
Until i fall inlove again

UNTIL I FALL INLOVE AGAIN Romance, Comedy, Drama, Modern (Graphic Warning: With Mature Content) SYNOPSIS: Laurice Ledesma Azul Had an artistic temperament. A shrewd femme d'affaires. With a sheltered past. A broken home. Thwarted passion. She possessed an unrivalved beauty that is envied by women and coveted by men. An exquisite woman of her youth with a vulnerable character. ... With her sanity on the line, will Laurice eventually succumb to the temptation of the gorgeous stranger with a son playing as his wingman? Sid Walsh was relentless. Another Walsh however came in play. Laurice's interest is perked up. Will there be rivalry between brothers? An old flame returned as well. It was the most disturbing one. But if an ex-boyfriend's appearance wasn't chaotic enough, a tenacious fiance revealed himself claiming his rights as the future husband! The battle among lovers is on! Laurice was somehow caught in between. But she still had a missing person to find and a career to foster. Will she ever find the courage to be free from all control, abandon herself to her desires without reserve and trust wherever fate leads her to be? ... 20th of March, Year 20XX At that serendipitous moment, Laurice was certain she saw something in his cognac eyes - something akin to love. ... Extra Scene: "I like you." The man was still lost in his thoughts when he heard the words. It was almost inaudible. Like a careless whisper. "Y-you like me?" He uttered. "W-well, i don't h-hate you." Laurice stammered. The man arched his eyebrows in amusement. He grinned at the woman who was being defensive. A playful glint flashed past his eyes. "Can i kiss you, then?" Sid asked. Laurice: " ...???!!! " A kiss?

msgel · 一般的
90 Chs

Chapter 31: Wait for me. I'll be quick.

Dylan could not help but shook his head and feel somewhat embarrassed for the woman who somehow completely lost her poise along with her rationality.

'My poor sister. What have you been doing for the past couple of years? Where's my shrewd, refined, dignified and coolheaded sister?!'

Dylan heaved a sigh and marched towards her and flicked her forehead.

"Aw! Why did you do that for?" Laurice snapped back at him and pouted while rubbing her forehead.

"Reviving you back to life." He said incoherently and tousled her hair with his long fingers.

"You! Hey!" Laurice glared at him while trying to avoid his hands but Dylan moves faster and her immaculately neat and combed hair was now an ugly mess.

Dylan suppressed his laughter as he gingerly fixed and parted her tousled hair. He knew for a fact that Laurice hated it when he does that. But he sort of missed making fun of her when he saw her familiar cutesy and adorable reaction. It's absolutely love and hate relationship between them both.

Dylan suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest when he stared at her familiar delicate face. He regretted the times when he wasn't by her side anymore to protect her, especially so when he heard about her parent' s separation. He can only imagine how devastated she must have been. But he could not afford to leave the country then to accompany her because of the sudden critical transition of major stockholders in his father's company. He have also begun succeeding over his father's position during those times that he got so busy.  He could not abandon his own family but he deeply felt guilty towards neglecting her and leaving her all by herself. Dylan sworn that from this day forward he would make it up to Laurice.

"I miss you Liz. It's been awhile." He uttered rather emotionally. His face softened. He wanted to asked her exactly how has it been for her all these years. How she managed to live by herself and if she was ever happy. He knew Laurice could not lie to him but he did not want to force the words from her. Not now atleast.


Laurice felt touched by Dylan's words and expression. Realizing that the man must have been worried about her, her own expression turned gentle.

"Hmm. Indeed. It's been along while. I miss you too Dylan. I miss everyone as well. I was planning on meeting with you guys soon enough when i have finally settled down ... that is, if you're free ofcourse." She felt reluctant on contacting the rest of their friends since all of them have been quite busy with their own affairs lately. Also, the others aren't available yet and is currently out of the country. So, she can only wait.

Dylan's eyes narrowed in slits and said rather curiously, "Really? I thought you forgot about us already. Since it seems that you've found yourself a man."

Laurice was stunned for a minute and realized she forgot another significant presence around. Dylan was obviously referring to Sid. She bit her lip guiltily and coincidentally heard someone inconspicuously sneeze making her all the more guilty. Her poor heart could not take it if the man ever get sick at her home because of her own carelessness.

She shifted her gaze towards Sid and her heart sunk. It seemed the man was already a bit cold since he was looking quite pale and sullen. She casted a glance at Dylan as if asking for something and he seemed to have understood her intentions so he went past her on long strides to get a paperbag containing a pair of new pajamas and handed it over to her.

Laurice immediately checked the apparel if it's around the size she requested and shoved it to Sid grabbing him by the wrist. The sudden contact made the both of them stunned for a moment as they both stared at the part of their bodies linked together. Both their skin felt a little chilly against each other but it was oddly emitting a bolt of electricity that is leaving a tingling sensation especially for Laurice. She immediately retracted her hand, ignored her feelings and said to him instead, "Are you crazy?! Why are you still standing here in a daze? And why aren't you wearing anything? Do you wanna get sick? Look, your nose is running already." Her tone was laced with worry as she was getting frantic by the minute.

The man looked rather frail at the moment.

Glancing at the man who remained unfazed, Laurice stared at him with a confused and anxious expression and heaved a long sigh before dragging him by the wrist and headed towards the guestroom.

Dylan who was standing on one corner felt the genuine concern on her words and her look that it somehow left an impression on him. He looked at the pair with a complex expression on his face.


Inside the guestroom.

Laurice: "Wear it. It's new. I asked my friend for it. I'll introduce you two later. And ... i'm sorry." Mumbling the last sentence.

She was getting self-conscious around Sid and was extremely guilty towards him about her behavior earlier.

"I'll go get you some medicine to prevent you from a catching a cold." She said and was about to leave him when he spoke.

Sid: "Help me change."

Huh?! What change? It's not like he's wearing anything on. Help him wear the clothes? Is he ... for real?

Laurice shot him an incredulous look while her palms started sweating. She was getting nervous again while Sid continue to stare at her with his deep brown eyes.


Sid seemed to have guessed what's on her mind that made him confirmed his previous impression about her. The woman was indeed affected by his presence, particularly his body. The thought somehow made him glad that he was able to finally caught her attention and interest. It seemed the woman wasn't immune to his charms after all. He smirked at the thought.

The sincere worry wrriten all over her face was also making him want to pull her to a tight embrace. It appears Laurice really does not like the idea of him getting hurt or sick at all. The way she was treating him was warming up his heart.

But something was bothering him a bit.

The scene he witnessed just now, where the two share quite a harmonious air together was making him enraged and filled with envy. He was jealous of their brief but sweet interaction however, hearing the way she addressed the other guy somehow lessened the bitterness he was feeling.

'So he was only a friend.'

But a really close one at that. He wanted to take the woman to his side again but that would be too selfish of him. He did not want to leave such an awful impression to the other person even if he was a just a friend. He did not want to meddle with their affairs as well. 'Or maybe just a little meddling won't hurt.' He thought.

Looking back at Laurice who was getting oddly confused and troubled, he suppressed a smile and collected himself.

"Help me change my dressing." He said rather seriously while maintaing a blank face and lifted his left hand for her to see.

A sudden realization engulfed her entire body. She froze.

Laurice wanted to slap herself for misunderstanding his intentions yet again.

'Seriously, she needed a break with Sid's ambiguous statements.'

Laurice stiffled an awkward laughter and replied, "Oh! I see. So that was it. Let me go get you some bandage then. You go wear the clothes alright." She reminded.

"Hmm. It hurts." Sid groaned.

Laurice who had just regained her composure suddenly staggered. Her face slightly turned paler and strode towards Sid in hurried steps.

"What?! What hurts?" She took his hand and inspected his burn right away. It appears his supposed minor injury was already swelling and tiny blisters were visible on his skin." Her heart tied a knot with the sight and was feeling so worried and exasperated at the same time.

"Did you wet your hand?" Laurice accusingly scolded him.

"I don't know." Sid said. He could not say yes to her or it will be the death of him. He did not want to anger her in any case. But it seemed the wound was moistened a bit when he took a bath. This wasn't his real intention though.

It seemed his plan took a wrong turn.

He only wanted to appear hurt to make her willingly help him actually wear the clothes.

Sid sighed and pat her head.

"I'm alright Laurice. Don't worry about it." He said.

Laurice did not believe his words at all and bolted outside the room after firmly responding, "No, you're not. Wait for me. I'll be quick. Don't move around. I'll go help you change."

Sid was left astounded even until the woman has already left the room.

He could not believe that his plan actually worked out well in the end.

'Was she seriously going to help him change not only his dressing?'

A sudden rush of heat filled him. The image of the woman making him wear his clothes surfaced in his mind. He was feeling itchy all over.

Busy day today.

Delayed chapter.

msgelcreators' thoughts