
Chapter 56

Ruth picked up the book at the top of the pile and raised an eyebrow.

Looking unsure of herself, Maxi mumbled a reply. "W-What happened a few days ago could h-happen again, so I th-thought I would p-prepare myself…"

Maxi waited for Ruth's reaction, certain that he would scoff at her. But to her surprise, his face broke into a bright smile.

"A commendable effort." He sounded as if he were complimenting a small child. "Did you start studying yesterday? Let me take a look."

He walked over to sit down in the seat across from her, and before she could consent, he gathered the heap of parchment in his hands. Maxi glowered at him. She swore to herself that she would one day chastise him for touching a lady's possessions without her permission.

"You are literate in the ancient tongue?" Ruth looked surprised.

"I-I learned it w-when I was young."
