
Unknown Potential

Reborn into a new world Jack must survive and potentially even thrive… Cover Art Credit goes to: The_Kings_Author

Infected_Armour · ファンタジー
20 Chs

A normal day

My breath formed clouds in the brisk winter air, the windows on my car frosted over. I unlocked my car with the corny beep from my key fob and turned it on, set my defrost settings and walked back into my house.

The tv was flipped to the news, "weather patterns seem to indicate a mild blizzard rolling in here in the next hour, it's recommended you stay home for safety reasons…" i ignored the warnings, i had to go to work otherwise i wouldn't make this months rent, i grabbed a frozen breakfast burrito out of my freezer and popped it into the microwave. I looked at my wristwatch, it read 07:47. I still had about an hour and 15 minutes till i had to be at work. Plenty of time, it was only a 20 minute drive.

The microwave beeped indicating my burrito was ready. I grabbed it and started eating it while scrolling on my phones social media accounts. Nothing interesting just some old friends posting selfies.

My perusing was interrupted by my phone ringing. The contact name read "Ass Face" my boss… i hit answer, "hey boss whats up?"

"Hey josh, I'm not requiring anyone to come in today due to the storm, but i am offering 1.5 times the normal pay for those who do come in."

"Wow? Thanks, yeah I'm on my way here shortly, not scared of some snow haha!"

"Ok see you at 9 then."

I hung up the phone and finished my burrito. I went back out to my car and hopped in. Put it i to gear and headed to work, snow starting to fall onto the ground. Very few people were out driving right now. I saw the stop light ahead turn yellow and i slowed down and stopped as it turned red. Snow started to fall faster. The light turned green and i took off. A little while later i was at work. I parked in the parking garage and went in. My desk had a small stack of papers on it. Some small insurance claims to look over. I was just starting as an insurance agent so the pay wasn't great but it was good enough to survive for now.

"Josh! Good to see you made it safely!"

"Yeah wasn't too bad, not too many people on the roads so was a smooth drive the whole way."

"By the way i changed your contact name in my phone again, had to one up ass face!"

"Ha! What do you got?"

"Two words… great meaning…"

"Well what is it boss man?"

"Fuck… Nugget"

"Nice! Now i gotta try to beat that!"

"You wont, i have faith in myself!"

We laughed for a minute and i went back to work. Soon the day was over and i went to my car, the snow kept coming down all day and the winds had become severe. But i still had to get home so i got in my car. I drove slowly as visibility was shitty and saw the light ahead was red. I was about to slow down when it flipped green. Good thing, i didn't really want to stop. I got back onto the gas and entered the intersection, a bright light in my face, originating from the left and saw a semi truck barreling straight at me. Next thing i know my car is hit and im sent skidding across the icy road and hit a wall before blacking out…