
Under the starry night

* No rape Diana Hunt beloved daughter of Mafia king in Chicago. Her perents send her to New York at the age of 10 to protect her from their tragic Mafia life and to give their beloved daughter a peaceful and normal life. After staying away from her family for 10 years Dany return home to reunite with her loved ones. But on the day of Dany's 20th birthday a tragedy falls upon her family. Their enemy gangster group attack them. Her family died in the hand of their enemy. Her two elder brothers loss their life to save Dany and her little brother. After losing her family and left with responcibility of her clan and 12 year old little brother Dany deside to take revenge. To make sure she make her enemy left with nothing and to rule all over underground world she start to unite small group and make her clan stronger. Leonard Marshall leader of small mobster group. His main business is trafficking of firearms and army weapons. He joined hands with Dany to help her in her revange. will Dany and Leo will be able to take revenge? what after that ? Why leo wants to help Dany without anything in return?? Is leo only a small mobster or there is more to their story ? ### The cover photo is not mine. credit goes to original creater. If the owner wants to remove it , I will remove it.

Dream_blue98 · 都市
4 Chs



At the campus of New York University students where running here and there. Today was the last day of final year students and all of them where bidding good by to each other.

" Oh my baby I'm going to miss you dear what should I do" yell black hair asian girl to blonde hair girl. " Oh please Nisha you never miss me ones you return your hindustan alright" reply other girl. " You hurt me Dany. who says I don't mess you. of course I'm gonna miss to death"

" yaa... yaaa.. I believe you." answer Dany. " Ohh yes did you informed your family about your return? what about your flight did you check details? And your luggage and other things?" ask Nisha non-stop.

" Yes my mother hen I have check everything and all the things are done don't worry " reply Dany with huge sigh. " Now I just need to call at home to pic me up tomorrow"

" Ok you go and make a call and I go to perches something to eat. dogs are jumping in my tummy " Nisha give her pitiful look.

Surpassing her laughter Dany dial call after three rings call went through. A small childish voice rang from the other end " Hello sis " by the tone Dany can tell how much excited the other person was right now.

" Hey my baby Liam. How are you?" beamed Dany. " Now that you call I'm awesome" comes reply. " Ohh so please hold your excitement a little because I have something more exciting to to tell you" grinned Dany

" Really tell me .. tell me quickly"

" I'm returning home tomorrow by morning flight." Dany speak unhurriedly

" woahhhhh that's a big news yeyyyyyyyyy you are finally comming back " explode the other side with excitement. " Calm down first and listen. I have send my flight details to you don't forget to pic me up and inform papa and mama I've to go now see you tomorrow"

" sure sure byy by see you soon" with that call ended.


" Mama ….mama" a little boy around the age of 12 came running in to the big hall. The boy had brown hair and fair skin aquire from his mother. His face round and body chubby. But the most attractive part of his face was two cute dimples. Instantly visible when he smiles and make his whole Persona cute and sunny.

Zoey Parker and Noah Hunt where discussing some work related matters. Zoey and Noah have 4 children Ethan, Edward , Diana and little Liam. Noah is a leader of Mafia in California. A man who can make the whole city upside down only by gesture of his finger.

He control underground business of entire region. With huge network and infinite welth there is nothing that he can not achieve. They live in best are of city in largest property with all the luxurious and advanced facilities.

" Calm down little pig , what are you running for? " Joke their second son Edward. " I'm not a pig " Retort Liam with angry face.

" Yess ..yes.. you are not a pig, after all the way you are gaining weight you are about to turn in to small whale." Teas Edward. " Don't teas him Edd" chide Ethan.

This little banter catch attention of Zoey and Noah. " What happened Liam" ask Zoey. Remembering what he came for Liam start to jump with joy." Ma.. pa.. I just received call from Dany. She is coming back tomorrow in morning flight." Inform Liam happily. " ohh my lovely sister is coming back home" beamed Edward.

" What she's returning tomorrow? Isn't it suppose to be after one week? Why so sudden?." Question Ethan. " Oh big brother of course she wants to give us shock like always." Speak Edward. the news shock everyone in the room.

" Oh my what should I do? We didn't prepare anything . Her room designing is steel half way, I have to tell kitchen to prepare her favourite food , and buy her clothes, shoes ohh god how can we arrange this in short time ?" panicked Zoey.

" calm down dear I will inform workers to finish decoration of her room by tomorrow morning. And you can call designers to send clothes and other thing we choose before to deliver at home." After hearing that his beloved daughter is coming back home after 10 years Noah have rare gentle smile on his face. " Yes.. yes we'll do that. I have to prepare many things, come Edd, Liam help mama" with that three of them left the hall in hurry.

After three of them left the room Noah's face become serious. After contemplating for a while he speak " Ethan go with Isaac and select our best twenty men to escort her from airport tomorrow. And also check the surveillance around our house perameter and inside ,and also check other security system too" order Noah.

" Yes father " answer Ethan. He didn't speak much but he knows that there is something bothering his father. When it comes to Diana he always react more cautiously which is little odd for Ethan. But he also love Dany very much like his parents so he didn't think too much about that and left the room to make the security arrangements.

***. ***

At night in a large bedroom Noah was sitting on a couch. With small push on the door Zoey enter with tray in hand. " You forget to take your medicine dear" speak Zoey.

" Ahhh... my bad. may be I'm getting old forgetting thing often." reply Noah with soft chuckle. Zoey put the tray on bed side table and take sit with him on bed. " I know dear you are worried but ignoring your health won't make it any better will it? " Zoey take his hand in hers.

Noah glance at his wife. she is already 49 year old but no one can tell that from her face. she still look in her thirties. White smooth skin, well defined facial features and beautiful curvy figure. Four deliveries didn't affect her figure at all.

Their four kids have acquired their mothers features. all off them have her blonde hair and brown eyes except Dany. Dany have beautiful blue eyes like a deep ocean.

" I know I'm may be overreacting but the fear in my heart won't go away" sigh Noah " ohk don't wary now and let's sleep ok " she handed him medicine and after they both went to sleep


Hello everyone this is my first book. I thought it will be easy to write a book but now when at its I finally realised it's not. Still trying hard to create something. please support my work and also give suggestions related to this Book Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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