestral treasure then." asked the ball with a long sigh, while Nakia gave an mischievous smile.

"If he can humiliated me enough!"

"Heh! Don't you just want to be humiliated!" shouted Nana.


'This girl, She is a full-fledged masochist!'


And so, I am here in my room, standing right infront of Nakia, who can kill with a zero to no effort, atleast for now.

"Kneel." I said to her.

"Pa-Pardon?" questioned Nakia, as I immediately slapped her to ground.


As she fell to the floor, I could see her body twitching which definitely wasn't from pain.

"Ma-master?" said Nakia, with trembling voice, while I stepped my leg in her face.

"Do you know what you have done?"

"Ahh~ Master, Plea-please.. forgive me, I don't know what have I done to offend you."


"You don't know what you have done, You need to be punished!" I said, pressing my toe into her soft cheery cupid lip.

"Lick it." I said, as Nakia, obediently opened her cupid lip, her tongue intertwining in my toe, as she slowly began to lick it. While her whole body trembled, was it fear or pleasure, who knows?

Chup! Chup!

Sound of her tongue licking my toe echoed, while I couldn't help but feel my boner rising.

'Damn, This youth body.' I cursed inwardly, while I roughly grabbed her hair, pulling her head upto my level.

"You damn bitch! Because of you I have a boner! How can I go outside like this!" I said giving pulling her hair more roughly.

"Ahhh! Ma..aa..ster! Pp-Please forgive me." she requested, tear falling from her emerald eye.

[<Ghost of Uchiha> found it interesting, as he mumbled "I want to do this to 'him'".]


"Shut up, you damn wretch !" I said, slamming her to ground, while I choke her with my hand... as ripping her maid uniform, I could clearly see her huge tits, and cherry red nipple on it.

Calming my urge to suck her tits. I looked at her, her breathing had turned heavy, as she winced from her hair being pulled roughly.

'You want to be humiliated don't you! Just so, I am an expert in this field.'

"Ughhh~ Muusstuure, Pleaassse." Nakia pleaded, her eye all teary, but still I could see a little smile in her fearful face.

Thuk! Thuk!

"Young Lord, Lord and Lady are waiting for you on the City Gate, Please come fast." this time this was the voice of Mona, as I could hear her rough breathing.

She must have run all over here from the City Gate.

"Tsk! You are saved! Next time you dissatisfied me, It will be worse." I said, as I gave Nakia a furious glare.

"T-Thank for your mercy, M-Master!" she said, kneeling on all of her four, but I find a little anger in her apology, as she glared at the door. While, I knew she wasn't glaring at the door, It was probably the one behind the door.


"Let's go, Mona." I said to her, while she looked at me alittle confused.

"Young Lord? Isn't Nakia here?"

"No, I had send her to do a job for me, She isn't here... why don't we just go " I said with friendly smile, as she flinched alittle with slight blush, as she changed the subject.

"I am very proud of you Young Lord, I didn't knew, I could see this day so soon." she said with proud, as she was with me since my birth, So, of course she could be proud, of me being chosen as one of the main leading commander in this War against Kingdom.

"Go show them, your might, Young Lord!"

"Haha, Of course.. If Mona is the one who said it, who am I to refuse." I said, as we began chatting about different stuff on our way to City Gate.

While, In my room... the abused elf was kicking the floor with rage, her exposes breast giggling up and down.

"Damn it! Damn it! That damn Mona, how dare she ruin my fun!! I will kill her." shouted Nakia, as she lightly touched her neck, and savoured the feeling of getting chocked.

"This girl definitely needs some mental treatment." sighed a ball of mana, as she watched Nakia tantrum.
