
Chapter 86

Startled by the princess's sudden appearance, Maxi was about to flinch back when she managed to stop herself. She did not want to offend the princess.

"N-No… Your Highness."

"Now that I think about it, you've never visited Drachium Palace, have you? I seem to recall your sister visiting every year though… Do you not like the capital, Maximilian?"

Unsettled by the direction of the conversation, Maxi broke out in a cold sweat.

"I-I was not… fond of traveling…"

"Even so, you must come visit the capital with Sir Riftan someday. If you do, I would gladly show you around."

Before Maxi could say anything, Riftan brusquely cut in.

"We thank you for the invitation, Your Highness, but my wife is not strong enough to handle such a long journey."
