
unexpected Love in all forms

" Time to fullfill our obligations Mrs. Larson" a hot steamy kiss followed...... After being betrayed by her boyfriend with her friend, Maya lost hope In love. Meanwhile the handsome and sexy billionaire never had time for love ..only work What happens when their parents who happens to be old time friends put them up for an arranged marriage..... ONLY ONE WAY TO KNOW.......

Mwamikazi_Kelia · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 2: Running into each other

At exactly 3pm Maya set off for the airport to pick up her older brother. She had made plans with her best friend Amelia for the evening, and she would meet her at the Brown's mansion.

When she got to the airport, Maya waited for thirty minutes before she could see her brother, Noah Brown.

" Noah, here." Maya waved at her brother

"Oh sis, there you are," Noah hugged her.

"How was your flight?"

"Fine, I sleeped most of the time on the way,"

They went back to the parking lot and drove away with her brother talking about his business trip. He was the heir to Brown's pharmaceutical, and he had to prove that he was qualified for it. He was working his way up the ranks.

When they got at Brown's mansion, Avery was already waiting for her in the living room.

"Amy, you are here too. Did you miss me?"

"Where do you even get that confidence? Why would I miss you? " Amelia continued to bicker with Noah while Maya went to change her clothes for her girl's night out with Avery.

"Noah, we are going out. Mom will come back in a while, and I'll also come back like after five hours, so just do whatever you want but don't cause trouble. "

"OK, have fun, sis. Please be safe."

"OK, byeee."


Kai reached the WD club where he had an appointment with his friends. The security let him pass through without questions as they knew who he was. They actually didn't know his real identity. They just knew he was one of the friend's group of their boss, Mr. Wilfred.

He went directly for their private room and the second floor. Inside were his three friends, Ryan Hudson whose family owned tens of hotels and was fith richest in the capital, Myles Walter whose family was in the construction field and fourth richest in the capital, Aiden Wilfred who owned an entertainment company and third richest in the capital and scarlett Hudson, an A lister model. She was Ryan's sister and had grown up with them.

" kai brother, you finally got time in your busy schedule for us," ryan said sarcastically.

"I thought he had forgotten about us," myles added

"Kai, welcome back," scarlett said shyly.

"Ummm," Kai responded, uninterested, sat down, and poured himself some wine.


After their shopping spree, Maya and Amelia went to the WD club to blow off some steam. It was the first ranking club in the capital and hence was frequented with many young masters of the rich families.

They sat at the counter on the first floor and ordered some martinis to spice things up. A man came and sat near Maya, sizing her up. He was captivated by her beauty. She was basically a goodess.

Maya saw the man sizing her and ignored him, but the man had other plans. He approached. "Hey beauty, am London. What's your name? How about I buy a drink"

Maya looked at him and replied politely, " No thanks."

The man thought she was playing hard to get and got bolder. He touched her arm, smiling pervetly.

Maya got annoyed and shook off his arm, which irritated the man.

" Why are you playing hard to get. You are all just whores who come to rip men off their money, stop playing the innocent card" the man got mad.

He tried touching her again and before his hand could touch her again, another hand took his hand and shobed it away.

The man got mad and turned around furiously ready to beat whoever got the nerve to stop him,

Before he could a word out, he was dumbfounded,

"M.M M.M.MMr. Larson...." he stuttered on his words. The only reason he knew him was because he had done some business with his company and managed to get a glimpse of him when he went to the company the day kai returned.

"Get out" Kai said coldly.

He had been looking down from the window on the second floor when he saw Maya and her friend on the counter. The man had come and stared at Maya before harassing her and he didn't know when he got here but he couldn't stand still.

"Y-y-yes of cause, excuse me Mr. Larson I dint know she was yours. Please forgive me" the man scurried off before he lost his hand.

Maya looked at Kai expressionlessly " thank you."

Kai looked at her for a moment " let me drive you back home."

"It's OK, I drove here." Maya replied.

"I insist, the driver will take it your house after."

Maya deliberated over it for a moment " fine, Am slightly drunk anyway." She got up with her friend and followed kai to his car.

"Who is that girl" myles asked after seeing kai walking out with her after helping her from the window on the second floor where they had gone to stand to see what was happening after seeing kai going down hurriedly.

"Maya Brown. The current candidate to become Mrs.Larson" aiden replied

"What? Since when was there a candidate, " scarlett asked, surprised.

" since yesterday. After this, I can certainly say it is not gonna be long before they get married. " aiden laughed and returned to his seat.

Frustration showed on scarlett's face after hearing what he said. She had had a crush on kai since they were kids and kept it to herself since he was always busy. She had thought that since he now seemed to have made up his mind to take over the company, he would now have time for her, but it seems like someone was trying to mess up her plans..


" The driver will take her home," kai said when they reached his car, and before Maya could reply to that, Amelia beat her to it. " OK, see you next time, maya. Call me when you get home." After which she entered maya's car with kai's driver and drove off.

In the end, maya went with kai. The silence in the car made it awkward.

"What do you think?" Kai breaked the silence.

" uhmm, about what?"

"Us getting married."

Maya went silent. She didn't think he was serious back then. She had thought he didn't do it as a way to get out at that moment. " What do you mean by that. Of course, it's inappropriate getting married when we don't even know each other."

" I don't find it to be a problem," kai said calmly.

What did he mean by that? They barely knew each other except for each others name.

"We can go to like five dates and get married after"

"Why do you even want to marry me? You know nothing about me."

"That's why I suggested the five dates,"

Maya didn't know what to say. He was making it seem like it was easy while it was so complicated for her. Though she didn't believe in love anymore, it didn't mean that she could just marry someone she didn't even know about.

As maya got lost in her thoughts, the car slowly approached the Brown's mansion.

"I assure you that you won't regret it,"

Maya looked at him quietly, " Give me some time to think about it."

" As you wish," kai got out, walked to the passenger side of the car, and opened the door for her.

"Thank you." maya got out and entered the gates.

After confirming that she had gotten in safely, kai drove off into the darkness of the night.