
Chapter 145

The troll ambush had delayed their march, and it was dusk by the time the campaign party stopped to set up camp.

The knights patrolled the area with torches while the female clerics tended to the wounded. After being forced to march with their injuries, most of the men were in a terrible state.

Maxi went to the spring to collect water with Idsilla to boil restorative herbs. When they had distributed the remedy to all the injured, they helped the other female clerics with the dinner preparations. Though Maxi was on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion, the women were not given a moment's rest. They were only able to gather to have the remainder of the bread and watery soup after they had served the men their meals.

This arrangement did not seem unjust to Maxi. After all, the soldiers risked their lives to protect them. It was also the women's job to bolster the army's strength so they would always be ready to face an emergency.
