

Struggle letters gathered to overcome the story of opposites and concepts, fighting letters over spears and swords..to bullets and pistols, and between these there are wars of ideas and secrets..

Concepts intertwined in search of freedom in colorful events that crossed borders.

The cover swallowed the flying papers when a strong wind blew.. The book was closed and then the title appeared in large Athenian letters.


And with great curiosity, you wonder!

◉Who are the Vandals?

◉The answer: ╠ Germanic tribes. As for during your search about the meaning of the term, you will find it negative, while its meaning is the opposite, and the truth was obscured by the triangle Churchmen and the Romans..╣

The subtitle was written in small letters.

⟬Between the pure and the prostitute⟭

And what does it mean?

◉The answer: ╠ A symbolic vandal war between every pure and a prostitute in the way they act or behave specially in thoughts.. It hasn't a relation with the prostitution that you thought of... The word prostitute does not mean prostitution in particular, rather is a term that has several connotations ..and here! In the story, we will enjoy analyzing it.. ╣
