

Just an ordinary girl who wants to build her own Utopia but somehow things don't go as planned.

CRYSTAL_9374 · ファンタジー
20 Chs

The Fight broke out

Dried leaves crunched under the bicycle tyres' rapid speed, people shifted from the mainpath just to be careful. The rider of the bike was definitely in a hurry. Shifting her positionOlivia rode faster than ever to her school. Her pleated mini skirt tighter on her thighs didnothing to stop her.

Finally, she arrived at her destination. Parking her bike, she ran down the stairs uplifting themomentous statue for school's status, and directly in front of the swishing glorious metallicgates of the school.

She walked calmly inside the school trying hard to maintain her temper. Her heart beated amillion times inside that calm and collected exterior. Multiple eyes along with whispersfollowed her upon entering the school. Students stilled at their places following her with theireyes. Unbothered with the eyes, she moved forward, towards the devil behind this scene.

Being popular had its perks, the pictures had already spread like a wildfire. Upset and angryabout all of it, Olivia's throat was clogged with lump.

Meanwhile Chris and Tae parked the black V6 Mustang in the parking lot of the school."What a shawty!" a voice came from behind them.

A short distance from their car, a group ofguys were standing and seemed enthusiastic about something. "Dude, I told you before she's a slut. She'll leave no chance, they all have the same piece of ass.", the guy in the red jacket declared. Laughing along, the guy in the green button-down varsity jacket said, "Iknow right, Olivia has to be a piece of ass though. I bet she spreads her legs faster than light." All of them laughed loudly at that.

Chris cleched his fist in anger, "How fucking dare you?" He shouted in anger. A ruckus was created and the guys standing there ran for their lives. Stalking towards them in anger he punched the guy. Pushing him towards the ground, he punched him multiple times but a pair of arms detached him from the bastard. He almost threw the person down holding him, but Tae calmly stopped him from doing something reckless. The guy in varsity was left bloody, and Chris and Tae walked quickly inside the school towards the principal's office.

The office was located in the main building towards the corner of the entrance of the school.They walked in placidly in the gorgeous building decorated in classy mahogany androsewood walls and plywood floors, that gave off an earthen feeling and soothed theirvisitors. They knocked on the door, a soft "Come in" Came from behind the doors.

They entered inside. "Good Morning kids, how can I help you?", the chivalrous looking manwith a slight smile said.Chris said, " Sir, a major incident has occurred. Someone has deliberately posted my picturewith Olivia without my permission and has disregarded my privacy.""Yes, I am aware. I read the news today on the school's website. A lot of chaos was createdwithin the staff so I had to address the matter in short." Picking up the receiver he said, "YesMorena, please call Olivia. Thank you."

Putting down the receiver he calmly looked towardshis visitors, "Olivia will be arriving here in a while. Please wait till then."

A few minutes later, boisterous heels clacked behind the doors and someone hastilyknocked on the door. "Come in honey." Olivia came inside the office, her pleated black miniskirt moved with her legs white shirt skewed towards her right showed off her milky skin,beneath her sweater vest and teal blazer. Her hair parted from the middle and curled inwaves swaying back and forth, she stopped in front of the principal's desk and parted herlips to say, "Yes Sir, why was I called?" Her siren-like hazel eyes saw Tae and Chris standingin the corner beside the waiting chair. Chris took the chance and stood beside her.

"Yes, as you know that both of your pictures have been posted by someone on the schoolnewspage for unknown reasons. So we were just discussing how to catch the culprit. Sinceit's strictly against the principles of my school to disrespect someone's privacy and bullysomeone. So I had to take action. Do you suspect anyone, love?"

"I kind of–" her words were interrupted by the ringing of a phone. Chris patted his insidepockets and took out his phone. "Hello, yes. Have they been found? Who? Ok. Thank youfor your work. Your payment will be done by the evening." He put the phone back in hispocket, and his eyes displayed a dangerous glint, "I hired someone to find out the culprit andwe've found them."

"Who is it?" The principal voiced out. "Martha Stewart." His tone betrayed hatred and anger.

Before anyone could say anything more Olivia ran towards the door and yanked open thedoor running outside. Chris and Tae began to run behind her.Standing across the hallway towards the decorated locker stood Martha Kelly Stewart in herusual very tight bodycon, neckline ending towards her cleavage and making her look curvy.The cut sleeve showcased the side of her tits. Her boobs practically fell out of her dress. Her3 inches peep toes made her look taller than average and her glossy dyed black hair withsilver highlights made her stand out from the rest of the crowd.

Chewing on her gum she talked to her friends, when suddenly her hair was grabbed by forceand pulled from behind making her land straight on her ass. She was slapped on her face bya forceful hand and she was stunned. Stupefied she kept a palm on her face and her eyesstung with tears, before she could react again a slap landed on her other cheek. Her friendsreacting at the fight tried to grab Olivia when Chris and Tae grabbed them so they could notharm her. Olivia grabbed her hair and yanked it to make her stand and said, "You fuckingcunt, how dare you?" She slapped her again and twisted her arm behind her back, Marthacried out in agony, her nose bleeded and her heavy Christina Aguilera makeup was ruinedby the force of her cries and she resembled almost a Halloween zombie mix joker. "Don'tyou dare mess with me again! You get it?" Olivia yanked her towards herself and pulled herhair until she cried, "Yes, I get it!" With one last punch she pushed her on the floor leavingthe perfect mannequin into a bloody bruised mess.

She stormed out of there to cool herselfdown. Chris tried to follow her when Tae stopped him saying, "She needs privacy, let her bealone for sometime. Let her cool herself down." Nodding to him Chris turned back andstarted going back towards the principal's office. After all, he now needed to take care of twothings.

Arriving in the office, he explained how Martha secretly took their picture and bribed theeditor of the newspage to post this. And while solving this issue the principal was quitesurprised by what Olivia did to Martha and expressed his surprise.

At this Chris calmed himdown and reasoned how Martha had hurt Olivia's feelings. And how she totally deserved it.Principal quite understood the matter but pursued rigidness and said that Olivia would get adetention for what she did, since the students might start blaming the school staff and theschool would be defamed.

Meanwhile Olivia rushed towards her house tears flowing from the corner of her eyes andalmost blurring her vision, she wiped them with the back of her hand and kept on riding herbike towards her home.

To be continued...