

Third person

The atmosphere between them suddenly became so awkward. Neither of them knew how to break the silence. Blu was so taken aback by Oliver's apology and on the other hand Oliver didn't know what else to do to prolong their dinner.

They spend a good minute staring at their food until the waiter came in to check if they're inneed of anything else.

Blu : no thank you. Can you please bring over the check?

Waiter : sure sir. In a minute.

They just remained silent untill Oliver spoke up

Oliver : why are you in such a hurry to leave? You have other plans after this?

Blu was quite surprised by the question as Oliver never in the past has ever shown any interest in his business. And now suddenly he's being so straightforward but Blu decided not to think much about it and answered

Blu : it's not of your business Mr Oliver.

Oliver : ' so you won't even tell me that much. Is it really that personal? Can't you just lie that you're going back home right after'

Not getting any response, Blu lifted his head and for the first time he saw an expression of Oliver that he'd never seen. He has seen his angry,disgusted,annoyed expression when he's with Blu and his loving and happy ones when with Josh but never had he seen this one. Blu couldn't quite understand what that expression means.

Blu's train of thoughts were interrupted by the waiter

Waiter : sir, the check.

The waiter placed the check on the table and left.

Blu reached out for the check but it was snatched by Oliver.

Blu : let me pay for it Mr Oliver.

And he reached out for the check once again.

Oliver : I can't let you pay when I'm the one who invited you for the dinner.

Blu : come on. This is a business dinner and I'm not comfortable with others paying for me.

With that Blu tried to snatch back the check. But Oliver wasn't giving in.

Oliver : others? (clenches his fist). I'm no other to you Blu. I'm your husband whether you accept it or not.

Blu : No, Mr Oliver, you're not. You are not my husband. I  have signed the divorce papers and you are no longer my husband. And I don't think you ever considered me as your husband either. And if you paying this check will end this dinner, then, I'm truly thankful for the dinner. I'll be taking my leave.

Oliver's heart sting at Blu's words, but he couldn't do anything or say anything to stop Blu from walking away. He payed and called out for the waiter.

Blu texted his mom that he's done and he'll call a cab but his mom insisted to send a car to pick him up.

Blu stood up from his seat and was heading towards the door when his wrist was held by someone. He turned and saw the confuse face of oliver.

Oliver : ' I can't just let him walk away like that. I have to say something but what. He's already walking towards the door, what should I say? '

And without realizing himself Oliver rushed towards Blu and held his wrist. Even he himself was confused  at that. He didn't know how to proceed from that.

Blu : ' why is he holding my wrist and why does he look so confuse? Just what does he really want(sighs)'

Oliver : I..I..I'll dr..op you off . It's my responsibility.

Blu : thank you Mr Oliver but you don't have to. It's not your responsibility.

Oliver : No, it is. I have to make sure that you reach home safely.

Blu : since when do you even care. I've been fine all these years and I'll continue to be.

At this Oliver felt his heart shattered. He didn't know why all his words affected him so much. At this point he's too scared to find out about the reasons behind all his feelings.

He was woken from his train of thoughts when Blu spoke again

Blu : besides my ride is already on the way.

Oliver : ( clenches his fist) then let me walk you to your car. ' will that man come to pick him up? No...no..it can't be. It's late and I'm sure as protective as his family is, they won't let him stay out so late with another man no matter how old Blu is. Yes. I don't have to think about that.. Yeah'

They walked together in silence to the parking lot and waited for a minute when Blu's received a text.


Andy : I'm here to pick you. Turn to the left.

Blu : 'Andy? '



I'm so sorry for the late update and thank you very much for reading my book. please hit a like if you find this chapter interesting😊😊
