
Universe:- Our Dream!!

" Little Star " is how she is known by everyone! The one whose identity is unknown yet known by all. She, is a famous singer, yet confidential. Popularly known as "The one who sings in mask" ! Ajay, owner of " Star ", a music company, well the company with no well name! It still stayed at the position of a start-up company even after 3 years experience! The company with no much recognition, with three years of experiences and a lot of failures! Nearer to the edge of loosing everything, yet never did he lost hope! Story takes a twist, when fate brings this two ending poles from two different worlds with the only connection "music", in the name of a contract! And that's when everything starts to change! A childhood lovestory it is indeed, some secrets, some rudeness, togetherness at the circumstances and the heartfelt love that's hidden and forgotten. Join me, to experience this rollercoaster of love, emotions, and music a language of love, to feel and explore the further story!! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonelysoul · 都市
26 Chs

14. A Stranger But A Friend!

Dhvani sat on the edge of the parapet, letting her small legs swing through the air! This was the other place she liked in this huge castle of her so called father, besides the garden!

Dhruv who was searching for her, was taken aback when he saw her seated at that height! He slowly reached her, looking up! "Are you.....planning to jump off?!"

She was startled a little by the sudden voice that reached, and as she turned her head back she witnessed her brother who always ran behind! God! Again?!

"What can you even do if I really would?" she questioned back.

He said nothing but staring her for a long moment until she turned ahead and he moved over, to climb up the other parapet beside the one she was seated!. His failing attempts bothered her as she tilted towards him, his small body which couldn't help him to climb that up! And even she didn't wish him to! It would be whole of an another mess if something happened to him while trying this and his so called mother will blame her again! She shook her head with a sigh, "Step back!" she said shifting back and jumping off to the balcony ground!

"What is it with you?!" she questioned trying to be calm.

"When you can't come on my way, it is me who should go on your way!"

Her brows raised, "You can speak!!" she pointed!

He sighed, "I ....should! You will be leaving tomorrow..... Dhvani!"

"You don't have to remind me that!"

"But...shall I remind you the reason?!"

He shook his head, his gaze fixed on her, "I want to become your friend atleast! I know you don't accept me as your brother, then atleast someone else! A stranger friend?"

She frowned! He didn't know! She once accepted everything as it is, but....it didn't remain so!

"How would that benefit me?" she questioned instead.

He for the first seemed to think of a better answer, cause this was probably his last chance to have a talk with her, "I may not benefit you as of now, but I promise you that I can and will in future!"

She smirked, he really thought he could benefit her! As though she wanted him to be?!

"Ajith!" she said all of a sudden making a deep frown settle on his face!

"From today, you are not Dhruv to me! You are Ajith, a stranger, but a friend!" she raised her brows reaching her hand out.

He processed at first for a brief moment before smiling and taking her hand! "Thank...you!"

"Now as a friend, leave me alone!" she attempted move out, "I will....stay in touch!"

She smirked, "I doubt it to be!" and just saying that she left crossing him, to pack her bag! He stayed still, even he doubted it, but a hope was still present! He could!! He smiled and followed her down to the stairs!


"Who is.....Ajith?!" Alia's sudden question made him remember his past!

He smiled, "He is my sister's friend!"

She frowned still not understanding, but questioned no more as he again smiled and left the cafe greeting her a bye! She shrugged a bit before continuing to do her work!


"Why....does she wear a mask?!" Choi after maintaining a series of silence spoke up while he still was driving!

"I'll do let you know if she ever says to me!" Ajay said simply who sat behind.

Choi just shrugged at himself, "I mean she is a beauty?!"

Ajay though didn't replied, he did agreed with it! She is a beauty!! He could even say that while she was still on mask! The moment she revealed herself was what only the addition.

At first he was taken aback, why did she? She never did so?! But as he went on observing, she literally was beautiful. Long black and a bit of curly hair reaching down her shoulders, brown eyes. And the beauty spot was the mole, just above the left of her upper-lip, at the corner!

He just appreciated all of it inward while also wondering at the same time! Even he wanted to know of why had she always hid herself under a mask when it wasn't a necessity!

As time passed by, he reached home while Choi went to pick up Sanjay from his University. Ajay waited for his brother to return after having a bathe for himself, so that they could have their meal together.


Dhvani who still wondered if Ajith had recieved his mobile back or not, did nothing but work! She was sitting infront of her laptop from hours and probably couldn't notice that it was evening and will be getting dark soon!

She finally lifted her gaze from the screen when she heard her mobile ringing!


She didn't say anything while he went on explaining himself. about how he lost his mobile, "It's enough...!" she said finally cutting him off with a sigh, letting him catch his breath!

"I have sent you few mails, check them once you are free!" she then added!

And as soon as he agreed she cut off the call. Why does he always speaks so much? Without any need??

While the other way Ajith who sighed and wondered at the same time on why the woman suddenly sent him few mails, opened his laptop, but just for his bad luck, it's battery was dying, no wonder, he used it from the morning! He kept it aside for a while so that it could get charged while he took his mobile, opening his inbox, checking the mails. He frowned, this were the replies she wrote to some of the requests she once recieved, so she wanted him to reply them? All of a sudden?

And as he went on reading, he noticed that she rejected every request as of now stating that she is busy. This wondered him the more, according to her schedule he is having knowledge of, she isn't! He shrugged, asking her would be wasted energy when she wasn't willing to open up.

He then just forwarded those mails to the ones they belonged as he always did and just hoped nothing would become messy as this was the first time she was rejecting everything!

With a sigh Ajith got up, getting out of his room reached the dining table, it was dark now, and his mother and father were already seated.

"We were about to call you! Have your seat Dhruv!" said his mother.

He smiled with a nod and just did so!

He thought they were finally atleast once, eating in silence, but the thought soon got crushed, as his mother spoke again! Again!!

Finish of the silence?!