
A Bridge Between Worlds

A blinding light enveloped Michael as he stepped into the Core, the transition from battle to this otherworldly place disorienting yet familiar. The landscape stretched endlessly in all directions, a vast expanse of blinding white that seemed to transcend time and space.

Xyel's voice boomed with concern, breaking through the surreal silence of the Core. "Where were you?" he demanded, his words echoing through the emptiness around them.

"I encountered Cyp," he replied evenly.

 Xyel's expression shifted from concern to disbelief. "Cyp?! Then?" he muttered, clearly taken aback by the revelation. "How did you escape?"

Michael met Xyel's gaze with a steely resolve. "I eliminated him." 

Xyel recoiled slightly, his features contorting with a mixture of shock and apprehension. "WHAT?!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with disbelief.

"He was good, but not enough," he said matter-of-factly.

"But you shouldn't have…killed him," Xyel said shyly.

Michael raised his eyebrow interrogatively.

"He deserved a chance to right his wrongs."

" What are you on about? He tried to kill me. I returned the favor. That is enough."

Xyel hesitantly agreed.

Arial came running from in between Michael's legs.

"Let's go, Mikey!" She screamed eagerly.

"Yeah, we need to go to Hamlinzok to report to him."

They began to walk towards a seemingly random direction of The Core.

As they walked, Arial maintained her grip on Michael's jacket, her touch a constant reminder of her presence by his side. Michael, though he rolled his eyes at her gesture, made no move to shake her off. 

"Why is this place so bright and empty?" Michael questioned, his voice cutting through the silence of their surroundings.

 Xyel glanced around at the blinding light that surrounded them, his expression thoughtful. "The light you see around us is the essence of the universes," he explained. "As for why it's empty...well, what is there supposed to be in a place that's essentially a bridge between these universes?"

"Who controls this?" Michael pressed further. 

"Lord Forizes," Xyel answered promptly. "All the singularities are under his control. He took over after the All-father's reign ended."

As they continued their journey, Michael's thoughts drifted to the battle they had left behind. 

"Do you think Horizon and Juwexinof will survive?" he asked. 

"I can only hope for the best," Xyel replied solemnly, his gaze focused ahead.

"Why was Jolain so bright?" Michael questioned again.

 Xyel furrowed his brow in thought, considering Michael's observation. "I understand what you mean," he said finally. "Jolain believes he's right. He sees himself as a beacon of righteousness, a force for change…for something we don't know yet. And he doesn't need to embody darkness like his army to achieve his goals."

Michael nodded "It has become common for fiction villains in my universe to be associated with darkness," he mused. "That is why Jolain's radiance struck me as so strange."

"Sounds reasonable to assume so," Xyel replied, his expression thoughtful. 

"Vespera," Michael said suddenly.

Xyel looked at him with confusion. "Vespera?" 

"My eye's co-pilot," Michael clarified before Xyel could question further.

 Understanding dawned on Xyel's face, and he nodded in acknowledgment. Calling Arial over, he began to converse with her, leaving Michael to communicate with his eye in peace.

"How can I help you, Michael Truce?" Vespera's voice echoed in Michael's mind.

"How many abilities do I have?" Michael inquired.

"There are many," Vespera replied. "They will all unlock provided you meet the requirement. Any specific move that you perform exceptionally well will automatically be added to the Abilities section."

"How much energy do I currently possess?" Michael asked.

"Your energy levels are drastically low," Vespera responded, her tone grave. "The Ruler's Eye is able to maintain its power by using your brain's energy, but it comes at a cost."

This caught Michael off-guard, "What cost?"

"The Eye is currently powered by your emotional dispositions," Vespera explained, her voice tinged with a hint of concern. "It feeds off your emotions to sustain itself, which may prove to be a burden to you in the long run."

"What if I do not want to power it?" Michael questioned, a hint of defiance in his tone.

 "I'm afraid you cannot avoid it," Vespera responded calmly. "It is essential for your survival. I will always be here to assist you. I cannot let you die, no matter what. It is what I was made for." 

"Do you know your origin?" he inquired.

"Unfortunately, no," Vespera admitted. "I was activated four hours ago, and my memories prior to that moment are nonexistent."

 Michael nodded.

 "How was I able to increase my stats after the battle?" he asked, shifting the conversation to a more practical topic.

 "I learn from every battle you encounter," Vespera explained. "I now have a better understanding of how your body works, allowing me to analyze your movements and provide support accordingly. These statistics will continue to improve as you engage in more battles."

"However," she continued, her tone brightening, "if there is a significant increase in your energy levels, these statistics will skyrocket." 

"How do I increase my energy levels?" he inquired.

 "There is a limit on your body, which does not allow it to surpass the set energy levels. If you somehow break that, then there is a possibility. Other than that, I'm afraid I'm as lost as much as you in this matter," Vespera admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I will continue to monitor your progress closely and provide guidance wherever possible."

Michael absorbed Vespera's words with a silent nod, intrigued by the extent of her commitment to his survival. Her assurance of constant assistance, regardless of the circumstances, was amusing in its own sense.

If Vespera truly possessed the capability to ensure his survival under any circumstance, Michael wondered what limits such a safeguard might have and what consequences it could entail.

After several minutes of walking further, they reached another similar singularity.

"Here." Xyel announced, "Right in."

"Could you not teleport?" asked Michael.

"Teleporting pings one's location." he explained, "And I wouldn't want that so I have disabled it for every messenger." He gestured towards the Singularity, " Now please, step right in. I have to ensure you don't get caught up in any more fights."

Suppressing a sigh, Michael complied, stepping into the singularity yet again for God knows which time.

"4th time." Came Vespera's voice.

"Thank you for this world-changing information," Michael said solemnly.

And the world shifted.