
Parenting or abuse.

ah... I can finally relax, school out and summers in so what are you going to do? Probably party on my dad's yacht. what about you Reberu I don't know but I'll tell you when I figure it out, ok bye.

Oh! you're back why don't you pass me another beer. thanks and do you have my money. yes, well give it to me...

You're ten dollars short where the rest. I'm sorry I had to get something to eat. *SLAP*, You're little shit next time you decide to steal money from me. I'll kill you! Now go to your room! I hate this place and I hope you die a painful death! It your problem if you don't like my methods of providing for this family. When your mother gets back I'll have her beat some sense into you.

I'll leave before she reaches back, i'm done take abuse from someone who doesn't care about me.

Hey, Hey, kid wake up ,err. Is this the place you were talking about, yes.
