
Aovialutre's Barrier

I study Obrecht's serious face. Ever since last night, I'd felt a gradual change, and not just from him. It's a sort of change where I can't particularly place my finger on it, but I sense some things shifting into places, making it seem like nothing is disarranged, though my gut tells me it's not the same anymore. It just feels different somehow. We feel different.

But it's the good kind, I hope.

Rare are the times Obrecht laughs to cover things up recently. I used to feel that Obrecht would laugh and be cheerful even when he really didn't find things amusing for himself. It's like he laughs to blend in with the crowd, avoiding disharmony. Sometimes, he does that with me, but I can feel that he hasn't done that since yesterday. At least to me, that is.

Obrecht's eyebrows knit as he stares at certain areas. I seem to find his blank faces increasingly interesting by the day.

Suddenly, he glances at me, making me shift my eyes downwards to the large map he and I had laid down on the second floor study room's table.

There must be something wrong with me, I conclude to myself as I keep finding myself subconsciously looking to where Obrecht is every other minute. If I wasn't looking at his face, I most probably be glaring at his hands!

Obrecht and I had a long talk last night. It reminded me of when we first met, laying side by side as we conversed about a lot of things that troubled our minds—mostly, mine.

I confessed what I had experienced back during my coming of age ceremony, as well as the true purpose of my "training". Although I wasn't able to tell him about the true scope of my power, which is the reason why the Lycan-kind kept us in the first place, I believe Obrecht already has an inkling regarding it anyway.

People will always have at least one secret they would keep only to themselves and never tell anyone, not even their most trusted person.

To be fair, Obrecht had confessed as well, saying he had used the treehouse as an excuse to his parents why he wanted to catch up and tag along with me.

In addition, Obrecht also made a silly rule last night, saying that I'm not allowed to wear my mask when it's just the two of us, or when we're inside the treehouse. Although its feels like I'm breaking customs and traditions, it's not like I'm strictly following it from the start. I wear the mask simply to avoid using my power to duplicate senses, something I struggle to do now that I am faced with Obrecht. But I accepted it anyway.

I won't always be able to hide behind a mask. Someday, I'd have to find a way to control it if possible, or to control the effects. I had previously thought it was hopeless, but during the recent days in Lumea, I can't help but hope. I suppose it's true that a change in environment, bring about a change to the person. But these are all some things that I don't want to think about at the moment. There are other pressing matters I want to address first.

My mind flashes back on the memories of blue-haired lady, the temple, and the beast.

"Do you really want to go here? I think we should use this route instead. I've been here once before when I accompanied Apa on his way to a meeting in the fields with Tito Sagitta." Obrecht points to a certain part of the map. "There are less guards here especially at around mid-morning, when there is a change of shift of the guards, unless they changed the schedule, which is unlikely. "

"…But won't we go farther away from the lake?" I study the map, eyeing the illustration of the lake that had a long black line drawn here and there.

"It'll be longer by half a day, but I think this route is safer. Remember that book Tita Nehal lent you? Since the book looked older, I just took note of the important parts, but not so much of the smaller migratory beasts since they could have already left, died, or fled a long ago. Also, I noted down the major nests, and there's a nest here of silver-fanged pythons. I think it's best we go around it rather than take our chances."

"…Mm", I nod in agreement.

"Let's head here first for our first checkpoint."

Rolling up the map, Obrecht and I move to start packing up our stuff synchronously. Grabbing our rations, I take our bags and divide the perishables equally just in case we get separated temporarily. We already had our checkpoints set up the first part of our discussion. We had agreed upon a place near the rock formation, as the large rock could easily be a good place for defense. We would only need to worry for an attack at the front and side, and not be surrounded.

Obrecht stills for a moment, dazing away as he stares at the inside of his bag.

Is he missing something? Is he looking for his water can? I think I saw him put it somewhere here earlier…

Dragging away the thick bed rolls and a few quilts that Obrecht suggested that we bring just in case of the cold, I find a metallic water can beneath. Just as Obrecht turns to survey the living room, I push the water can in front of his face, urging him to take it already.

Holding the can is easy, but holding it for a long time—well, it's still easy given that I train, but it's still embarrassing being stared at like I had grown another head! All because of a water canteen!

Finally taking it, Obrecht accepts it, turns back to stuff it in his bag, and whispers, "We're like an old couple, aren't we, sweetheart?" He smirks.

I grab a nearby book on a shelf and toss to strike it at him. Obrecht didn't even look when he dodged it, laughing in a good mood as the book pathetically hit the opposite wall.

By mid-morning, Obrecht and I had already taken everything we can consider into consideration. We were ready to search for the lake, hoping for answers.

Suddenly, Obrecht opens up a topic as he jumps down from the second floor railing.

"I still can't believe you thought I'd be burdened." Obrecht smiles to himself.

He walks to where I am, at the front of the door. I jab an elbow at his side in annoyance, but he just laughs me off. The door swings open on its own, the tree eager to please us with a farewell of its own.

Hold on—isn't this like one of those automated and anti-theft houses Mother said that the Satori have?

"You know, you're too modest. Lumeans keep secrets too, you know. It's not that we tell everybody every single thing. Only the important stuff. Too much candor isn't as good as you think. It's more about harmony. One can keep a secret and keep everybody safe, while another can expose the truth and bring everybody to harm."

"…" Can you stop teasing me already? You've been going at it since last night! If I knew this was going to happen, I wouldn't have told you.

Inwardly, I grumble.

"Oh~ you're annoyed", Obrecht amusedly says as he pokes the mask's cheek.

I swat his hand with the back of mine, before getting ready to sprint. One laugh later, Obrecht takes his position and we ran out of the house at the fastest speed we could muster, half competing with each other, half to throw away anybody if anybody was following us.

It's a safety precaution Obrecht suggested we do, but I think he's just too excited since yesterday that he needed to let off some steam. But then again, that could just be my imagination.

Jumping from branch to branch, I can see Obrecht dodging the trees as he runs below me on the ground. He could easily run faster, judging by the way his face hasn't even broken a sweat yet.

A moment later, we stop by a large tree with thick head-sized leaves. Obrecht hoists himself up a branch to squat down beside me as we surveyed the guard's station nearby. Most of them are happily discussing the tournament, some lamenting that they were unlucky enough to have duty this year.

An older man claps the back of a younger person beside him, "You'll get your chance next year!"

"I don't get it! Aovialutre already has a barrier protecting us from the predator beasts. I don't see why we have to go through this. At least have a holiday for the annual tournaments", the younger person laments.

The other person laughs, "Oh, and weren't you one of those naughty young ones trying your chance to get out? And you think we don't need to guard the borders."

Embarrassed, the younger person scratches his head, all the while the other people were jeering. Not able to take it defeat lying down, the younger person argues, "But everybody's going to be watching the tournaments. It's not like anybody's wanting to go out of Lumea."

"It's exactly because we think nobody's going to be sneaking out of Lumea that's why we have to guard more. Don't you think it's the perfect chance for the younger nonsensible kids to explore and then never be able to come back?"

I perk up in surprise upon hearing a familiar voice. I don't notice Obrecht glancing at me at the periphery of his eyes.

"Ah, Raguk", everybody straightens out, not a jeer to be heard at his arrival. Although they seem friendly with each other, it's still different facing the son of one of the Batrani. Although the Batrani are voted by the people, there are some families that excel in governance and certain aspects that there are families having more than one generation in the family tree history to have joined the Batrani.

The younger person's face looks a bit pale. Raguk pretends he doesn't notice, and proceeds to nod at everybody.

"We're here to change shifts. Please excuse us if my brother and I are early today. It's not that we're here to cause trouble by appearing early—we just had errands to do eaelier so we went here directly afterwards. I hope it's not a bother to my seniors", Raguk says politely.

"No, of course it's alright. Then, you guys go get the others then so we can gather", the oldest and leader of the team says to the younger generation.

"I…I'll stay and guard for a while", the younger person suddenly announces. Although he looks young, it's still safe to say that Raguk is years younger than anybody here.

"Don't be silly", their leader says as he slaps the boy's shoulder and bringing him with him as he walks to the nearby barrack, despite his weak protests. "Let's go together then. You brothers' gonna be okay guarding on your own or do I let some people stay to wait for the others to come?" The leader redirects his question at Raguk and his brother.

"We'll be fine", Raguk's brother says lightly, although it seemed that Raguk has something to say about it but he simply presses his mouth into a thin line.

He's like a carbon copy of his father.

Obrecht squeezes my hand. I nod back. We creep slowly at the edges of the shrubs while everybody is busy chatting and heading back to log the time for their change of shift. Perhaps it's because of the annual tournaments, but everybody isn't as vigilant as I expected them to be.

But I may have said that too early.

Abruptly, Raguk turns his sharp gaze to where Obrecht and I are hiding, a few feet away from passing the border. I hold my breath. I couldn't help but notice Obrecht beside me who isn't even looking at Raguk, but at me. My shoulders tense a bit more, and upon noticing it, Obrecht grins.

All of a sudden, I'm so annoyed. Even my irritability doesn't escape Obrecht, as he turns his head to Raguk's direction in a means to elevate my mood, and it should have elevated mood if not for the silly smirk he has playing upon his lips.

"Raguk, help me carry the coal for the night shifters", Raguk's brother calls out.

Raguk glances at his brother before giving our direction one last look as left to help his brother. We take that chance to rush by behind them silently, the wind whistling lowly. Having successfully passed by them, I wasn't able to catch sight of Raguk turning back to our direction, his eyes darkening at the recognition of a certain scent I didn't know he had classified under my name.
