
Chapter 20

(Fenrir Pov)

The days since school started had been… boring, to say the least. Jumping between classes, learning absolutely nothing, not simply because they taught little as the students adjusted to their new setting, but by proxy of me having already learned absolutely everything that every curriculum could teach me long before my arrival in this hellhole.

The fact that I had begun to anticipate Bakugo's continuous attempts to undermine my superiority in a vain attempt to feed his immense ego and stifle his pathetic inferiority complex was a testament to how truly tiresome this loathsome establishment was, my only true reprieve being the presence of Nier, the occasional ever so slightly stimulating event, the frankly superb food offered by lunch rush, or simply ignoring the pointless lessons in favor of reading a book. Luckily enough for my continued sanity, most of my teachers had given up one interfering with said behavior after I proved my knowledge a few times, the fact I was not here for learning, was by now an open secret.

The last truly entertaining event was the riot after said introduction test, when a certain purple degenerate decided that he was far too special to be removed from the class, throwing a fit worthy of a high level Karen. Leaning so far into the role he even emulated their penchant for attacking others when things do not go their way, by attempting to assault the nearest girl to him -Momo, poor girl, he chose the wrong target.- the moment he realized he would in fact, not be getting out of this situation.

I must say, how truly brainless he must have been to not only turn a mere class change into a full blown legal case, but build up multiple criminal charges in the process, and attack a young women who not only had a quirk with the means of defending herself, but had a bit -if not minor- of combat training as a result of her rich upbringing, and was the heir of a family with quite a few impressive lawyers behind them, was absolutely rich.

The fact that he just so happened to have slightly elevated levels of adrenaline, testosterone, Norepinephrine, cortisol, and other reason inhibiting chemicals within his system during his trial leading to a few outbursts, some particularly nasty sexist and derogatory comments, and a multitude of complaints and records, both minor and major, from his past coming to light at a convenient time, was truly an unfortunate series of events.

Needless to say, no one will be seeing him for a while, and lets just say moving into a new neighborhood will be quite the awkward affair, and i'm sure parents will conveniently tell their children to be wary of the strange man that looks like a toddler despite his age who just so happens to have a history of unsavory behavior.

I might have maybe felt bad if I was normal, or if he wasn't so truly disgusting, but neither case is true, so I felt nothing for the poor boy, in fact, I felt quite satisfied, maybe I was a bit of a sadist?

Well no matter, as I tore my focus from my book and monologue, my processing of the world once again speeding up to my normal capabilities as I was no longer attempting to draw out the duration of my novel, as the sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the distance, my senses completely unobstructed by my earphones playing some neutral music, as well as the closed, soundproof door and walls of the classroom, as said entrance swung open slowly, and a bright, infinitely positive, -and incredibly grating- voice filtered through the open gap, a pair of shining golden tufts of hair poking through the door, as a brightly smiling man, taller than myself -quite the impressive feat- sporting a body that would put Arnold Schwarzenegger's peak to shame, suddenly bursting through the door frame, his chest puffed out as he leaned forward, his body supported by holding the door frame on either side. As he yelled out one of the most contradicting sentences imaginable relevant to their current actions.


…total silence, and for a brief moment I thought that maybe, just maybe, my classmates were just perhaps, maybe, actually normal for once, before my hopes were instantly dashed as the class erupted, the shear amount of adulation wafting through the air was so intense, it was almost tangible, as I felt myself shrink in disgust, the worship in many of these loathsome teens so prevalent, I nearly mistook them for the most severe of religious fanatics, as my ears flattened against my head, and I resisted the urge to kill everyone around me.

(An: I bet you all thought this novel was dropped, bet you feel dumb now huh? Anyway, sorry for being gone for so long, I got covid, a pretty serious case too, in fact, this was the first time I have ever gotten covid -That we know of- throughout the entire pandemic, and I was pretty much indisposed for quite a while, but while that is true, it is also kind of an excuse, the truth is that I've been quite depressed for a while, on top of my covid of course, and have been incredibly lazy, and all around unmotivated. So yeah, sorry for being gone for so long, I will -hopefully- be returning to more consistent uploads, so expect that. Gute Nacht Mein Lieblings.)
