
Wedding preparations

Singtan frowned and said," Stop making that face." 

" Just admit it Singtan." Yutang said.

" Admit what?" Singtan asked.

Yutang chuckled and said," That you are a coward when it comes to women."

" Shut up." Singtan said.

" Dada let's go, I want that doll house and Ming wants it too." Yumi shouted.

" You want to buy toys first?" Singtan asked.

Yumi nodded her head and said," Yes, I want to buy that dollhouse first."

" Dada even I want that new video game and a new robotic car." Zian said.

Singtan smiled and said," Alright, let's get toys for you all first." 

" Uncle Singtan I want a drone." Ben said.

Mike raised his eyebrows and asked," Drone? That is very difficult to control." 

" I will learn." Ben said.

Singtan nodded his head and said," Alright, you can buy whatever you want. And Ben, I'll teach you how to control it later."


Li mansion.
