
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · ファンタジー
139 Chs

Rocky Road

Road M. drove to the rubble. It was obvious Designer was alive since mark of ownership of Turf hadn't shown.

" Annoying pest." Road M. sighed sniffing around

He picked up Designer's scent " Now you can't run from me."

Road M. touch a twenty story building. All its windows turned into rifles and fired randomly. The flew up, crashed down and blocked the path of another vehicle in stealth mode.

Road M. came out of the flamed scrap metal "Designer....are you running away?"

Designer came out. He was an older Villain that evaded Heroes for years and now a greenhorn Villain has not only turned his Turf into a road-abomination but has caught him too. Designer was visual angry.

" Do you not know how high the heavens are from the earth." Designer asked

" Is that why you look up at me?" Road M.

Spears were flung at him, the roads readjusted and caught them.

" Shall I change in a black racing suit?" Road M. asked

" YOU!" Designer shouted


" This is Maniac." Road M. answered " No...Yes....SURE!"

Designer looked suspiciously and Road M. noticed " They asked if you need a coffin, If we'll be eating and if we need dessert."

Designer ran to Road M. who slid down a road. Designer made jets fire at Road M.'s road. His racing suit turned red and all the roads were engulfed in blue flames.

" Please.....don't mess with my stuff?" Road M. warned

Designer shot into Road M.'s blind spot and stabbed into his ribcage. Road M. pushed back in half werewolf form. His two orange tails swayed quietly feeling the air.

" A werewolf, two-tail variant?" Designer smiled

" Heh...I knew an A-rank Villain wasn't a bore." Road M. laughed touching the wound

" You're a hundred years to early to injure me brat." Designer smirked

Without realizing the greenhorn was behind him and clawed at his back. Designer turned but Road M. was in front of him and slashed up his chin.

" Don't underestimate me!" Designer roared

Swords spun around Road M. was a tornado of swords. The blood dropped onto the road.

" Seems Multi Mask to in a useless pup." Designer laughed

" Urgh.....ANNOYING!" Road M. mumbled

Cars with blades, machine guns and spikes appeared on the roads. His racing suit turned black, his size increased and blue claws popped out. His claws burnt in a blue flame.

" I won't be confident to beat you if I didn't have the strength to back it up." Road M. laughed

Designer took out a pen and everything he drew materialized. Designer was having warriors with weapons behind him. Road M. and the world watching were fascinated at how Designer was only an A-rank Villain. It didn't end there as T-rex larger then usual came to life along with army jets.

" Want some help?" Mynt whispered

" I can handle it. A little drawing isn't gonna stop me." Road M. went

[ Affinity with < Mynt> has increased]

" HANDS OFF MY PLAYER!" Luck yelled

" Um..guys stop shouting in my brain...they are advancing and....I want to think." Road M. sighed

"Sorry..." Mynt and Luck went

Designer stabbed Road M. again. The werewolf looked down at him. Designer could see his emerald green eyes. Their was a strong pressure from him.

" Prey will always fear the predator." Road M. whispered holding Designer's arm

[ Innate Skill < Werewolf Presence>]

" Where did he get you?" Designer shivered

The blue flames were moving up hi arm. The road sprouted up iron spikes and Road M. was not letting go of Designer. The spikes were near approaching them

" I guess this is the end." Road M. sighed

Designer cut of his arm from the shoulder and smiled" No it's not."

" Damn." The viewers thought

" Yep struggle just like that. Road kill...." Road M. smiled

The stub where Designer's arm was lit in blue flames. They were more aggressive and ate up Designer. He turned into ash and white lily petals were released into the Turf. The petals harmoniously spun and swayed in the air. It was marked the most beautiful killing done by Blood Lily.


" Hey, Mum.....What I'm doing? I'm watching a flower show, I come soon." He said

" WOW" Mynt exclaimed at the scene

" Would you look at that? Was killing always this good looking" Krysa laughed " I gotta met him."

" Just pick him up from school or visit his mum, dumb rat." Wes advised " Not as Executive Krysa but as multi-millionaire Sebastian Rite."

Jaxon entered his mother's ward late in the night. It was filled with gifts and flowers. To his surprised she was awake reading get well cards.

" Those V.V. people are so nice to this old lady." Mrs. Woods laughed

" You're not old, Mum." Jaxon sighed " What if.....what if-"

Sebastian barged in with bundles of flowers.

" Jaxon. You'll be staying at my house." He announced

" How kind of you." Mrs. Woods smiled

" You're too nice Mum...." Jaxon thought

Gain finally returned to Blood Lily HQ. He brought in files for Zaiden and went to 'see' Gaia who broke her leg.

Zaiden took the files and went to a hall. He was invited to a function of other company owners and the like. Zaiden sipped a glass of white wine with Caesar and Laasya calmly behind him.

" Should I arrange some food for you two." Zaiden whispered

" No. You need to put an act of a benevolent and also work orientated individual in this type of situations." Laasya told

" Bothersome." Zaiden frowned


It was Zaiden's third brother, Franklin causing the outrageous scene.

" Are you here to beg to be allowed back?" He growled

Hugo and Lucian, his parents were also there and looked on Zaiden for an answer. Caesar violently pulled Franklin away. Franklin's superior rushed over apologizing to Zaiden.

" Sir what are you doing?" Franklin asked as the other Strong family members arrived.

" Do you know nothing. This is Zaiden J. President and Founder of Verte Vie( V.V.) as well as our company's strongest shareholders." The superior explained " Please forgive him."

" Of course. I happen do be a fan of The Strong family.....and their seven children." Zaiden taunted

" No, we're eight." Lyla interrupted

" With whom?" Zaiden grinned walking away to his table

" What is happening. That is Zaiden." Lucian whispered

Only the Strong family knew Hunter and Zaiden's hair were as white as snow. To preserve their image the dyed it to their father's color and now the decision came to bite back at them.

" Who would have thought we'd met like this?" Zaiden laughed a wicked red glow erupting in his eyes

" So that's them...." Caesar frowned with a low growl

" To the Strong family for everything they do the society. Responsible parents and heroes ever loving and flowing with love for all the children and people without discrimination." Zaiden toasted mockingly