
Until i fall inlove again

UNTIL I FALL INLOVE AGAIN Romance, Comedy, Drama, Modern (Graphic Warning: With Mature Content) SYNOPSIS: Laurice Ledesma Azul Had an artistic temperament. A shrewd femme d'affaires. With a sheltered past. A broken home. Thwarted passion. She possessed an unrivalved beauty that is envied by women and coveted by men. An exquisite woman of her youth with a vulnerable character. ... With her sanity on the line, will Laurice eventually succumb to the temptation of the gorgeous stranger with a son playing as his wingman? Sid Walsh was relentless. Another Walsh however came in play. Laurice's interest is perked up. Will there be rivalry between brothers? An old flame returned as well. It was the most disturbing one. But if an ex-boyfriend's appearance wasn't chaotic enough, a tenacious fiance revealed himself claiming his rights as the future husband! The battle among lovers is on! Laurice was somehow caught in between. But she still had a missing person to find and a career to foster. Will she ever find the courage to be free from all control, abandon herself to her desires without reserve and trust wherever fate leads her to be? ... 20th of March, Year 20XX At that serendipitous moment, Laurice was certain she saw something in his cognac eyes - something akin to love. ... Extra Scene: "I like you." The man was still lost in his thoughts when he heard the words. It was almost inaudible. Like a careless whisper. "Y-you like me?" He uttered. "W-well, i don't h-hate you." Laurice stammered. The man arched his eyebrows in amusement. He grinned at the woman who was being defensive. A playful glint flashed past his eyes. "Can i kiss you, then?" Sid asked. Laurice: " ...???!!! " A kiss?

msgel · 一般的
90 Chs

Chapter 2: I'm hungry

Home? What home?!

Shocked was an understatement to what Laurice was feeling with this bizarre situation. Was she mistaken as some kid's mother? As someone else's wife? No no, something seems wrong with what she had just said. Not that the husband was acknowledging her as his .. wife? Wait, was she crazy? Her thought process was getting worse by the minute. They're not even shooting a drama.

Laurice has an appointment today. She just dropped by the nearest mall while on her way to grab some supplies. She has nothing on her pantry and for a single woman her age and of such profession she could not afford to go hungry in her own home. She hated convenience store take-outs and fast food makes her sick, like literally.

And the little guy asked her to cook? She has somewhere to go! Not that it was urgent though. But still. And not that she was complaining. Well she can cook. But to go home with the baby kid and his father?! Isn't that overstepping some boundaries? Is this some sort of play? But for some inexplicable reason, she wasn't apalled by the idea at all. Seems interesting! Something must have been wrong with her head for thinking this way.

Still tense though, she caught a glimpse of the towering handsome guy before her only to find him staring at the both of them blankly with his thoughts somewhere else.

Sir? Hello?! Is he still breathing? He looks way out of character. And truth was, he was behaving out of character really.

"Darling sweetie, i can't do that." ignoring the still dazed father, Laurice spoke softly to the little man in her arms.

Just as she was about to explain herself that she has somewhere else to go, she was distracted by the sound of another round of wailing.

Little Louie was whimpering and clinging tightly to her neck sobbing his way to her heart. And what heart would not be perturbed with such view. She couldn't not remain silent.

"I was wrong! Darling i'm sorry. Don't cry now hmm? Mommy will cook for you. Mommy will go home with you. How about that?" She tried humming to soothe the little man's wounded heart who looks like an abandoned puppy. A cute puppy at that! Focus Laurice! Not thinking she was getting careless with her actions and with her words she decided to finally speak to the little man's father.

And just as she was about to speak, her phone rang.

"Let me hold him for you." That was Sid. He was brought back to present when he heard a phone that's ringing incessantly obviously hers but since her arms are occupied there's no way she could answer her phone. It might be someone important.

Laurice answered her phone.

"Honey! Sorry it took awhile. Are you there yet? I'm still out, you see ... Something came up. I don't think i'll be able to make it. Can i just see you later tonight?"

Honey? Sid frowned. She's married? Doesn't seem like it. Boyfriend maybe? The thought somehow ticked him off. The next second he relaxed and the creased in his forehead vanished. He was exuding a cool aura in an instant.

Laurice shivered. Why the sudden chill? Damn, i hate the cold! Her shoulders were shaking ever so slightly. Eyes trembling, narrowing in slits. This is exactly why she doesn't like staying in cool open space. Her knees will give her away.

"Are you cold?" Laurice didn't notice that the man who was the cause of her misery was now only a few steps from where she was standing now. She could almost smell his faint masculine fragrance. It was pleasing to her nose like a sudden gust of the wind teasing, hushing her to sleep.

Crap. I'm getting sleepy now!

"Who's cold? Hey Laurice! Where are you exactly? Thought you're alone?! Who's with you? He sounds so sexy! Gosh, are you dating again?! Wait! I've been waiting for you for hours! When are you arriving? Don't tell me! ..."

"Stop! Dating, my foot! I'm alone. And what sexy? You're hearing things."

She wasn't aware that "that" particular "sexy" was inconspicuously smirking silly behind her. His annoyance dissepating and a spark crossed his deep bedroom brown eyes. He can barely conceal the joy in his presence causing the chill to subside. The other person was busy arguing over the phone unknowingly surviving the incoming storm.

"Are you coming over or what? Take him with you. I wanna meet him!" Cathy exclaimed not believing her words. Catherine was a friend of Laurice since college. They were separated for almost four years. Catherine had just came back from Madrid last month. While Laurice had recently arrived in the country. She was four days freshed. So they both missed each other dearly.

Laurice who had just came back abroad would probably become ... a mother soon. A mother! No one knew that such dilemma will bring changes and luck to Laurice's life in the future.

Remembering the adorable little one, she can't help but smile and then frown the next. With her phone on her right ear, she slowly turn to the side to look at the baby toddler hoping he wasn't crying anymore. He was silent. She was stunned for a moment. The duo was somehow ... quiet and seems patiently waiting for her to finish her business.

What's the deal with this odd pair of handsome creatures?! Now observing blatantly at this pair while listening to the person scolding her from the other line, she noticed the calm in the air surrounding the both of them. Wondering if the drama that had just happened was just an illusion playing with her imagination. It's getting somewhat ridiculous.

"Laurice? hey Laurice!"


"Nevermind. Come here tonight. If that's not possible, come by tomorrow. I'll be home all day." Cathy wanted to tease her some more but a certain someone wasn't listening to her at all. She was getting excited all by herself it wasn't fun anymore! She'll forgive her for now. Catherine knows she's going through a lot these days.

"Right. I'll see you then." The conversation ended just like that.

"You're leaving? Had a date?" Sid asked her.

With mouth slightly opened, she shot him an inquisitize gaze. Laurice narrowed her eyes and her usual haughty personality resurfaced. Her lips curl to one side. Why do you care?! She thought. She despised being suspected for whatever reason. She hated that line in particular. Is this guy interested in her? Impossible. I was probably too plain for his taste. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she tried to relax to hold back her temper.

While she was battling within herself, someone was quite amused with the reception he was receiving.

Hmm. She looks annoyed, why? Was she offended? He was just asking. Sid, who also seemed to have a 180 degree changed in his temparament was smirking inwardly. Hmm. He seemed to have taken an interest to a little wild kitten.


"Are you hungry sweetie?" The little wild kitten was tamed the moment she heard the little one calling for her.

"Let's go buy some groceries then."

Louie extended his arms towards Laurice.

"You're heavy." That was Sid. Putting his son's arms to rest he added, "I'll carry you."

This time the father was the one extending his slender fingers towards her.

What, why?

"I'm Sid. This is my son, Louie. We can go buy groceries now. You can cook in our home. If that makes you feel uncomfortable we can accompany you to your place instead."

What an awkward late introduction. Something seems off but she couldn't quite put her dabs to it. She was in a daze yet again.

"I'm Laurice." She reached to shake his hands getting all flustered ignoring the matter at hand.

"I'm hungry." That was Sid.

"Huh? Oh! The market is right that way. Let's go." Already heading towards the  direction going to the grocery store following the mall directory she saw awhileback, she led them with hurried steps. She was fazed somehow.

"My place is literally empty. Let's go to yours after shopping." Laurice stated a matter-of-factly.

Now why does that sound like an invitation? She wasn't insinuating anything. She's just being hired to cook for the day. Right. That was it. Her head's starting to ache so she refuse to further analyze the situation.

Whatever! She's getting hungry herself anyway.

"Alright." He simply replied. With amusement in his eyes, he stared at the woman's side profile as she walked beside the father and son duo but walking briskly, she was a bit ahead.

He realized that she wasn't the most beautiful he has ever seen but beautiful still. That kind of beauty you won't get tired of looking. Ironic.

Something tugged in his heart when he felt the warmth transmitting from her body to his. Realizing he was being led literally by the woman, he looked at the hands that was holding his left wrist. Some unrecognizable emotion flashed his eyes.

Odd. Because just like his son, he hates being intimate with women. Was she an exemption then?

Who is Laurice Azul?

This is her story.


She's a pure Filipina.

She's ... i'm not saying anymore, Lol.

No spoiler at all eh. Lol.

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