
Unseverable Bond

Your parents died trying to save you, from your own half-species at the age of four. The only momento you had from them were a couple of memories which you hated and a very reliable book. You continue your life, working hard from village to village with your little twin brother. Life is harsh, but you manage to pull through thanks to your parents. You work hard from village to village, just to get to an academy recommended in your father's diary. You finally enter the academy, but life doesn't get any easier. People hate you for stupid reasons and bully you, but you forget them an plan vengeance for your parents with your only two friends. Before that, you have to grow strong, and growing strong is not an easy task at all, but you endure. A lot happens, and the whole world is after you. What would you do in that situation? Let's find out in this novel: Unseverable Bond!

Tha_Reaper · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Harsh Reality (II)

That evening, inside the old man's hut, Jiro and Zoro were experiencing the same nightmare at the same time. In that nightmare, the scenes of their parents' last fight played in their minds. The twins felt helpless as their parents soon appeared before them, bathed in blood and holes and murmured some words they couldn't hear. After that they were teleported far away, never to see their parents again.

They felt sad, helpless and extremely enraged as they saw their parents being stabbed over and over again with them not being able to do anything. The whole length of the nightmare was thirty minutes, but the twins felt like it took a whole day. They immediately woke up in tears, panting and drenched in sweat after the nightmare was over , and...

Unknown to the twins, extremely curvy but quite flat devilish horns had grown on their heads, and their canines had elongated into fangs, though only the upper ones were visible from outside. Unfortunately for them, their well-concealed demonic aura seeped out too much and some frail people in the village... died! Worst of all, they had accidentally killed the old mad who had fed and sheltered them in the village! Some were scared sh**less and even peed in their pants, and some were struggling to breathe!

A young man immediately shouted, "Demons!!!, Demons!!! Demons!!!," as he called the villagers to get closer to the old man's hut. What they saw when they got into the hit made their hearts twist in anger! It was simply unforgivable. The twins were totally oblivious to this fact. They had angry expressions on their faces, and only after countless stones began to hit them, although they felt like loaves of bread, did they truly wake up.

The hut they were inside was demolished, but the villagers didn't seem to care. All they cared about was killing those two demons! All the villagers began throwing all sorts of things they could lay their hands on. Bra's, panties, and even CD's ( your ordinary compact disks not con- *clears throat*) were flung toward them. Jiro and Zoro didn't even know how to explain themselves. They just dejectedly left without even trying to block or defend themselves.

They knew the general direction of Incendium Academy, and the found out it was about 300km from their current position. They were only four years old, but they had to walk for about 300km!

From their father's book, they learnt that elementalists awaken around the age of seven, usually one or two months before or after, but for Hisakos, it was around the age of five. The twins only celebrated their fourth birthdays two months ago, on 17th April, 987.

The world began counting the years after elemental essence was discovered. This essence nurtured their chakras and allowed them to awaken special abilities,heighten their senses and increase their vitalities and lifespan as well as their intelligence. All this and more could be accurately viewed within one's spiritual space. It showed a large rectangular plaque which gave information about an elementalist. It was known as one's 'Status'.

They walked through forests, mountains, valleys, swamps and plains, while running from many wild beasts. They also hunted some animals and roasted them with a fire made by stones. They run for hours until they reached another village. Unbeknownst to them, Their physical strength had reached an unimaginable level!

It took them five days to get there. During this period, they had been having the same nightmare about the death of their parents, and the same reaction followed. Their demonic auras scared away all animals in the vicinity. Luckily for them, they hadn't gone through any magical forests so they hadn't faced any magical beasts, who had awakened.

They bathed in rivers they came across and washed their clothes in them. Their clothes got a bit tattered and they found out that this and many other reasons made them need money. They soon spotted a village, and from that village alone, they earned about 300 gold coins using their first job; harvesting. They slept in the forests, to prevent what happened the last time they slept among people from happening and when morning came, they continued their journey, while working for money, at such a young age....

-One year later-

Jiro and Zoro were now five years old (Two months ago actually), still hustling and training unconsciously. It was in the middle of the night, and the twins were experiencing their usual nightmare, just this time, they were much calmer, as they were used to the continuous emotional damage. (No pun intended).

Right after their nightmare, the twins felt a sharp pain in their lower abdomen as well as something forming in that area. They immediately woke up and looked at each other's faces as they knew exactly what was going on! They were awakening!