
Unleashing Chakra and Ki: The Fusion of Dragon Ball and Naruto Worlds

"Hey Lord Zeno, Is there anything Interesting I can do or Anywhere I can go to?" Goku Asked, This novel is a story of Goku, who was teleported to the world of Naruto from Lord Zeno's whim. Will Goku come back to the Dragon Ball world? How will he impact the Naruto World as we know it today? Find out and satisfy your curiosity from this fun light-hearted Novel!

MarSus · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs


With a brisk stride, Tsunade guided Goku through the bustling streets of Konoha, their footsteps echoing off the cobblestone pathways. They arrived at the grand Hokage Mansion, an imposing yet majestic structure that stood as a symbol of the village's strength and leadership. Its wooden exterior exuded an air of history, while the sprawling gardens added a touch of tranquillity.

Once inside the mansion, Tsunade led Goku through the ornate corridors, finally arriving at the impressive Hokage room. Its walls were adorned with intricate scrolls and mementos of past leaders, while the desk at the centre bore the weight of important documents. The room emanated an air of authority, a reflection of the village's power and history.

Tsunade gestured toward a comfortable seat and motioned for Goku to sit down. She took her place behind the desk, her gaze steady yet kind. Tsunade knew she needed to address the situation at hand. Goku's power was undeniable, but allowing it to roam unchecked could potentially lead to chaos.

Tsunade's voice held a mix of curiosity and concern as she began, "So, Goku, tell me—where do you come from?"

Goku leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "Well, I asked Lord Zeno for an adventure, and the next thing I knew, I was here in your village."

Tsunade arched an eyebrow, intrigued by Goku's explanation. "Lord Zeno, you say? And you ended up in Konoha? That's quite the journey."

Tsunade's next question was straightforward yet important. "Can you contact Lord Zeno and ask him to teleport you back?"

Goku nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. "Sure thing! Lord Zeno, please teleport me back!"

A moment of silence followed, the room seemingly holding its breath. But there was no response, no shimmering light to indicate a teleportation.

Goku scratched his head, a sheepish smile spreading across his face. "Well, it looks like he didn't answer. I guess I'm stuck here for now."

Tsunade leaned back in her chair, a contemplative look in her eyes. "It seems that way. Goku, I understand this is a unique situation. While your power is impressive, it's also a potential concern. We can't have such a force wandering freely."

Goku nodded, his understanding evident. "I get it. I don't want to cause any trouble."

Tsunade's gaze softened, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. "Good. You strike me as a good-hearted person, Goku. We may need to figure out a way for you to blend into our world. But for now, how about we show you around the village? There's a lot to see, and I'm sure you'll find plenty of interesting people to meet."

Goku's eyes lit up, his enthusiasm infectious. "That sounds great! I'm always up for new adventures!"

With a warm smile, Tsunade led Goku on a delightful tour of Konoha, showcasing its iconic landmarks and vibrant streets. She pointed out the towering Hokage Monument, the serene Training Grounds, and the bustling marketplace where villagers went about their daily lives.

As they strolled through the village, Goku's eyes widened with wonder. "This place is amazing! So many cool things to see!"

Tsunade chuckled, pleased by Goku's excitement. "I'm glad you're enjoying the tour, Goku. Konoha has a lot to offer."

Their journey brought them to a quaint little corner of the village, where the savory aroma of ramen wafted through the air. Tsunade grinned and gestured toward the Ichiraku Ramen shop. "And now, Goku, we've arrived at one of Konoha's favorite spots—the Ichiraku Ramen shop."

Goku's stomach chose that moment to protest with a loud growl, causing him to blush slightly. "Heh, I guess it's time for a break," he admitted sheepishly.

Tsunade laughed and patted his shoulder. "No worries, Goku! Let's head in and grab a bite."

Inside the cozy ramen shop, the old man behind the counter looked up in surprise, his eyes widening when he recognized Tsunade. "Fifth Hokage! What brings you here?"

Tsunade grinned and motioned toward Goku. "Just showing our guest around. And speaking of which, he's quite hungry. Could you whip up something delicious for him?"

The old man's surprise shifted to delight as he regarded Goku. "Of course, Hokage-sama! We'll make sure he's well-fed."

Tsunade turned to Goku. "Go ahead, Goku. Order whatever you like!"

Goku's eyes lit up, and he beamed at the old man. "Alright, I'll have... a big bowl of ramen with everything!"

As Goku dug into his hearty bowl of ramen, Tsunade watched with amusement. The old man bustled around, expertly preparing a meal fit for a Saiyan. And as Goku's appetite showed no signs of slowing down, Tsunade's realization dawned.

She leaned closer to the old man, her tone slightly concerned. "You know, Goku has quite the appetite. Is that... alright?"

The old man chuckled knowingly. "Oh, don't you worry, Hokage-sama. We're used to serving up huge portions here. He won't be the first to empty our pots!"

Tsunade's eyes widened, a hint of realization dawning. "Oh, I see... I might have unknowingly set a challenge for you."

The old man laughed heartily. "No challenge at all! We're honored to have such a spirited guest."