
Untamed the heavenly war

The guanyin temple was destroyed and Jin guang yao was also killed .All his truth came out about what he had done together with xue yang and Suh she. All the allegations against Wei Ying(courtesy name wuxian) proved to be wrong. lan wangji was very happy, finally his and Wei Ying life was going to pass peacefully and happily. ( happened in the last episode in the untamed series) They and the little apple were traveling together but Suddenly wei wuxian stopped at the place and looking at wangji and said lan Zhan gusu is on the other side and I have to go to this side will you walk with me forever. Wangji Says you want me to travel with you.wei Ying says even before wangji words are finished, it's okay if you don't want to go lan Zhan it's Looks like our paths really parted now. Anyway, lan Zhan now you have a lots of of responsibilities, they both play their song there for the last time, the wangji had tears in his eyes.And wei Ying does not even look at him and turns to the other side and says now you should go towards the cloud recesses and starts moving in the other direction. and he leaves from there and reaches a high hill and starts playing a wuji on his flute with a sad smile today thinks if i looked back now i could never leave you maybe you don't feel for me the way i do for you lan Zhan.Maybe you don't see me the way I see you.Never mind, my life's journey will continue with your memories lan Zhan. he Was unable to control his feelings and just playing the flute without stopping, he too had tears in his eyes. wangji was not in a condition to say anything when he heard the sound of flute which was very painful. he understood what wei ying wanted to say to him wangji Wangji suddenly starts running.There were tears in his eyes, he calls out loudly wei ying's name He was just looking for her while running. He was looking for her like crazy. He understood what the wei ying wanted to say to him, he just wanted to confirm it. On the other side the wei ying was playing his flute on the top of the mountain. He was so sad that he was just playing the flute without stopping. Then he heard a voice that called his name. wei ying...... He turns back and smiles. This is where my story starts If you want to know more then please read the story. auther( pov) This story of mine begins from where the untamed series ends. Do you remember the last episode of the untamed series? When the wei ying and the wangji had gone in different directions. wei ying was playing the flute standing on the top of a mountain. And then he heard a voice when someone called his name. and he turns back and smiles. (the last scene of the last episode This story starts right from that moment (This story is the next part of the untamed series. where it is told what happened in the untamed after the last episode.This story is my FanFiction, it has nothing to do with the original story and drama. So please don't take it to heart and forgive me if there is any mistake.) Further in the story people will pray to heaven to kill the yilling patriach. and the immortal gods will call him to heaven to judge the yilling patriach. Where many secrets will be revealed, the secret of 13 years ago . What happened when the yilling patriach died after falling from the hill on the night of never night where was he for years after that. The secret of the attack on heaven 13 years ago The secret of heaven's old tales will be revealed. wangji will have to lose the wei ying once again.he will die before his eyes, He discovers a way by which he could have brought wei ying back to life. He has to become an immortal god in order to bring the wei ying back to life. He would be willing to do anything to get wei ying back. Meanwhile, many secrets will be revealed. And then one last war, a heavenly war. after which everything will be over. To know what happens to their love next, read the story as it is a long story. full of secrets. (I hope you will enjoy it)

any_yn · ファンタジー
13 Chs

He doesn't care about the people around him. He doesn't care about his Honor

Everyone was waiting for the jade emperor in the auditorium of the  western 白玉 (baiyu) palace.(white jade palace)

Then there the immortal lord Shangti comes and says to all of them, the jade emperor is busy in some important matter,And immortal lord Shangti says you all come to rest with me in the northern 黄莲花 (Huang lianhua) palace. (Yellow Lotus palace)

And the immortal lord Shangti  asks the immortal wen shen to take the yilling patriach to the eastern 血櫻花 (xue yinghua) palace.( Blood cherry blossom palace)

Wangji is going to say something but some guards come running there and tell immortal lord Shangti the jade emperor is injured, he is injured while sealing the sword, we need help then the immortal Lord Shangti calls some servants and asks them to quickly go to the northern 黄莲花 (Huang lianhua) palace. And bring the divine physician huatao to bring him in front of the 禁鏡( jin jing) lake. (forbidden mirror lake). as soon as possible.And all the people of the assembly reach near that pond while running.Some guards there say that the emperor was sealing the sword, but the dark energy of that sword suddenly began to overwhelm them and they sealed it, but the emperor was injured and fell inside.And you know that we are does not allow to go to this place, now quickly bring them out.

The immortal Lord Shangti quickly opens the door of the 禁鏡(Forbidden mirror) pond.But from inside a lot of screams and a lot of spirit come out So the immortal Lord Shangti quickly goes inside and locks the door.In such a short time, the wei Ying does not know what happens, he suddenly sees his face in the water of that pond and just his eyes slowly start turning black.He hears that someone is screaming and calling him A voice that resonates in his ears Only you can do this Only you can do this Only you have that much power And someone screams loudly and says only you can control it. And the wei Ying is not conscious, he just gets drawn towards the water.those things were echoing in their ears  The wangji sees that a lot of black smoke has gathered towards the wei wuxian. When the lan wangji goes to catch him, the wei Ying suddenly starts floating in the air, there was a lot of black smoke around him. Everyone gets shocked seeing thisWangji screams in a loud voice "Wei Ying", the wei Ying doesn't listen to him and slowly moves towards the water He suddenly falls into the water and starts drowning inside.

The wei Ying starts drowning in the water, his eyes are open And he sees some of his past when he fell from the hill on the night of Nevernight He is seeing the same thing and suddenly his head starts hurting a lot, he starts screaming from inside the water, When the wangji hears his scream, he can't stop it, he is about to jump in the water.But then he sees that the immortal Lord Shangti is coming out with Wei Ying and the jade emperor.

Wangji quickly goes and picks him up in his arms and then tries to wake him up by lying on his lap And it is said, get up early, I do not like seeing you like this,.

He doesn't care about the people around him, doesn't care about his honor And just hugs wei Ying and starts crying and asks him to get up .early.