
Villainous Heiress And Her Ex's Tyrant Boss

Participating in Cupid quill contest!! Please show your support! "He lied, cheated, and dared to reject me with utter disrespect!" This is the fury of a vengeful soul, who shows no mercy. Hailey Gao's whole being is fueled by an unrelenting fury. She's out for the blood of her boyfriend : Mason He, who spurned her in the most degrading manner, igniting a hatred she can't ignore. This is when Hailey's path crosses with Adrian Zhan, a tyrant in the business world whose very name instills fear. • • "Together, we'll crush our enemies," Adrian proposes, sparking a risky alliance. "And make them regret ever trying to ruin us," Hailey retorts with a sly smile and a mischievous glint in her eyes. • • What begins as a supposed fake relationship, a transaction of mutual use, takes an unexpected turn. • • "We're in a relationship now. You are mine alone; remember that." • • Hailey is startled as Adrian seems to invest genuine emotion into this charade. Is her ex's boss truly in love with her, or is he skillfully playing a game of deceit to make their faux relationship disturbingly real?

Kuchi_G_ · 都市
29 Chs

Confronting Betrayal.

Felix's employees exchanged frightened glances, a collective unease settling among them. One of the bolder individuals mustered the courage to address Hailey, "Please reconsider, ma'am. If you pursue legal action and sue him, it might lead to the closure of his boutique and might... "

Hailey, undeterred by the plea, interrupted them with a determined gaze and stated, "That's precisely my intention. However, you need not worry about losing your jobs. Once I've conducted thorough interviews, I'll extend job offers to y'all at my company's stores."

A collective sigh of relief swept through the employees, who nodded appreciatively at Hailey's assurance. However, Felix, infuriated by their apparent disloyalty, shot them a venomous glare and sneered, "Traitors."

Hailey's attention shifted back to Felix, her expression now one of cold anger. She questioned him sharply, "How many times must I tell you to shut it?"

Felix, recognizing the severity of the situation, hung his head low once again.

"I am proceeding with the lawsuit. My lawyer will arrive tomorrow morning. There's no need for you to consider fleeing, as rest assured, I will find you. Once located, you will face legal consequences for failing to repay my money and for the bribes you've collected," Hailey declared, her words carrying a stern authority that left no room for negotiation.

Hailey sneered and turned to leave, but Felix, fueled by a mixture of defiance and desperation, extended his hand, effectively stopping her in her tracks. "What do you mean? Will you imprison me then?" he demanded, his tone filled with a defiant edge. "You wouldn't dare! You think you're so high and mighty, believing you can do whatever you want?"

Scoffing at his challenge, Felix continued, "And what if I choose to run away?"

Hailey, undeterred, scowled and retorted, "Try me then. Run away, and let's see." Her evil grin sent shivers down Felix's spine as she turned around, striding towards the exit. The distinct click of her heels against the shiny tiled flooring echoed through the boutique, amplifying the gravity of the situation.

As she left, Hailey's laughter reverberated through the emptying space, leaving Felix with a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach. The thought of facing imprisonment if he dared to escape was an unimaginable nightmare. Overwhelmed, he placed his hands on his head, running his fingers through his hair, grappling with the harsh reality that unfolded before him.

"That fucking bitch!" he groaned in frustration.


Julie observed Hailey as they approached her car, curiosity etched on her face.

Unable to contain her question, she asked, "Are you genuinely going to send him to jail?"

Hailey, still focused on the unfolding events, replied without glancing at Julie, "No, that was just a mere threat."

Julie, sensing an opportunity to delve deeper, probed further, "What if he actually decides to run away? Will you follow through and imprison him?"

Hailey chuckled slightly, her amusement evident, and responded, "I will find him, have him locked up in one of the company's abandoned warehouses, and torture the hell out of him until he probably meets his demise."

A wicked smirk played on Hailey's lips, unsettling Julie, who shuddered at the ominous tone.

"You're joking, right?" Julie questioned, still grappling with the unsettling revelation. Hailey laughed again but chose not to provide a direct answer, leaving Julie with a lingering sense of uncertainty.

As Hailey entered the back seat of her car, Julie stopped, contemplating the weight of Hailey's words. 'She's joking, right?' Julie thought.

Julie shook her head and gracefully walked to the waiting car. Seated in the front passenger seat, she promptly fastened her seatbelt, signaling the chauffeur to commence their journey back to the company. With a nod of acknowledgment, the chauffeur initiated the car, prompting Julie to smile as she turned her gaze towards the passing scenery. Meanwhile, Hailey, engrossed in her phone, navigated to the message app, hesitating momentarily before deciding against sending a message to a specific contact. With pursed lips, she ruminated, 'He hasn't called or texted me today. He didn't even call or text for a month... I will finish my work quickly and go surprise him. If I find out he broke our promise, I will surely break him.'

Glancing at her watch, Hailey sighed and urged the chauffeur, "Mr. Andre, please be quick."

Mr. Andre nodded in response and accelerated the vehicle.


As night draped the city, the streets fell into a serene hush, occasionally interrupted by the distant sounds of passing cars and the wail of sirens.

Exiting the company building, Hailey slipped into her car, and instructed Mr. Andre, "Drive me to Mason's house."

He acknowledged her command with a nod, steering the car toward its destination. Leaning against the headrest, Hailey rubbed her temples lightly, exhaustion seeping into both her mind and body. The soft buzz of her phone drew her attention, a glimmer of hope that it might be from Mason. However, disappointment washed over her as she discovered a message from an anonymous number.

With a sense of trepidation, Hailey pressed her thumbs against the screen, her eyes widening as she read each word in the message. The anonymous sender followed the text with a picture capturing Mason holding hands with another woman, entering a hotel together. Shocked, Hailey stared at the contents of the message, a palpable silence enveloping the car.

The anonymous number added insult to injury by sending the address of the hotel. Hailey sat there, stunned for a few moments, muttering under her breath, "Oh no, no, no."

"Mr. Andre, please drive to this address I'm about to send you," she instructed, deftly sending the details to Mr. Andre's phone.

"Okay, ma'am," responded Andre. She then turned to gaze out the window, her face a canvas of mixed emotions, fingers fiddling with unease. Thoughts raced through her mind, 'It can't be! How could he cheat on me? What about the promise we made?' She shook her head, sighing heavily.

The car glided into the expansive parking lot of the hotel, where Mr. Andre adeptly parked. While Hailey lingered in her seat, staring straight ahead with a blank expression, Mr. Andre patiently waited. The sound of him unlocking her door prompted her to move. Stepping out, she continued to gaze at the hotel building before addressing Mr. Andre, "Thank you, Mr. Andre. Please wait for me here," she said in a subdued tone.

As Hailey marched towards the revolving glass doors, and as she entered into the lobby, she immediately spotted the woman behind the reception counter who greeted her with a cheerful smile, "Good evening, ma'am. How may I help you?"

Hailey cleared her throat and inquired, "Did a man named Mason He check in here?"

The lady smiled and confirmed, "Yes, he checked in a few hours ago."

Resolute, Hailey pressed further, "What room is he in?"

The lady pursed her lips, as she hesitated before, she responded, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but I can't tell you that. Mr. He requested not to be disturbed." The refusal elicited a tightening of Hailey's jaw.

"I understand, thank you," Hailey replied with a forced polite smile, turning away while biting her lips, a subtle sign of the frustration bubbling beneath the surface. As she contemplated her next move, an idea sparked in her mind. She looked back at the receptionist and declared, "You know what, I will just book a room for one night."

The receptionist's face lit up with happiness, nodding enthusiastically, "Of course, ma'am."

After swiftly typing some details into the computer, the receptionist handed Hailey her room key, adding, "Have a nice night." Hailey reciprocated with a smile that concealed her true intentions, collecting the key before turning away, her smile fading as she headed toward the elevator.

While walking, she focused on her phone, and recalled, 'I and Mason decided to put a GPS tracking app in our phones just in case.'

As she entered the app, it initiated the tracking of Mason's whereabouts. The elevator doors opened almost immediately upon her arrival, and she pressed the button marked '4th floor.'

The doors closed slowly, and she let out a deep breath.

Upon reaching the 4th floor, Hailey exited the elevator and stood in the hallway, her eyes fixed on her phone. 'Now to find that asshole,' she thought, walking down the hallway, following the GPS tracker that would lead her to Mason's location within the hotel.

The dimly lit corridor echoed with the rhythmic tapping of Hailey's heels, a somber symphony to accompany the whirlwind of emotions churning within her. After a persistent search, she finally uncovered Mason's room, marked by the blatant betrayal etched in the room number, '147.'

A smirk played on her lips as she absorbed the confirmation of his infidelity. 'So it was really him... he is really cheating on me... What a bold asshole,' she thought.

Memorizing the damning room number, Hailey left the scene and retraced her steps to her own room on the 3rd floor. As she entered, the door slammed shut behind her, resonating with the intensity of her emotions.

In her room, Hailey inhaled deeply, running her fingers through her hair, contemplating her next move. 'How do I confirm without him finding out that I know?' she pondered, pacing around the room with a frenetic energy.

A sudden pause in her steps occurred when her eyes landed on the hotel's telephone, neatly perched on the bedside table.

A devious smile adorned Hailey's face as she mumbled, "I know what to do."

She seized the receiver and dialed the main office.

"Hello," she uttered with practiced calmness.

A female voice responded, "Good evening, Ma'am. How may I help you?"

Hailey smirked to herself, embracing the cunning plan forming in her mind. "I need the assistance of one of your cleaners; my bedspread needs to be changed. It's a bit dirty. My room number is 135," she stated, her voice laced with an evil charm.

"Alright, Ma'am, we will send someone right away," the obliging female replied.

"Thank you," Hailey responded smoothly, hanging up the phone.

A few minutes post-phone call, a cleaner stood dutifully before Hailey's room door, her demeanor polite and professional. "Please come in," Hailey called through the door.

The worker pushed the door open slightly, surveying the room. "Hello, Ma'am. You requested a change of bedspread?" she inquired.

Hailey, wearing a disarming smile, responded, "I did, but let's not do that."

Puzzled, the cleaner asked, "Ma'am, if I may ask why?"

Hailey's grin widened, "The bedspread is clean. I need you for something else. If you do this for me, I will pay you handsomely," she added with a persuasive charm.

After a moment's hesitation, the cleaner asked, "What is it that you want me to do, Ma'am?"


With the plan meticulously explained, the cleaner exited Hailey's room and ascended to the 4th floor, where Mason's room awaited. She reached the designated door, placing her hands on the handle. Slowly, she pressed the handle down and deftly inserted the key into the keyhole, unlocking the door with ease.

Stepping inside, she surveyed the room. A faint odor of alcohol and sweat lingered in the air, causing her nose to wrinkle in disgust. Her stomach churned painfully at the unpleasant ambiance. Although the room appeared empty, sounds of moaning and the running shower emanated from the bathroom.

Advancing further into the room, she extracted a small camera from her pocket, strategically placed it between books on a shelf opposite the bed.

'This should capture everything,' she contemplated, and turned on the camera swiftly. As the bathroom doorknob began to turn, she hurriedly exited the room, locking it behind her with the key, and descended from the fourth floor to the third.

Upon entering Hailey's room, she removed her cap, revealing her face. The person disguised in the cleaner's attire was none other than Hailey herself. Hailey then turned and looked the cleaner, who was now wearing her clothes and was now seated on the Hailey's bed, patiently waiting.