
Unlock Early Access to Pokémon Game

One year later, "Elf Century" will merge with reality and realize digitization, turning the history of mankind from now on, and stepping into the symbiosis of elves and humans - "A New Era". "But...what about one year after the agreement?" Luo Bai looked at the green caterpillar grinning at him, really a little dazed. He seems to have logged in one year in advance... --------------------------- One year later... When people flocked to join "Elf Century", gearing up and preparing to do a big job, the master ball thrown by Luo Bai towards the empty seat just stopped shaking. "Ding! World announcement, congratulations to Luo Bai, a player in Huaxia District, for subduing the mythical beast Crack Kongza!" In an instant, the world became quiet...

Poison_Rage · アニメ·コミックス
105 Chs

Chapter 1: Early Login

  Early morning,

  A cup of tea has just been brewed, and the sunlight begins to penetrate the leaves, pass through the sky above the buildings, and spread completely, like silk, passing through the morning light, diffused with clear and moving light.

  Luo Bai gently held up the steaming teacup, put it near his mouth, and took a sip regardless of the heat, then found a comfortable position, leaned leisurely on the recliner behind him, hummed a jerky tune, and fanned it lightly with his cattail fan with.

  The life of the elderly is generally like this,

  Get up early and make a cup of tea, then lie on the chair, leisurely enjoying the sunshine and breeze at the right temperature in the morning.

  It's just that Luo Bai obviously doesn't belong to the elderly,

  At the age of eighteen, it should happen to be the most vigorous age, but from him, you can't see the shadow of "vigorousness" at all.

  If you have to give an adjective, "lazy" is undoubtedly very appropriate.

  Suddenly, the corners of Luo Bai's eyes frowned slightly.

  "In 2020 AD, "The Age of Elves" will merge with reality and realize digitization, turning the history of mankind from now on, and entering a new era of symbiosis between elves and humans."

  An electronically synthesized sound from his heart occupied his mind.

  But Luo Bai just frowned slightly, and continued to lie down comfortably when the sound resounded.

  He has become accustomed to this electronically synthesized sound, or in other words, people in the whole world have become accustomed to this electronically synthesized sound.

  A year ago, that is, in 2018, this electronically synthesized sound appeared in everyone's mind out of thin air, causing countless commotions during that time.

  The pessimists believe that this is the Buddha's punishment for destroying the world. The core conclusion is that the end of the world is coming.

  Optimists believe that this is a reward given by God to human beings, allowing human beings to go through a long period of development and directly enter the so-called new era of "symbiosis between elves and humans".

  Those atheists who don't have any beliefs generally believe that this is just someone's prank. The core point is that a certain genius, or a lunatic, has developed a neuron disruptor that can affect the entire world. The instrument, this is his achievement to the world, but the best evidence is that there is no follow-up after saying such a mess, maybe it has been taken down by some organization.

  In the general environment of the whole world, there are obviously more atheists, and their voices are also the highest. A large number of people pour into various platforms to discuss, and atheists occupy the top score.

  Because although their views belong to the category of "exaggerated" in most people's minds, they are undoubtedly more convincing than the views of the two different factions of theism.

  This is how people are, no matter how unacceptable your views are, most of the originally unacceptable views will become easier to accept after you have a more exaggerated point of view for comparison.

  However, the view of atheists was the first to be shattered,

  Apart from all kinds of "amazing" reports written by the major media to attract attention and traffic, there is no official document or statement that can prove that this is a prank, that this is someone's prank.

  Even the governments of various countries rushed to issue statements like "this has nothing to do with our country, but we will thoroughly investigate this and give the results to the people of the world" like a competition in a track and field field.

  Hackers and Honker masters from all walks of life tried their best to find clues on the Internet, but they turned the Internet upside down and there was no progress.

  Scientists, even using various advanced instruments that have never been released to the public to search, still have no clues.

  And, after that, every Saturday morning in the northern hemisphere at seven o'clock, this inexplicable electronic synthesis sound will appear,

  Day after day, month after month.

  Big problem!

  From people's point of view, the state apparatus + a certain amount of time = nothing is impossible to find out.

  There is no reason not to thoroughly investigate this kind of incident that radiates to human beings all over the world.

  But even in this case, after a month has passed, there is still no result.

  In the middle, counting the first time, the electronic synthesis sound has appeared five times, except for the first time, each time is fixed at seven o'clock every Saturday morning.

  Where did this electronically synthesized sound come from?

  What does "Elf Age" refer to?

  "Elf Century" merges with the human world, and what does it mean to achieve digitization?

  What does the era of symbiosis between elves and humans refer to?

  This is a question that has been in people's minds from the very beginning, and it has always existed.

  No one can answer this question exactly.

  The pessimists began to disturb the social order, and all kinds of people ran out, while the optimists were more active, trying to welcome the new world.

  The two sides are constantly launching various battles on the Internet, and people continue to join them, but this is destined to have no results.

  Until now, it is already 2019. People should go to work, go to school, play games, and the order does not seem to be chaotic.

  On the contrary, the electronic synthesized sound set at 7 o'clock every Saturday morning has become a "world brand" universal alarm clock, which is also affected. The "World Brand" alarm clock has adjusted the biological clock to affect it, and can wake up on its own.

  The world returned to normal, and even affected by the mysterious electronic synthesis sound, it became more regular.

  Except for some idle, interested, and some necessary departments, few people would want to explore what the electronically synthesized sounds mean.

  After all, going to work every day is already tiring enough, who would have time to pay attention to these things, this is what the country should do, and when they research it, we will naturally understand what happened,

  This is almost the voice of most people.

  "It's really boring." Lying lazily on the recliner, he opened his mouth and yawned, Luo Bai stopped fanning his hand.

  Taking the mobile phone casually, opened the news, but found that there were all the same articles, so I had to put down the mobile phone again bored.

  "Will it be another year before "Elf Age" will come? It's really hard to wait, it's so boring." Luo Bai put the cattail fan on his face, blocking the sunlight that is not dazzling, talking to himself Said softly.

  Then, feeling a little hot, he simply stood up, took off his clothes, and jumped directly into the private pool in front of him.

  That's right, Luo Bai's family is very wealthy, and the shade for the elderly is always carried out in his own yard. When he feels hot or a little bored, he jumps into the swimming pool and drenches himself from the beginning to the end.

  Luo Bai swam very slowly, no, it should be floating very slowly, with his eyes closed, he floated leisurely in the pool, only his head was exposed.

  After a long time like this, Luo Bai suddenly opened his eyes, a carp straightened up, dived into the water, and dived inside for about a minute before showing its head again.


  What about the yard?

  Where is my favorite little recliner?

  What about the cattail fan made by my mother?

  What about the house?

  Luo Bai said he was a little confused,

  Swimming, swimming... just time travel? ? ?

  I casually observed the environment I was in, and found that I was in a small pond at the moment, surrounded by a lot of dense grass and a lot of big trees,

  And on the shore not far in front of him, a green creature was drinking water from a small pond with its head down.

  Suddenly, the green creature raised its head and stared at Luo Bai, and Luo Bai happened to look at the green creature,

  Immediately, the four eyes met.

  Suddenly, countless beasts ran wildly in Luo Bai's heart!

  Green... green caterpillar? ? ?
