
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Once upon a time, a princess named Snow White, lived in a castle with her father, the King, and her stepmother, the Queen. Her father always reminds his daughter to be fair to everyone at all times.

Snow White's stepmother, the Queen, went to her magic mirror. "Mirror, mirror, on the wall," said the Queen. "Who's the fairest of them all?"

The Magic Mirror answered, "Over the seven jeweled hills, beyond the seventh fall, in the cottage of the Seven Dwarfs, dwells Snow White, fairest of them all."

The Queen cannot bear to hear that someone is fairer than her, so she commanded the huntsman to bring Snow White's heart to her. The Huntsman couldn't do what the Queen told him to do, and let Snow White escape. Instead of Snow White's heart, he took a pig's heart and brought it to the Queen. Finding out that the Huntsman deceived her, the Queen took the matters into her hands and made a poisonous apple.

The Queen disguised as an old beggar and bribed Snow White into eating the apple causing Snow White to be poisoned. The Queen was caught by the seven dwarfs as she was about to leave. The dwarfs chased the Queen into a cliff and she was accidentally killed falling off the cliff due to the lightning that struck the rock that she was standing on.

Prince Charming arrived at Snow White's funeral and kissed her as a goodbye. Snow White woke up because of the Prince's kiss.

Snow White married the Prince Charming and they lived happily ever after.

Or so we're told...

"Mirror, Mirror, on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all?"

"It is you, my Queen." answered the Magic Mirror.

The Queen smiled and walked towards the milk bath.

"Tell me Mirror, will I stay as the fairest of all until the last of my breath?" she asked.

"I assure that you will be, my Queen. As long as there is no one who will surpass your beauty, then you will forever be the 'fairest of them all'." the Mirror answered.

The Queen sank her body into the milk bath and relaxed herself. "I intend to keep it that way, Magic Mirror."

Years later...

"Mirror, Mirror, on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all?" The Queen stared at the mirror in front of her.

The Mirror answered, "It is you, my Queen. But I am afraid that your beauty will not last forever, for a certain child will grow to have an incomparable beauty that ever you, Your Majesty, cannot surpass."

The Queen didn't like what she had heard from the mirror. She went close to the mirror with a threatening look on her face.

"Repeat what you said, Mirror." she furiously commanded.

"It is not you who is the fairest of them all anymore, my Queen. For another beauty that surpasses yours was born 14 years ago." the Magic Mirror confidently repeated his answer.

The Queen smashed her hands on the wall close to the mirror. "Why didn't you tell me sooner, Mirror?"

"You have not asked me the past years, my Queen."

The Queen angrily looked at the mirror and asked for the name of the girl.

The mirror was hesitant to tell her, but later told her the name of the new beauty.

The Queen stiffed when she heard the name of the child that she wants to kill so she could remain to be the fairest of them all forever.

"You must be mistaken, Mirror. Fix you words and tell me the name of the girl properly." the Queen was in denial of the truth that she couldn't stop herself from breaking the mirror with so much force that her hand starts to bleed.

The Queen, who has been thinking what to do with the child, then went to her special garden and picked some of her favorite fruit before going to a child's room.

She knocked on her door, "May I come in?"

The child turned to her with a big smile on her face. "You may."

The Queen went closer to the child who's brushing her hair.

"May I brush your hair?" the girl nodded and handed the hair brush to the queen.

The girl had a milk-like white skin and a beautiful shiny long black hair. She was wearing a blue mixed with red dress made from the finest silk in the Kingdom. The girl was wearing a beautiful crown made from the crystals that was mined by the dwarfs.

"You look so beautiful, child." The queen complimented the girl.

The girl smiled at her and said, "You are beautiful too."

The Queen plainly smiled at her and confidently answered, "I know."

The Queen continued brushing the girl's hair then looked at her through the mirror.

"Such beauty... yet a threat." she thought.

The girl noticed the basket that the Queen was holding earlier. "What's in there?" she asked.

The Queen smiled at her, "Fruits that I plucked from the tree in my garden." she looked at the girl and she asked, "Would you like to eat one?"

"I would be delighted." the girl plastered an excited face to the Queen.

The Queen chuckled and went to take one fruit from the basket, "Here, this one is my favorite." she handed the fruit to the girl.

"Thank you." the Queen looks at the girl as she takes a small bite from the fruit.

The girl smiled at the Queen, "This could be my favorite too." she continued eating with a smile on her face.

Then slowly, the smile from the girl's lips is disappearing as she starts coughing.

"W-what is happe-ning t-to me-e?" the girl asked as she continued coughing.

The Queen who looked at the girl with a smile earlier, gave her a look with so much resentment. "My dear, you have to understand why I did this. You see, you are so beautiful that you became a threat to me." She went beside the girl who's now coughing blood, "You see I was the fairest of them all, until my mirror told me that I am not anymore. You came into this world and became the fairest of them all and I do not like that, dear one. There should only be one person who holds the title of the fairest of them all, that's me.

The Queen picked up the fruit that the girl ate, "And I intend to keep it that way, my dear Apple." she then looked at the girl and smiled evilly.

Despite coughing and choking so hard because of the poison that the fruit has, the girl managed to say one word.


The Queen glanced at Apple, "Such a shame that I named you after the fruit that killed my step mother...and now you too.

She never liked her step mother because she thinks that her step mom will take all her father's attention away from her. So one day, when her father was away, she bribed her step mom into eating the poisoned apple, killing her.

Her father was enraged to whoever did that to his precious wife, but no one knew who poisoned the King's wife.

"Snow, what did you do?" The Queen turned towards the man who just entered the room of her daughter.

Prince Charming noticed the apple on Snow White's hand and found his daughter who's lying in bed with her hands on her neck...breathless.

He looked at Snow White with anger, "Tell me you didn't do this." he rushed towards Apple and kept calling her name.

"Apple, wake up my daughter. Please, wake up!" he again looked at Snow White who's smiling at him like she didn't do anything. "What did you do?" he asked her.

Snow White shrugged, "There should only be one person who should be called beautiful and that is me, Charming, me." she answered nonchalantly.

Prince Charming kept calling his daughter's name hoping she'll wake up, but no matter how many times she calls her daughter's name, she just won't open her eyes.

Snow White called her husband, "Come on, my dear. Let her rest in peace." he was not moving so she had to call him again. "Come on, dear. It's almost dinner time."

Prince Charming was still not moving a muscle causing Snow White to lose her patience. "You will come with me right now so we can have our dinner or I'll have her beheaded. Come. With. Me." She threatened him.

The Prince looked at her with mixed anger and sadness thinking how she can behead her own daughter after poisoning her. In the end, he couldn't do anything but obey her for he knows that his wife can do worse than just poison their daughter. He kissed his daughter's forehead hoping that true love's kiss will work before letting go of her dead body.

"Oh, it's no use, dear. True love won't work, because if it does, my step mother would still be alive." she told him.

The Prince walked towards Snow White and looked one more time to his dead daughter before leaving with Snow White.

"You go first, I will just talk to someone." Snow White went to her chambers and asked the magic mirror.

"Mirror, Mirror, on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all?"

"It is you, my Queen. You are once again, the fairest of all." the mirror answered.

Satisfied with the mirror's reply, The Queen, Snow White, walks out with a big smile plastered on her face.

~~~THE END~~~

You see, this is the true story of Snow White. She killed her step mother and now her daughter so she could remain as the 'Fairest of them All'.

(The Dwarfs were the ones who buried Snow White's daughter.)