
Unlimited Sword Domain

Five hundred years ago, the world was suddenly invaded by alien lifeforms. All countries were defeated in an instant, and a world government was formed to protect the human race on the earth. Facing the menacing alien civilization, the first strong man on earth awakened his ability and began to protect the earth from the invasion of alien civilization. Until now, most of the people on earth are fighting to protect the earth. As for our protagonist, he was born an orphan, and the orphanage was immediately demolished. He had no choice but to live on the streets, feeling unfair to the world. Until he meets four children who change his life, let us wait and see what different life they will bring to him. Big Brother: Noah Second brother: John Third brother: Jeptha Fourth sister: Annie Younger sister: Ying This book is like a door leading to uncharted territories. Open it, and you will be transported into a world woven with suspense, fantasy, and profound emotions.

WeiNuan · ファンタジー
177 Chs

A goal of thirty consecutive victories.

The only three people left at the table were Noah, Lixuan and Ming Yi.

All three were silent until Noah was the first to break the silence.

Noah said, "If you have anything to say, I'll finish as much as I can."

Lixuan also finished his drink in one gulp and sighed, "Noah, it's like this. We want you to participate in the Global Ability Competition in a month's time. The requirements for the tournament are at least Silver Realm and below Master Realm. Originally, this tournament was for seniors a few years older than you, but you need to grow fast.

Noah continued, "That means in a month's time, I need to break through to at least Silver Realm. It's not that difficult, I should be able to do it."

Ming Yi said bitterly, "If that were really the case, why should we worry about it? We need you to at least get into the top four and enter the Heavenly Pavilion. You don't need to know what the Heavenly Pavilion is for now. But we will help you as much as we can, but the fighting skills and knowledge will have to be up to you.

Noah nodded and replied seriously, "I'll finish as much as I can."

With that, the two left the house and Noah went back to his room to sleep after packing everything up.

He didn't get up until 5.30am.

He had the Elite class today and needed to be ready for anything on the first day.

When he opened the door, Lixuan was already waiting for him.

"Now, you will study in the elite class for one hour, followed by a duel. If others win one game, you must win twice."

Lixuan said to Noah with a serious face.

Before Noah could agree, a strong wind took Noah to a classroom.

Inside, there was some training equipment, and next to it, an instructor and two dozen students.

When he looked up, it turned out to be Ming Yi who was teaching those students. As Noah walked to the front and back of the room, Hei Tian told them to take pen and paper and start studying right away.

Noah, who was attending his first knowledge class, was not sleepy and listened to the lecture with great attention. This was a hard-won opportunity, and he had to grasp it firmly. Only then could he wrestle with the world.

It wasn't until seven o'clock that the medieval genius ended the lesson.

"Everyone, go to the individual dueling tournament immediately, you must win eight consecutive victories before noon."

Ming Yi told all the students nonchalantly.

Noah followed the others to the place where he had participated in the duel before.

When he saw the old man again, the man smiled at Noah and said: "It seems that you have decided.

Noah replied in the affirmative.

Everyone signed in individually, took their cards and waited.

Noah, however, remained alone in the corner of the square, practising his sword skills.

Lixuan had heard that Noah could use a sword before, so he gave him the best sword Noah could currently use in his space room.

Noah thought back to his previous participation in the Team Tournament and was fascinated by the fact that his powers had activated on their own without warning.

He wanted to master this power, and he had to.

Besides, Lixuan had told him to practice his other psychic ability only at night. Therefore, he treasured every second.

He had cultivated alone in the square until the token in his pocket glowed brightly and he stepped onto the dueling stage.

With the words of Lixuan in his mind, he set himself a goal of thirty consecutive victories.

He entered the stage to meet his first opponent.

When Noah entered the stage, his opponent was already waiting for him.

He looked at Noah and frowned, ''Are you a student of this elite class? I used to be, but I was kicked out. So am mad about it."

Having said that, he looked at Noah like he was looking at his toy.

Noah, on the other hand, looked at the referee without saying a word.

Seeing that they were both ready, the referee gave the order for the duel to begin.

The opponent slowly approached Noah's direction. Everyone, including Noah, didn't know what he was going to do.

However, Noah didn't dare to be careless as he watched his opponent slowly approach. When he reached what he thought was his attack range, he lunged forward with his sword.

Noah's aim was to swing his sword with all his might and strike at the vital points.

If his life was in danger, the referee would also intervene to save him.

However, just as Noah's sword was about to cut into his opponent, it was blocked by many tiny threads.

Noah was very curious as to where the threads came from. Then he stepped back and waited for a good opportunity.

But then it was the opponent's turn to attack, and he went from above to below, but past Noah.

While Noah was wondering, his left leg had been crossed by those lines. As a result, his left leg began to bleed.

This opponent wasn't going to play for time as he continued to cross or hover around Noah.

Meanwhile, the wounds on Noah's body were also increasing in number and were on the verge of turning half of Noah's body red.

The opponent, who thought it was almost over, looked at Noah in disbelief and asked, "Why don't you use your ability, are you also to look down on me?"

As he spoke, his thin threads grew thicker and longer with his tone.

Just as his opponent stepped forward and prepared to defeat Noah, Noah suddenly became firm from his weak appearance.

He shouted in his heart, "Ability force, defeat it."

Once again, a dark and destructive aura enveloped the dueling stage.

This time, it was Noah's turn to attack.

His destructive alien energy instantly incinerated all the nearby thin threads, and Noah also performed his unique sword skills.

A pitch-black dragon shadow flew over the dueling stage, attracting everyone.

Even the old man at the counter, who was helping people register, immediately ran to the dueling stage to watch. He had heard about Noah and couldn't let him lose control of his powers.

After about three minutes, the darkness lifted, Noah stood in front of his opponent with his long blackened sword in his hand and said, "Are you going to surrender or will I help you? "

The opponent clenched his fists reluctantly and said, "Very well, my name is Judd and I will defeat you next time. I surrender. "

Only Noah, who always held his sword, watched the whole thing with a blank expression. Judd's thin line caused Noah a lot of trouble, and his wounds were all still bleeding. 

But it was still too light compared to the beatings he had received in the past when he had wandered alone before he had settled in the backwoods.

"Winner, Noah, currently one win and zero losses in single combat. "

The referee announced Noah's victory, and everyone marvelled at Noah's perseverance.

After all, someone who was almost half red could still find the right moment to use his powers and moves at the right time to defeat his opponent. This also made many people curious about him.

As time passed, Noah continued to duel others on the dueling stage.

During this time, he even went to the old man at the counter to help him pave the way for most of the eligible students to become his opponents.

It was twelve o'clock at noon, and Ming Yi had also arrived at the dueling grounds on time.

As usual, he walked up to the old man at the counter and said, "Ghost, are they all ready? "

The counter old man named Ghost shook his head and said, "I think you should ask them to come back to the duel tomorrow without Noah. "

Ming Yis' frown tightened as he said in a slight panic, "What's going on? "

Seeing that the ever calm Ming Yi was panicking, the old man said without joking, "Most of the students have finished so far, but there are still some who haven't. It's not that they're bad, but I've placed most of the opponents with Noah. He, on the other hand, has won twenty-nine in a row. "

Ming Yi also laughed out loud at this news, and then he led the old man over to Noah.

By this time, Noah's entire body was covered in long-dried blood, and there were still fresh wounds on various parts of his body.

When he saw the old man and Ming Yi approaching, he greeted them and explained that he had completed his mission.

Ming Yi also nodded in satisfaction and said, "Noah, you are still one match away from reaching thirty victories, so let me be your opponent in this final match. I also want to test the power of your extraordinary abilities and sword skills. 

*Happy Chinese New Year and nice to meet you all this time. First, thank you for watching the new chapter of it and hope you have a nice day. Next, I am thinking the heroine's name and her background, if you have any suggestion or recommend also can let me know. Thank you and see you next time.*

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