A new Grail war suddenly starts. This one having no build up for it and randomly starting. After the clock tower realises this, and find out that it’s the greater grail, they send out some magus to find the masters for their team. They do. But unlucky for them, their team consists of a bunch of non magus humans who have to cram everything they have into one study session before having to summon their servants as the other team did as well. While the other team is a team of elite magi who seek the destruction of the clock tower, magus life in general or the ability to do as they wish at their own leisure. Which team will win? The underdogs that nobody expects to win? Or the team of elites who only wish for death and destruction?
Holy Grail. Something every magus strives to get if the opportunity presents itself and they know about it.
To those that haven't participated in one of the wars it sets up would think it would be a little troublesome but worth it in the end as they get a wish.
But people that have fought in it will tell you a different story. That no one gets a wish, a happy ending. That the grail has a tendency to get corrupted by anything and everything.
And most importantly, no matter how much you try, now matter how many try… the war it creates will always be loud and end in disaster.
And now, another one has started, and unluckily for the Clock Tower there are two teams, which has been confirmed. One team is a known enemy of Clock Tower, wishing to rule from the surface and be above non magus humans.
But luckily for the clock tower they managed to find the people who would make up their team… unluckily for them, they were a bunch of non-magus humans.
Which is ironic considering who they are going up against. But luckily it seemed that they were willing to learn the basics of magecraft and had good magic circuits, far above the average human that they wondered how a prominent family didn't find them before and take them under their wing.
That is until they actually saw magecraft and started complaining.
"Man! What is this shit?! None of this makes any sense!" One of the men there shouted in outrage.
He had orange hair with blue eyes and some stubble on his face, as well as some scars on his arms and body from fights he had gotten into. He was wearing a leather jacket with no sleeves like they had been torn off and a tattoo of a skull with a gun beside it, with a bullet going through the broken skull.
"Just shut up complaining! At least the rest of us are trying to learn. You're distracting us." A woman complained.
She had brown hair with glasses on her face. She was wearing a business suit with a skirt and had a professional look on her face. She was a teacher so she had less time to learn than others but also learned at a faster pace because of how smart she was.
"What girly said, so be quiet before I make you." A middle aged man warned. The red head man just clicked his tongue before just looking at the pages knowing he wasn't going to understand a thing.
The man was bald and had a well built body. He was wearing a grey t-shirt and black cargo trousers. He was in the military and being honest with himself, he couldn't believe this was real- a part of himself still wanted to believe these were just some weird cultists but they had given them proof of magic, or magecraft as they called it.
Two siblings in the corner were talking to each other. "You okay, sis?" The brother asked for the tenth time since they were there. He wasn't so focused on learning this magecraft, although he knew it would be useful. No, he was more focused on making sure his sister was comfortable and didn't get hurt while they were here.
He had black hair and golden eyes that shone with worry and determination to protect. He was wearing a blue jumper and navy trousers while having a cheap watch on his wrist. Although all of his clothes looked cheap in some way, with none of them being in outstanding quality.
His sister just sighed in annoyance, she knew he was overprotective but this was just getting a bit insane at this point. "I'm fine. Just like I told you all the other times." She said in a hushed tone of voice. And her brother backed off for now sensing a deep annoyance towards him growing.
She had blond hair and bright blue eyes. She was wearing a light jacket that was white at the top and black at the bottom while wearing a white t-shirt underneath as well as ripped jeans.
A teenager in the corner kept his head down while biting his lip, putting on a look of concentration as he wrote down some notes from one book to another. He normally didn't focus on anything this much, but this interested him. And he might finally get back what he lost.
He was wearing a black hoodie that he had pulled the hood over his head to give him an extra sense of protection, he also had black trousers on him that were a bit baggy that felt comfortable on him. Underneath everything he had dyed blue hair and green eyes that held a deep sadness in them.
And then sitting in the center of the room was a girl that had bright dyed red hair that was wearing a school uniform.
She was trying her hardest to understand what was infront of her, but some of it just didn't make any sense or was too complicated for her. She would ask for help from some of the people that brought them here but they left a while ago because someone came rushing in.
The doors to the room then opened with a loud bang and everyone in the room jumped a little with the middle aged man going to grab a gun before remembering where he was and putting a shaky hand back on the table.
"Sorry to startle you all like this, but I need you to follow me." A man with shoulder length brown hair said in a Curt tone of voice.
The rest then followed him seeing as he wasn't going to elaborate more and went after him, although some with more reluctance than others.
When they finally caught up to him it was in another room where everyone had something shoved in their hands before being pushed over to what most of them learned or recognised as a magic circle.
"Hey! Don't push her." The brother said protectively as he saw the man go to push his sister. Not wanting to anger someone that could summon someone that could kill him in the future if the teenager gave the order, the man just pointed to where she was to go.
The girl just looked down in embarrassment while glaring at her brother who didn't back down from the glare thinking what he did was right.
The ginger man also elbowed the man who brought them there and scoffed before looking down to see what he was given. "Why the hell did you give me some blue hair?!" He demanded to know as he still held it in his hand, just in case the guy decided to attack him.
"Before that I should introduce myself, I am Lord El-Melloi II. And what you are holding right now is summoning Catalyst." El-Melloi informed them.
"Why are we doing it now?" The girl student asked. "I thought we had more time." She said in a bit of a worrisome voice.
The bald man scoffed before speaking. "What other reason is there to speed up the process. The enemy is ahead of schedule so things have to change." He said to everyone.
"You would be correct." El-Melloi said. "Just put your catalyst in the circle and do the chant." He said in a Curt tone of voice, no longer wanting to waste time.
The rest did as he said, although some more harshly than others.
The bald man had a journal that was locked, it looked old and worn out from time but could still be used if someone had to.
The teacher sighed and put what she had into the circle. She had been given a piece of broken armour that fit in her hands.
The orange haired man put down the blue hair in the circle while wiping his hands.
The school girl put down her catalyst, which was a medal that looked like something you would get in the army.
The sister put down what she had, which was a broken collar that had some burn marks, like something you would put on an animal.
The brother then placed down his. It was a notepad with a list of names on it, he recognised a few of the names, but others he didn't. Some of them were famous people that had a few notes beside them, if they were meant to be about the person then some of the notes were wrong.
And then the teenage boy with the hood on his head placed down his catalyst. His was a mask that was super big, like it went down someone's throat.
Then they all started the chant.
"Let silver and steel be the essence.
Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.
Let Black be the color I pay tribute to."
The man in the room started gathering around them while the man with shoulder length hair watched on. Some of them were getting greater responses than the others.
"Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall.
Let the four cardinal gates close.
Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate."
"Let it be declared now; your flesh shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your sword.
Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail.
Answer, if you would submit to this will and this truth."
"An oath shall be sworn here.
I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven;
I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell."
"From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power,
come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!"
The mana that was building up during this chant then released with a gust of wind as well as a blue glow around the room.
Waver, also known as El-Melloi, watched from the side as he tried to get a level of strength from the servants just by looking at them and the mana they were letting off.
He felt shock for a second before calming down and being a bit relieved. The amount of mana they had was really good, from what he could tell each of them had at least B rank in mana.
"So you're my master." A male voice said in front of the teen with his hood up. "Let's get along." The servant said as he stuck his hand out.
Skylar Price took the servant's hand and shook it.
The servant was around the same height and age as he was, something fairly surprising. He had white hair and grey eyes, he was also kinda pale. He was wearing medieval clothes but they looked to be high quality and he had armour plates on that protected most of him. But the thing that stood out most about him was the mask that covered the lower half of his face and neck.
"So you're the bastard that summoned me. Hopefully you won't die soon, oh maybe I meant that the other way around." A sadistic voice spoke to the orange hair gangster.
"Ha! What are you saying, bastard!" Samuel Baxter retorted rudely.
"You heard what I said you little bitch." The servant spoke again while keeping a stone cold face on, but having a sadistic smirk on it.
The servant was a teenager with pushed back long black hair that is held back by a white headband. He had a line under each of his eyes and was wearing a school uniform.
"As long as I can do what I want, I'll at least tolerate you." A teenager with dark hair and a serious look on his face as he stared down the teacher.
Elisa Young didn't back down from the glare he had on his face. She had some students like him, thinking they've got a deep backstory and he might considering he was a hero and heroes usually don't have nice lives.
"So you're my master, it's nice to meet you." A cheerful female voice spoke to the sister.
"Yes! It's nice to meet you as well." Talia Hunt responded with the same energy.
The servant wasn't human, at least not completely. She was a demi-human with wolf ears and a tail, her hair being a sliver colour with bits of black in it. She was wearing what looked to be semi-modern clothes.
"I'm the caster servant, it's nice to meet you master." Another female servant said.
"It's good to meet you as well, let's get along." The bald man named Diego Baker greeted.
His servant was probably just entreating her twenties but was short. She had blonde hair and blue eyes with simple clothes. She didn't hold any weapon on her but her eyes put Diego off a bit.
"Let's win this war. I just hope you can keep up." The voice of a teenage girl said in a semi-formal tone of voice.
"Yeah, I will try." Amelia Watts responded, her school uniform standing out from the rest of the people in the room.
Her servant had brown hair and green eyes, wearing modern day clothes which was a jumper and some trousers, the jumper being a bit baggy.
While the last pair of servant and master didn't have best first interaction unlike the rest, Ronan Hunt the brother wasn't paying attention to his servant and instead to his sister who was now talking to another pair since two servants knew each other from their lifetimes.
"I know how you feel." The servant said to Ronan and although he didn't turn to him he did pay attention which was accented by a little hum. "I had a sister you know, I would do anything for her, I even killed for her. But something you've gotta ask yourself is this, are you possessive or overprotective? The line is really thin, just make sure you know where you stand."
Ronan thought about it, but didn't answer or dwell on the question for long. It didn't matter what he was, so long as his sister was safe from any harm that could come to her.