
Universe:- Our Dream!!

" Little Star " is how she is known by everyone! The one whose identity is unknown yet known by all. She, is a famous singer, yet confidential. Popularly known as "The one who sings in mask" ! Ajay, owner of " Star ", a music company, well the company with no well name! It still stayed at the position of a start-up company even after 3 years experience! The company with no much recognition, with three years of experiences and a lot of failures! Nearer to the edge of loosing everything, yet never did he lost hope! Story takes a twist, when fate brings this two ending poles from two different worlds with the only connection "music", in the name of a contract! And that's when everything starts to change! A childhood lovestory it is indeed, some secrets, some rudeness, togetherness at the circumstances and the heartfelt love that's hidden and forgotten. Join me, to experience this rollercoaster of love, emotions, and music a language of love, to feel and explore the further story!! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonelysoul · 都市
26 Chs

13. Nice Meeting!!

Ajith was walking, crossing the road, reaching the cafe, almost was about to open the door but he got bumped into someone and the things he held in his left hand, his laptop and few papers, fell onto the ground while his hand reached up to massage his forehead, as he hissed in pain, he slowly attempted to look up!

He witnessed a lady who also was seemingly hurt by the thing and was massaging her forehead too and as she looked up, their gaze got locked! And he took a notice of her, his eyes scanned her for a brief moment, noticing some small small things! Black, thick, long hair reaching down her stomach, blue eyes with long eyelashes, and the white shirt with black stripes in alliance with the black jeans. Her hair which got knot as a bun on top but left open below, letting it fall down her shoulders, well, silky hair!

They soon blinked, and crouched at once, "I am sorry!!" said in unison, but soon their heads hit again, and they both hissed in pain again!

"Ouch....!" the lady hissed, Ajith held his head who also hissed in pain, "Sorry!!" they again said in unison! They looked up at each other and smiled which then turned into a laugh!

He rubbed his hand to his forehead, shaking his head with a laugh, "My fault! Sorry! I haven't seen you! I was in hurry!!"

She shook her head, her hand now reaching down to collect the papers that were laid on the ground, "I am sorry too! I was in hurry as well and couldn't notice you!!" she said with a smile, he smiled as well and collected the papers, she handed the rest to him and lifted the laptop! They both raised, she handed him the laptop, he took it with a smile, "Thanks!!"

"Well.... I hope it isn't damaged!" she said with a frown as her gaze settled on the laptop which he held, he followed her gaze then back up to her, "Don't worry! It's a high quality one, it won't be damaged that soon!!" he said with a smile!

She smiled too, "That's a relief!"

He nodded, "I will leave then!" he said, she nodded, "Me too!"

But for their surprise, both stood still, neither of them attempted to make their way back, they frowned at each other, then shrugged with a smile, and at once they both attempted to open the cafe's door in unison, and her hand rested on his which held the door's handle! They both looked at each other in surprise again!

They frowned, and then both of their other hands raised, she pointing her index finger towards the entrance, "Cafeteria?!" they questioned in unison again!

A smile, and they again laughed shaking their heads, she withdrew her hand, and he opened the door and waved his hand in gesture, "Please!" he said as if welcoming her! They both didn't stopped smiling until they entered in!

"Hi! I am Alia!!" she said helding her hand out, he smiled and took it, "Dhruv!!" he said!

"Nice to meet you" she said with a smile, "Me too!" he replied with a smile as they shoke their hands!

When they withdrew their hands, they still kept looking each other, "Uhm... coffee?!" "Coffee?" they questioned again in unison!

He chuckled with a laugh while she shoke her head waving off her hand with a laugh! She chuckled.

"I am part-time worker here!" said Alia then answering him, he nodded, "Please be seated, I will serve you!" she suggested, he smiled, nodded and took a seat! She left him, getting into the kitchen before greeting the owner who was seated at the counter!

He as she left, took out his mobile, placed it on the table, while also placing everything in his hand on the table, he turned on the laptop, and started to type something referring to the papers in his hand. And slowly he got busy!

Alia who was reaching him with a tray then noticed him, who was seemingly busy in work! Black silky hair, white in-shirt, black jeans, light brown coat, long enough reaching down his knees! Pink lips and a mole on the nose! Handsome! She shook her head and reached him, "Your coffee Mr.Dhruv!!" she said placing it on the table.

Ajith looked up at her, with a smile, "Thank you!!" he gave her a nod while noticing that she now wore an apron! He chuckled, she looked cute in that especially with that hairstyle!

And then she left and he downed his head, both getting busy in their own works!


Dhvani got to home, it was getting noon! She had few works so she got up fresh and started doing the work! Preparing some mails and all! It was noon now and suddenly the bell ringed, she halted! Who could it be?

She with a sigh, got up from the couch keeping everything aside and went to open the door! And when she did, Ajay was standing with a box wrapped up with a neat gift paper in hand! She frowned! "Why are you here?"

He smiled, "Every team member has this! So you should have this too!!" he handed her the box and she actually had took it! "What's it??" she questioned. He shrugged, "You can see it yourself! It's yours now!!" he said. They stared each other, she who held the box in silence suddenly cleared her voice, "It.... isn't gonna be easy!!" he frowned, "For you!!" she added! His brows raised in realisation that she was speaking about the contract!

He smiled again, "I will not be alone!!" and now he smirked! Her brows raised this time! "Well I need to go! See you tomorrow!!" he smiled and turned to leave, and that's when she saw the old man, who always was with him whenever she saw him! He stood near the car! As she glanced at him, he gave a nod with a smile, and she gasped when she suddenly realised that she wasn't wearing the mask!! Her eyes widened, but....the man didn't show any change of expressions?! She soon shut the door with a bang, making Ajay turn back for a brief moment, until he shoke his head and left!

While Dhvani almost was about to throw the box away, but she didn't and breathed heavily! God! She didn't have any problem of him, but the man, she always wore a mask when she met him!!

She shook her head and a chuckle followed!! Who cares?

If it somehow affects her private life, they would be facing consequences!

She waved off the thought, and reaching the couch again, she unboxed the thing in her hand and when she did, she saw a T-shirt! 'Star' it was written at the back of the shirt, in huge letters with purple sparkling font while the whole t-shirt was white! She liked it! But without thinking much she put the thing back into the box and got seated, with a sigh!

And her thoughts drifted to him! She rested her head with a sigh again, "It's really disturbing! Don't you remember me or are you pretending not to??!"

She shook her head, leaning forward, she took out her mobile, and called Ajith! To her surprise, he wasn't the one who lifted the call!


Ajith completed the work and finally he leaned back to the chair resting his head too, with a sigh, and streched his arms! In the mean time of work he had had more than two cups of coffee and Alia served it with just a smile and a shook! When he was done, he closed everything and put in the bag he carried to here, and placing the money over the table, he looked up for Alia! He witnessed her serving some other customer, and again she was smiling! He shook his head, she was good with customers perhaps!! Thinking of not to disturb her, he left the cafe!

Alia who now was about to go to the kitchen side, tilted her head to see him but he was no where, she frowned and reached the table, taking the bill! He left just like that?!

She shrugged, but it was a nice meeting!! She smiled and almost moved away from there but stopped when she heard the ringing sound of a mobile, when she turned back, she saw the mobile ringing and was vibrating! It was about to fall off the table but she caught in on time, and a sigh of relief escaped her mouth!

She saw the name, "Dhvani" But should she lift it?! She looked outside, was he still there?! If yes, can she catch up with him?? She sighed deciding to lift the call, "Hello!" she spoke nervously!

"Who is this??" a female voice spoke up!

She then hesitated but said out everything that happened, the man forgetting his mobile in the cafe and she having it now! "It's alright! If you could give this to Ajith, then say him to call me back! I have something to discuss with him!!" and just saying that the woman cut it off!

She frowned, "Alright?"

"But....who is Ajith??!"

And soon Ajith came in, in a hurry, when he looked her holding his mobile, he sighed in relief. "I thought I lost it!"

She smiled, "You didn't!!" she then held it out to him, and he took it!

"You recieved a call, from someone named Dhvani!"

He looked up and then nodded, "Thank you!" he said with a smile!

"May I ask you something?!"

He frowned, "Go ahead!!"

She hesitated, but then cleared her voice, "Who is Ajith?", he almost smiled which she didn't quite notice, "I mean you are Dhruv! Right?" she added. "The person....in the call named you....Ajith!" she explained.

"Who is.....Ajith?!"